Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: That's the limit: Steadycam for iPhone - Tiffen Smoothee
Antwort von rush:

sigh ... Now listen to this apple-delusion never? :)
naja ... Who's consumption * g *
Antwort von KrischanDO:

I bet: The 3D version, with the man 2 iPhones may be mounted side by side, is almost here ...
Antwort von Macaroni:

Shall I get me in any case.
This thing will cost under $ 100, a few changes to make it safe synonymous for a 500g camcorder useful ... and of the Tiffen ^ ^
Antwort von

I'm not on my phoe i ne app even when you view from 2 angles can make pictures which are then automatically matched to nem 3d foto.
bullshit for what it is ...