Frage von B.DeKid:
Can we do something or is already under the defamation?
So I have to laugh all right, how can a party to such a "Schmarn" incident.
That's Viral Advertising at the highest level questionable.
What do you think?
My father was rather shocked and even compared it with the then Nazi advertising against Jews.
Many Comments on other news sites seem to be because of different opinions.
I would be glad if the discussion is not politically motivated would take place here, thanks.
I learned to drum what is rather than the creative here so kept as a kind of advertising.
B. DeKid
Youtube link to the spot
Antwort von Rolf Hankel:

Well, yes, what is one of the other CSU expect synonymous
If run out of substantive arguments, one tries to stop it
the waistline
But that is, the closer any choice moves are even more stark
Regards Rolf ...
Antwort von pilskopf:

Full post what party you s.dem yes again noted. Thus, at issue is not with political opponents, perhaps in the Third Reich. Displays the CSU at least their true face with something.
Antwort von Funque:

after I read the first post did, I would have expected that more visual ... But what was spoken or sung I find rather silly, but maybe something is after 3 in a round of mass and CSU party s.als better friends with me with an empty head.
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

Sure, the spot is quite hard, but then again to open the Pooh-Nazi corner is then still a bit green to .. ääh ;-)
And relating to when the arguments start, then something - tangible orientation is secondary in politics GENERAL. Running but in only one. is whether I like them written somewhere else - - If you stop watching what the other side are people such as Roland Koch and some gentlemen of the FDP had to be thrown s.den head, take in dealing generally not much.
Over the tone has surprised me that she's even try to on the viral rail.
Antwort von domain:

With various opinion-makers, for example in the striker against the Jews can not compare at all so, for almost simultaneously came to be synonymous, the first prohibitions and much worse. These were then truly existential drastic measures and even death in the gas chambers.
The mouth and defame our plays widths not really matter, if not actually threatening actions follow thereafter. Comparison Everyone in this regard may relate in any way to the Nazi regime.
But this video is so stupidly designed that eliminates the need for any further discussions. Must have election mood prevailing in Bavaria, there is the strangest gaffe ...
Antwort von mann:
That's Viral Advertising at the highest level questionable. I'm not Bavarian, but would probably say the clip: a Schmarr'n.
Rarely such unimaginative and infantile stuff seen.
For the rest of the term "viral advertising" is so flattered well. This spot is synonymous her nothing, what you could talk longer than 30 seconds.
Distracted synonymous only s.of the semi-criminal activities of the CSU Men Beckstein, Huber and consorts:
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Sure, the spot is quite hard, but then again to open the Pooh-Nazi corner is then still a bit green to .. ääh ;-)
.... Well yes I brought my father with one it somehow reminded s.die former advertising posters of the Nazi - my Dad is not synonymous green I would even say such a right, yet somehow I guess he chose CDU years.
I was surprised but hold it he compared the style with former campaigns. This I just wanted to express.
My Dad I am now sometimes as outsider observers of the advertising and viral marketing rather not much understood or dealt with it.
So I wanted to not move into any corners, but containing only intressiere me of how you look at it, and if you do it that way or whether it may have ne corner too hard.
In the U.S., so the "take down" of another product in the advertising already rather well known in Germany one can thus not advertise.
Example, old Pepsi vs. Cola
If it comes here so synonymous only to the "Can we or should not - do it this way" question.
Of efficiency, it is indeed remarkable, because enough people will see it and talk about it, if reached first goal.
Whether that voters might be lost or won another matter.
Konkrett asked - are there in D-land laws which prohibit one other products (in the case of parties) in negative advertising display?
B. DeKid
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

@ Billy: The Union generally has the problem that it has lost massive s.Stammwählerschaft, miss contour was synonymous and they probably try to win so again.
And yes, it's viral, we are talking about it just about synonymous. And no, I think the spot synonymous not good. Well, not really.
Antwort von domain:

I'd put it as DeKid that your dad really only a very small (ie from traditional lore) has idea about the Nazi regime. When he is born?
Antwort von rush:

So just from a creative perspective, I find the spot rather lame ... A wobbly stick figure and a rather lean to the Music matching text.
No idea who is to be addressed with it - I reached the spot in any event - since neither funny nor particularly rich. And this has nothing to do with one of the two parties.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Domain
Sure my dad do not really know of - He took this only as a Comparison - comes here but not at all.
* Comparison is far away but not really, I find sometimes there was so synonymous highly polarized, where I now s.gelerntes / seen remember *
My dad will be somewhere plus or minus your age
B. DeKid
Antwort von nicecam:
In the U.S., so the "take down" of another product in the advertising already rather well known in Germany one can thus not advertise.
Example, old Pepsi vs. Cola
So, I mean, both spots not be compared. The Pepsi / Coke commercial, I find even a bit amusing. Moreover, the people behind the corporations do not live or tangible.
The child knows anyway what it does.
In the anti-Green-white spot of the singers are very good. Anonymous and there is nothing from synonymous. It aims not only to the party as an organization, but it is true I think so actually the people.
In other words, from the drinks spot I can not imagine that someone responds personally affected. From Anti-Green-Spot, I can imagine this very well.
My opinion: bonos mores. Whether it's the other hand, is a law, I do not know. I doubt it, if that were to settle even under sedition, I do not think so. There are so synonymous no person named.
Well, this will still go through under freedom of speech ...
Antwort von nicecam:

@ Domain
My dad will be somewhere plus or minus your age :-)
Antwort von domain:

Sure my dad do not really know of - He took this only as a Comparison
Clear: Resist the beginnings. But the spiritual background of the Nazis was one of the outset to actual destruction of the Jews aligned so that everyone today seems to Comparison just ridiculous and proves that someone has not really engaged with the story.
Moan and complain you can always, the crucial step (and cut) is then converted into specific measures that threaten the very real progress and the existence of a group of really solid, to disposal.
Antwort von domain:

My dad will be somewhere plus or minus your age
:-) I think Billy the child is even younger than my son, so like him ever priori quite happy :-)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Sure my dad do not really know of - He took this only as a Comparison
Clear: Resist the beginnings. .... and proves that someone has not really engaged with the story.
..... Well Dad wanted to study archeology and history, which is synonymous so really his hobby and so synonymous looks out his library, so I think he has NEN bissel idea ;-)
I think he was referring more to the style (that is, the typical cartoon / comic style) then the propaganda posters were so - this should probably know everyone.
The intentional destruction of the countryside here is not the will is clear.
I think it is already Indeterminate "Autonomous stone throwers" with the Greens almost throw in a pot.
That's why I asked if indeed this clip smacks s.diffamierung - (You can say so if you deliberately make others bad, right?)
So I am actually more interested in the opinion of those here today bezgl how far should we go for advertising.
I mean what was brought out for posters for the Swiss since the mosque / minaret ban so synonymous already borderline!
Just like the call to "gravel" of the waste transport is relatively Indeterminate / was.
PETA may also actions are so often synonymous Indeterminate or Greenpeace KitKat promotional clip was so synonymous
such a clip deer certainly considered Indeterminate.
Antwort von domain:

What possibly more in the direction of unfair propaganda. Of course, the boundaries are blurred, but a strong democracy, is based on the Basic Law, with all extreme deviants are done fairly quickly, and at that time already synonymous with the RAF Helmut Schmid. If yes, thank God a chance these idiots in their fanciful delusions.
So it is synonymous endure the extreme ultra-right Teaparty supporters within the Republican Party in the U.S., but a potential killer from this group, as the assassin is on Gabrielle Gifford always exist. But their actions are completely counterproductive effect that is basically exactly the opposite of their intentions.
But this is the video of the CSU volksdümmliche probably still far away, need excite no one, that's a May-brise in Comparison to a storm.
Antwort von r.p.television:

I can not see the spot just because my Flash player spins on the notebook.
But in general: In politics, all the same. I can still s.die but very loose level propaganda of the SPD remember in the '90s: "The fat has to go" - Or was it the green?
Each hangs his flag in the wind.
Antwort von DWUA:
... need excite no one, that's a Schasse brise-in Comparison to a storm. Bjorn, it's just a booger s.der nose can happen to anyone.
The "small 1x1":
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
(Particularly spirited)
Part 4
Part 5
The thing is 12 years old.
Antwort von Gabriel_Natas:

Konkrett asked - are there in D-land laws which prohibit one other products (in the case of parties) in negative advertising display?
B. DeKid As far as I am right in my head: Yes.
There is a ban.
Therefore there are in D only detergents which are compared with conventional detergents and not with those of others.
Therefore, all just to advertise how great their product is and not how bad the products of others (as in the U.S.).
Antwort von Gabriel_Natas:
In the U.S., so the "take down" of another product in the advertising already rather well known in Germany one can thus not advertise.
Example, old Pepsi vs. Cola
So, I mean, both spots not be compared. The Pepsi / Coke commercial, I find even a bit amusing. Moreover, the people behind the corporations do not live or tangible.
The child knows anyway what it does.
In the anti-Green-white spot of the singers are very good. Anonymous and there is nothing from synonymous. It aims not only to the party as an organization, but it is true I think so actually the people.
In other words, from the drinks spot I can not imagine that someone responds personally affected. From Anti-Green-Spot, I can imagine this very well.
My opinion: bonos mores. Whether it's the other hand, is a law, I do not know. I doubt it, if that were to settle even under sedition, I do not think so. There are so synonymous no person named.
Well, this will still go through under freedom of speech ... Well, most of the Pepsi / Cola's all about, that the protagonist of advertising for one of the two varieties decides to do without the other bad.
In the CSU Spot the Greens are called stupid and Krawallbrüder ... .
A primitive stupid commercial that believes only people to choose CSU, would they choose anyway. All others are vll and even moral CSU members themselves, however, whether this primitive you do not cross at the CSU, even if they have previously been playing with the idea.
Antwort von meawk:

And - what?
The Greens are currently "in" - they are against everything, as the large majority of Germans synonymous. In this respect, the spot is all right. The CSU he will help, not synonymous, since the voters - the demented masses - it does not check anyway: see the 16% for the party played in the last federal election. Saublöde the masses and your protest vote (FDP voters of the last...) It screw up again anyway. God forbid that the Greens actually have more influence. Then it soon really nothing more, but that is actually synonymous good - right?
We need the "meltdown" - without this, or even the final solution of a "comet" is not anyway. I'm ready for the comet. . .
Have heard that the final announcement of a comet hit the mass market the day before nor their money in banks trying to raise their car park s.einem "safe" place, rather than once again to enjoy final or something. . .
So - dear fellow citizens elect the Greens - the comet comes anyway, either unaffordable or even chaos finally final. Both are "green"!
Antwort von DWUA:
... - The comet comes anyway, either in the priceless Chaos
final or even final .. If you tell us then which of which own a few recordings, and links
show you could?
Thank you in advance!
Antwort von ennui:

Yes mei, the CSU needs containing more Yes-men in their beer tents. Runs so synonymous everything so well, as you would like to join the same union boy sing, and:
The way here
times is an example of a somewhat more successful (and more intelligent) political viral video.
Antwort von iMac27_edmedia:

This is both the JU of the CDU, the CSU is at a huge difference!
Bayern <-> "and the rest of the world"
And that's the reality in the CSU-election campaign - s.wenn RUNS
The Prime Minister appears (he always said ministers present!) sowas wenn der Stoiber kommt - ja ja ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ DID thanks for the links I'm thick me smile now all views.
@ Meawk naja Come or not there's still nen bissel ;-) ;-)
Ennui @ RAP News is always funny anyway.
@ Gabriel_Natas Thank you for the link that is mal ne Info is indeed something in it.
Why you can sue, but a forum where members of a negative to corporate express myself in most situations umbedingt not really clear. Is probably depending on how and what we formulated and therefore be considered in context.
B. DeKid