Newsmeldung von slashCAM:The DV Rebel's Guide of heidi - 25 Apr 2007 15:22:00 > The subtitles "An ALL-DIGITAL Approach to Making Killer Action Movies on the CHEAP" sounds very sensational, but promises exceptionally really not too much ...
full article
Antwort von Bernd E.:

Addition, there are two links:
(Homepage on the Book, uswith the Table of Contents)
(Homepage of the author)
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von C-Man:

Can the Book synonymous only recommend ...
It summarizes a lot of knowledge, which is usually rather tedious from various Internet forums must gather together and closes several loopholes that would otherwise not be discussed.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Habe es mir synonymous ordered and already started. Seems to be promising. However demanding the right to read. With 6.Klasse school English because you do not get very far.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

So, I'm now on Page 199th Good Book, many clues.
But all the sample files (ie Aftere Effects projects) run only on After Effects 7.0
Tried it on version 6.5 yourself, but not running. Instead, the subtle hints from AE 6.5, it would be time to upgrade!
Antwort von Axel:

Much of the book was new to me, about that
"Cinegamma" at best a completely neutral default means, that is not a "film look" that it is better in the Camera Picture presets completely without a "sharpness" set and how in the various programs clipping (over-exposure) to a certain extent, can prevent.
The author writes so well that the film on the DVD are all disappointed. So much knowledge, and especially the film would
technically under "My Projects" by the rushing shredder. I thought that's all 24p (???); why do I see then a fucking flicker like half? Does anyone this criticism / observation?
Antwort von hannibali:

Applies only to the Book Action / Shooter Knaller effect creation, or should we consider synonymous growth when s.Filmlook, production tips and tricks for .. mh normal (stupid word) is interested in films?
Antwort von younes:
Applies only to the Book Action / Shooter Knaller effect creation, or should we consider synonymous growth when s.Filmlook, production tips and tricks for .. mh normal (stupid word) is interested in films? Is synonymous generally very interesting / worth knowing. Have the book already longer synonymous and there are really good tips there.
Antwort von BananaDragon:

The author writes so well that the film on the DVD are all disappointed. So much knowledge, and especially the film would technically under "My Projects" by the rushing shredder. I thought that's all 24p (???); why do I see then a fucking flicker like half? Does anyone this criticism / observation? What made you disappointed because s.dem film? The technical or content? I liked the movie very much.
Antwort von Axel:

The author writes so well that the film on the DVD are all disappointed. So much knowledge, and especially the film would technically under "My Projects" by the rushing shredder. I thought that's all 24p (???); why do I see then a fucking flicker like half? Does anyone this criticism / observation?
What made you disappointed because s.dem film? The technical or content? I liked the movie very much. Mainly the Technical. For all its emphasis on the conservation of quality ( "be a pixel purists") provides the film mE vague and unattractive from. Perhaps too many "film look" filters.
Antwort von BananaDragon:

Well it was partly a bit weak, yes. But the content (and this is after my major) I was able to convince the film.
Antwort von DDP:

Do you have the book ordered on And if so, how long was the delivery and how much has this cost?
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Do you have the book ordered on And if so, how long was the delivery and how much has this cost? Is everything under www., see here. DV -Rebels-Guide-DVD-All-digital/dp/0321413644/ref = pd_bbs_sr_1/302-2315051-9875210? Ie = UTF8 & s = books-intl-de & qid = 1193049154 & sr = 8-1
Antwort von DDP:

Hab probably tomatoes on the eyes, thanks;)
Hmmm ... have nevertheless been previously ordered on ... but is probably the same amount, denk 'ich mal ...
Antwort von 99:

zum thema "disappointed by the film":
we must not forget that the good movie 10 years old and with extra funding has been obtained also could afford ..