Frage von radneuerfinder:
Did not fancy the dislocations, with the AVCHD on the computer are needed. Therefore, I seek something that can be processed without any fancies.
- Cut s.liebsten in iMovie HD (6.0), but take a different software is not synonymous if they can be avoided.
- I thought s.Aufzeichnung in immediately - synonymous to a Klapprecher - processable format. MPEG2?
- 24/25/30/50 goes 1080p would be nice, but would go down to i or 720p if it did not otherwise
- I thought p.32 GB SD cards as recording media
- Use as a camera would be nice to me ..
So far I only found the Canon SX1. Gibts noch mehr?
Antwort von alibaba:

casio ex f1, but makes just as little as mpeg2 which sx1
fz38 synonymous worth a consideration would make mjpeg
the sony HX1 was tested here synonymous times
Antwort von bgk:

For all camcorders record in MPEG2 HDV models (1440x1080), but probably fall out due to the volume. Then only the GZ-HD sets (30,40,7, etc.) of JVC and - if a little more can be invested - the JVC GY-HD100 and GY-HM700 remain.
Or've overlooked I do something? ;-)
Antwort von radneuerfinder:

Gibts of the JVC GY-HM100E a cheaper (amateur) Schestermodell?