Frage von sisa:
I stand synonymous shortly before a purchase, and will speak well for a miniDV device to decide 400-500 ¬.
In my search for the right camcorder for me
Pana NV-GS 320 and 96-HC SonyDCR stuck.
From the Pana I had already read a lot and is always very positive, so that they in all discus ion was traded as a favorite.
Hm, unfortunately I can not quite understand.
In the following video
Antwort von AndyZZ:

1. Why Sony is only installed in such a high price ranges, beyond the 1000 ¬
3 image sensors.
Ask Sony. Is halt its policy model.
2. Why is HDD (to 60GB) or memory card camcorders with
High Kapzität only in compressed formats such as mpeg2
recorded. Is it very bad for the post.
Enough space would be available ...
Ask Sony. The expected with the maximum data rate of the video / audio stream to do. 25 MBit / s (DV) are just but a bite more than the likely maximum 9000 kbit / s with MPEG2. I guess that makes the hard drive not with.
Antwort von beiti:
And the image stabilizer to the HC96. I thought s.einen misprint. But no, Electric already is correct. Only you can see the optical Pana. no difference. What can we say.
It's a Sony.? The myth, optical stabilizers are better than electronic, it is not totzukriegen. They agreed that only very s.Anfang as Panasonic / JVC only electronic and Sony / Canon optical stabilizer just used up, plus was that the early electronic stabilizers reserves not enough resolution on the chip and therefore had the wide Anglebegrenzten and the image quality deteriorated. Indeed, it is now less on the kind of stabilization s.als to values where the correction comes. Canon had Sonyand beginning of s.eine technology with Gyro-sensors, while the Panasonic image content analysis - which is obviously not worked so well. I do not know if today's (good) Panasonics now synonymous gyro sensors, or whether they are just better coordinated.
In any case, are / were the picture of stabilizers Sonyand Canon always good (with very few inglorious exceptions), no preference whether the compensation by electronic reserve or pixel lens shift. As you can see differences only in detail, and some users will find the electronic version even better. Panasonic on the other hand, had long problems with the stabilization, and many synonymous optical stabilizer of Panasonic suck. Until now you have any new Panasonic model, the first Praxistets wait to find out about the quality of the stability of the children.
Why is HDD (to 60GB) or memory card camcorders with
High Kapzität only in compressed formats such as mpeg2
recorded. Is it very bad for the post.
Enough space would be available ... The observers are wondering for years. The Manufacturer argued However, the standard DV and HDV were according to the agreement as only the tape storage media to. Then there was a sudden external hard disks for DV camcorders, and now may be the new SonyPMW-EX1 an HDV-compatible MPEG2 write to memory cards. Since we are already asking why this is not long since done, and why it is not something there for DV.
25 MBit / s (DV) are just but a bite more than the likely maximum 9000 kbit / s with MPEG2. I guess that makes the hard drive not with. The cheapest notebook computer today with 25 MBit / sec cut - usually even with a few real-time traces. If yes laugh if the same hard disks in camcorders do not even manage a simple recording would.
Antwort von jansi:

Touch Screen is for you pro?
If you are in the recording dwells on the display, then blurred the picture properly.
EIS means synonymous quality loss.
Why is you 3CCD important?
I can with my old 1ccd nearly the same as good pictures with my 3CCD make. (Well, well, sometimes 1ccd tends to grünstichigem Picture. And s.PCmonitor is simply sharper 3CCD image)
I believe that when such a small test image as shown on the above page, do not compare well.
Go look at a shop inside where you can have, beie directly to compare.
Eighth synonymous to: Which is better in the hand, s.welche buttons CAM1 when I come not well off (they are all important to me ...)?
What's on your scope?
Antwort von webrider:

Well, first of all, perhaps a personal times in matters 3CCD Tip:
If the choice between 3CCD and 1CCD, then you decide for 3CCD! Remember, however: In the price segment, all the CCD elements are not too large. The size of the CCDs in plays such as issues of sensitivity to light a major role. The information provided by the manufacturer in terms of light sensitivity have to enjoy with caution, because what use you a mill with the values Aperture 11 in 2000 lux (which is now just one example) if this measurement +18 dB gain mean or higher.
If you like HDV is not important to you and with the MiniDV format can live, then look at the Panasonic AG-DVX100A to (the successor model, the "B" Variente does not necessarily need). Used in good condition, the camcorder + accessories usually around EUR 1500 to get his. I personally recommend, prefer to save a little longer than a few times in a row for 400-500 EUR Purchase any experiments or greater.
Perhaps yes, you have the opportunity to teach you once such a model in advance auszuleichen to make it then 1-2 days. The cost is not the world and you get a good feeling about what it means with a halfway reasonable 3-Chiper rotate (ordinary white balance provided;)).
Antwort von AndyZZ:
The cheapest notebook computer today with 25 MBit / sec cut - usually even with a few real-time traces. If yes laugh if the same hard disks in camcorders do not even manage a simple recording would. Are the same hard disks?
I do not believe in the HDD Handycam 2,5 inch notebook hard drives with 5400 rpm drinstecken!
Antwort von jansi:

@ "Host"
If I were to choose between a good and a bad 1CCD Cam 3CCD, then of course I decide to 1CCD!
3CCD little light plays a major role ....
because the hats mostly 3CCD easier.
Antwort von beiti:
Are the same hard disks?
I do not believe in the HDD Handycam 2,5 inch notebook hard drives with 5400 rpm drinstecken! Even if it is 1.8 "disks with 4200 rpm, it should be no problem.
Antwort von Markus73:
[gs300/300 vs. hc96]
And quite honestly makes Sonyeine significantly better overall figure. First of all note: This video compares the GS300 (not 320!) With the HC96. It is also in the version that you zitierst, probably too small for any conclusions to make.
I have compared the above video (in the large version) several times and seen at various synonymous purchase recommendation thread cited, but this conclusion is of you I can in this Pauschalität not understand.
It is true that the Sonyhier a slightly better Lowlight-Picture shows that a little bit brighter and slightly less noise. The differences are not very large, d.. H. one has been directly compare side by side.
On the other cooks synonymous with the Sonynur water. If hot, you must be in the dark corners of the room in order to see the differences, and is then synonymous with the Picture of Sony Not really good. So it is a rather theoretical difference, since in this case, the images of BOTH cameras so probably would not own heart. And the brightness I can post something synonymous raise, if I want. Easier it is, just for good lighting to make.
The Panasonic has the worse stabilizer, for the better autofocus. In daylight it is a better picture than the Sony, in my opinion.
Synonymous And things like the Sony battery problem (no or only problematic Batteries of other manufacturers, no reasonable Charger supplied) should be borne in mind, there are Pana-users significantly better off.
All in all: Two very similar to good equipment, I would say.
Antwort von webrider:

All in all: Two very similar to good equipment, I would say.
For video assets, there's so synonymous these nice comparison photos of the 'very similar' to emphasize again:
The pictures do not really give much.
What strikes me spontaneously, the rich and (subjectively of course) 'nicer' colors at the Panasonic and the 30 lux at pictures they seem to be somewhat better.
One can see practically the whole like straws, while at the Sonyab 3 / 4 in the dark everything seems.
Antwort von Daigoro:

For video assets, there's so synonymous these nice comparison photos of the 'very similar' to emphasize again:
(was of me .. forgot login.: D
In addition, the best street price for the Panasonic as the 400-430 and 470-500 euros Sonybei seems to lie.
They do not get much worse (perhaps even a bit better), then it is a good little corner favorable.
Antwort von sisa:

Thank you in advance for your contributions.
@ beiti The picture with the stabilizers, I find very interesting.
As you can see differences only in detail, and some users will find the electronic version even better. So be a good camcorder does not necessarily have an optical stabilizer. An Electronic
MAY synonymous excellent services.
@ jansi Touch Screen is for you pro?
If you are in the recording dwells on the display, then blurred the picture properly. I thought many changes s.der setting mach ich eh between shots. Find the menu structure, the graphical representation and the handling (no hidden buttons) somehow good.
If the display during the recording because ever to use. I must point but what is happening in the Lens observed. Would like to be honest not so happy to have rumtipsen. What settings should it be. (during recording)
What's on your scope? Well, if I could just say so ...
The Urgedanke were funny, entertaining Snowboard Video 's with Storry. Doku.-like. Possibly. synonymous Christmas, nephews, trips or vacations ... Now I have two video magazines (practice video and computer video) purchased at times a little insight into the whole thing to get. And I'm really flat.! Video is really practical and technically demanding. Since I've never made such a thoughtless question ... I'm really impressed.
Werd mich mal dran probably everywhere try. So something like s.besten estmal ne allround Mdell. That I am here and that must make concessions, it is clear to me. A Camera for everything there is probably not. And already garnicht for my wallet ... :)
@ Host I personally recommend, prefer to save a little longer than a few times in a row for 400-500 EUR Purchase any experiments or greater. Because I give you absolutely right. This is synonymous my opinion. Only when I look at s.1000 ¬ camcorders around, introduce themselves to me yet very different questions. HDV, AVCHD, (eg have no HD Television and synonymous hardly anyone in the know. If, however, inevitably come at some point) then the annoying question about the memory, hard drive or flash memory. They are still so many new issues for me, with whom I still do not have employed. Not that I then will output a lot of money behind it and, due to lack of knowledge of regret. But a little time to inform remains yet to Purchase. Let me by your contributions synonymous like to inspire.
The next step would be then HDV probably correct. Your opinion about this. Worthwhile or not worthwhile. (the extra charge.)
The question of the format seems to be one of his elementary.
I need just a little experience in image quality. While it is nice if you with a lot of people talk about it, but you better try it yourself and see what s.Ende really comes back out.
And not always the same (possibly different) compressed stream mpeg2's to assess.
Markus73 writes It is also in the version that you zitierst, probably too small for any conclusions to make. First of all note: This video compares the GS300 (not 320!) With the HC96. ups, sorry ... However, the GS300 is even more expensive.!
@ Daigoro Pana NV-GS300 669.00 EUR - 718.10 EUR
SonyDCR-HC96 468.90 EUR - 680.99 EUR
Prices at Idealo News.
@ jansi and Markus73 How does that fit together, please. Did explanation needed ...
Antwort von Markus73:
@ jansi and Markus73
How does that fit together, please. Did explanation needed ...
3CCD little light plays a major role ....
because the hats mostly 3CCD easier.
It is true that the Sonyhier a slightly better Lowlight-Picture shows that a little bit brighter and slightly less noise.
The size of the sensor plays an essential role synonymous with the Sonyist it bigger.
How can that be since. How is it possible to please his Battery Charger without charge. That is indeed a strong piece of time ...
Of course, get you a charger included. However, it is possible for the Sonynur the s.der Camera Battery to load, while Panasonic a "real" Charger mitliefert, which invites the Battery, while he did not s.der Camera is connected. Especially for larger operations, it is a big advantage if Battery A is loaded while I'm filming with Battery B can.
Antwort von jansi:
no hidden buttons
Right. For example, my GS280, I hate it when I first opened the LCD screen needs to focus on the manual-joystick cripple set
Antwort von beiti:
So be a good camcorder does not necessarily have an optical stabilizer. An Electronic MAY synonymous excellent services. Worse: Even an optical stabilizer can be pretty bad.
The tests in digital video assets are quite reliable in my experience, what the usefulness of the stabilizers is concerned.
Antwort von sisa:
Thanks again for all the info's.
Werd me the whole story again in all the rest by the head can go ...
But an HD device should have been something. Since the things I personally probably eh almost exclusively s.PC anschauen will. And the flat screen TV, sooner or later anyway in (almost) every living room should be maintained.
Also, not only the "high" price, as the recording directly into mpeg2 hällt me the idea of me so far to purchase a part.
Steck stop still in its infancy, the whole ...