Frage von JulianW:
Hi Everyone,
nearly a year ago I got a total of three cameras (Panasonic HDC HS 2x 300 and later still to the HDC HS 700). I like everything very well, one of the 300 is now s.einen friend and I go get a new camera. Now the question: Even a 700 (I like it very good), or jump into the professional league. I would already be fun, a really big camera. ;-)
Why do I need it?
- A Camera, I would like to know where I can disqualify the sound manual. Say: Listening. With the automatic cameras in the consumer which is often quite annoying.
- It would be nice if I get the sound via radio in the Camera. I see so often with cameras, radios tuned ... no idea what the are good, but for the sound would be the class already.
- I really want to save on HD, not on tapes or cards. I draw a four-day seminar s.Stück (!) On the seminar's morning 10 of clock until sometimes after midnight. That would be me with cards too much confusion, especially since I will go through a camera always completely synonymous with the breaks in order to complete a "baseline" have, on average.
It would therefore s.besten if the camera can record directly to external HDs, then I could play around s.allerbesten.
- Topics such as Aperture, neutral density filter and so next, jau, I would like. If all does not matter ... but a nice toy. * Laughs *
So, the question is now ssbesten w is good. And more specifically, I have a Camera in memory, but can not remember the brand. There was a camera, which (at extra cost), a leading software had this on offer, with which one could control the entire camera from the PC and what do-I-was-all. The software was almost a complete video studio, and has been highlighted in the SC-Report synonymous with praise. I find it not only. Does anybody know?
And which camera would you recommend? Price category not only once so important ...
All the best, ian July!
Antwort von toxitobi:

I hope you think is true and HDD with HD in what then as much as a hard drive xD. Until I gerallt I had to read twice.
If you have the option ne Pc deliver next to the Cam with a Intensitykarte of Black Magic, for example, the design here:,
then your PC directly to the camera signal s.dem Hdmi record output. Then everything must still be external with power supplies and the hard drive can be selected large enough. and against the long recording time is nothing more. How much money would you then want to spend and what will you do with the "big" Camera?
Greeting Toxitobi
Antwort von deti:

Since taking s.besten something like:
The camera is fully controllable via RS232 and has an HD-SDI output. About this you it does capture card s.eine (see So you can record around the clock and remote control of any place of everything.
Antwort von JulianW:

Yup, with the HD I was referring to the HDD. ;-)
The "Remote Camera", however, quite wrong. Looks to me more like a remote webcam, and I felt more like the type of cameras that you see on the opening pages, when "Camcoder test 'clicks.
As for the HDMI card, I'm not soooo thrilled to be run with the calculator. Directly to the HDD doing there simply more fun. But I will definitely start first with the camera issue, not anywhere else. Say: Tickets are only interesting later.
Antwort von nicecam:
And more specifically, I have a Camera in memory, but can not remember the brand. There was a camera, which (at extra cost), a leading software had this on offer, with which one could control the entire camera from the PC and what do-I-was-all. The software was almost a complete video studio, and has been highlighted in the SC-Report synonymous with praise. I find it not only. Does anybody know? I think you you mean the Canon XH-A1, which is software to
Ich glaube, 30 Tage zu testen. Die Kaufversion ist wohl ziemlich teuer. Ich hab die Camera, Console dazu nicht. Für die Fernsteuerung der Camera soll sie sowieso nur eingeschränkt tauglich sein, da über Firewire angeschlossen eine Zeitverzögerung eintritt. Zum Tunen der Camera bietet die Software viele Möglichkeiten.
Als Alternativer zum Tunen (für die Fernsteuerung nicht) bietet sich immer noch dies an:
XHTuner - slashCAM freeware tool for fine tuning of the Canon XH A1 and XH G1 .
Maybe I find more information if the Camera and Console are what you were seeking.
Antwort von toxitobi:

So you want ne Prosumercam which takes on hard disks, I do not because you'll be find. Any ne Cam with two slots for Sdkarten then you can record and synonymous throughout all tickets had to turn 3 to 4 hours at 32gb and change. For the budget you've still said nothing xD.
Greeting Toxitobi