Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Tips: Tips: AVISynth Tricks Part 2 - How does AVISynth 15:29:00? Of rudi - November 16, 2010 AviSynth is a very complex FrameMaker Server, which we want to devote a larger series of articles. In the second part, let's briefly describe and easy as AVISynth basically works.
Antwort von tommyb:

AVCHD can import much better with "ffmpegsource2. Here, the error-prone bypass DirectShow filter and read the stream natively.
If you work with the other hand, DS-filters is often not the Seeking frame and it is exactly, extreme decoding error caused only s.dem next keyframe "go away" again.
FFmpegsource2 are here:
Syntax is as:
[Code: 1:4 a3f00477f] ffvideosource (blabla.m2ts) [/ code: 1:4 a3f00477f]
Antwort von rudi:
AVCHD can import much better with "ffmpegsource2. Here, the error-prone bypass DirectShow filter and read the stream natively.
Super, Thanks for the note, I will certainly incorporate s.der one point or another.
Do you have experience with how it looks like the performance? According to the website that sounds good for import (index thanks be), but probably at the expense of performance (FFMS2 does not provide you with a good solution for real-time playback, since it needs to index the input file before you can retreive frames or audio samples.)
It also sounds as if it maybe on multi-processor systems with multi-threaded functions are problems (FFMS2's video frame and audio sample retrieval functions are not thread safe; you may only have one request going Sat time.)