Frage von Dieter C.:
In recent weeks I have tried to GEMA-free music for my DVD to get ....
Mitlerweile I have come across this shop. There is obviously a reasonably wide range of music, and not always this "keyboard tinkling" ...
This is NOT an advertisement ... burn CDs if it helps someone ....
Antwort von BjörnF:

GEMA would not pay even the problem, but I'm tormenting me degree synonymous with rum from the fact that I would be permitted to send the movie without the consent of the extra music publishers at 20:15 clock, but can not squeeze measly couple of hundred DVDs ...
Well, I'm on my search to
Antwort von Dieter C.:

So it is Björn .....
GEMA is not the problem, but the entire license ....
First, the license of the composer's librettist + ...
... then the license that combine music with the pictures ....
... Then the license of the record labels, and this can be VERY expensive.
This we soon arrive at a sum of hundreds of Euros.
Since the PRS with 7% of the sales price is to one Klax .....
Antwort von BjörnF:

True, true.
I can just so beautifully angry about the fact that you do not need the licenses for Fernsehprodutionen (including the most open channels) (because the frame / wholesale rates have), but as soon as we can squeeze synonymous only a couple of DVDs, with gehts licenses los ...
We have requested the times, the record company wanted for the song (1 years old Top 10 Song) have once just 3000 euros ...