Frage von matze-billi:
I search desperately for example a software with which I make such a title with the name of the person just shown or can show to watch TV (like :-))
Of course, the whole live is nothing so with post-processing.
I imagine so ago that I either get my video signal through an interface to the PC, the title and dazulege s.damit on the beamer.
I s.PC the track with green or blue background and then create and spend dazulege s.Videomischer.
Who knows a software that can do that, (possibly freeware?) Please provide all
Greeting Matze
Antwort von Paul*Berlin:

So if you want to show only one text, possibly on a graph, and you still s.besten previously have the time to create this cigar bands. Then do not listen to it simply as a graphic that you give to green with the picture mixer. If you can not, I can not help for now. :)
Antwort von matze-billi:

the idea is good, but I need the often synonymous spontaneously, and since it is a little too expensive, but trotdem thanks.
Greeting Matze
Antwort von Paul*Berlin:

The idea with the video grabber is not at all good, because there s.qualitätseinbußen and b. a delay.
So go in any case on the visual mixer. not for you as you write a program, but I'm sure that someone here is the crucial tip.
E: What do you think when you are in Open Office impress (or power point) to create a film with a green background, since then always change the text and then go through F5 on-screen presentation? For me, the simplest and cheapest method at the same time (in OpenOffice).
Antwort von thos-berlin:

Is a video mixer in place to Lumakey do? would have to mean the right not with a PC with TV-out (actually the video - Out).
Just with any drawing program or create a Powerpoint entsprechnde graphics and can display on the video - Out. The text should be possible thanks vorbereiteteter eg PowerPoint slides in no time. In any case needed to prepare slides completely spontaneous inputs to create just one or two templates and fill in during the session.
What is necessary in any case, an SG-driver (character generator), so someone who takes care of during the recording / broadcast only to the fonts. The video control so can not be charged additionally.
How is it done?
eisnstellen the Key so that all black is punched out (Why not Chromakey?, all cards I've tested deliver the TV-out a black border around the picture. This would be in Chromakey stay and miss the video image a nice crepe - Can be tried anyway).
This method I have successfully tested with a JVC-KM600 Mixer and Powerpoint.
- No Halbtranzparenzen possible (synonymous with Chromakey)
- Not possible in the black embossed graphics (at the appropriate Chromakey Color)
- Edge at the transition between graphics and video at very treppig curves. Remedy is to keep the punch right angular (which does not mean that may occur in the graph no gradients etc).
I think as a quick and dirty solution useful, but not with current television graphics comparable.
How far the software has to be solved with elegant and affordable, I can not say.
Antwort von matze-billi:

Thank you for the many and respond quickly with Power Point, the idea sounds good, I'll test it once.
Greeting Matze