Frage von Blackeagle123:
Hello, can now look me what I've found here:
Is this a Eigenbau? Has only 800 grams, or less than the Rode-boom, it is synonymous pushed together still very large.
Reminds me a bit s.diese Gardena apple pickers, just missing the point here s.der:
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hi Black Eagle
The Tonangel with shipping costs but then around 40 EUR ... and I find that for a Farbrollenverlängerung (so it seems) quite exaggerated.
So ne 3m - extending you can buy for EUR 6 in any hardware store. A micro mount you then you still need dranbasteln himself, but that should pose little skill with no problem.
Gruss Jörg-Emil
Antwort von carstenkurz:

A GOOD Farbrollerverlängerung in 3m at the hardware store will cost not much less synonymous. And solid attach a microphone holder s.sowas is not at all trivial, if not all killed with Gaffa tape will.
Alone, the existing standard thread makes the offer attractive - when one reaches the maximum length of 3m and the length eingekürzte for transportation is not too long.
I think, cheaper 'is not, if the thing should be directly usable. Even a Eigenbau from fishing rods as discussed here is to get away, the bottom line is not significantly cheaper - unless you just need more length.
- Carsten
Antwort von rush:

So you are already aware of this but at least you always have to rumfuchteln with the 1.75 m? :) Not very portable pack size in my opinion ... * g *