Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Totgeglaubte live longer - Canon HV40 of rudi - 5 Jan 2009 15:53:00 Canon has a HDV Kasettenmodell for 2009er lineup nachgeschoben. The HV40 is the successor to the legendary HV30, which will inherit the superlegendäre HV20. The only real innovation for the European model seems to be the new custom key to that is either with Zebra, Peaking, horizontal markers Bildvergößerung or the sharpness of the function can be demonstrated. Otherwise, everything remains the same. Prices are not yet known.
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Antwort von kkutte:

I have many hours without any disturbance, despite the overthrow of the Camera from the Tripod of a 2-meter-high platform, with an HV20 filmed.
Bin after 12 months with very many applications are still highly satisfied with the Camera.
So I think this model can still quietly next successful verkaufen.Mich it does not disturb the camera with tape läuft.Lediglich about the play in the PC 1:1 takes hold, but I have nothing to do so.
Other benefits: Return games of the edited film on the tape in super quality without quite expensive and BluRays burner or player for TV to purchase.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Somewhat of "expert testers" Totgeredete ...
Antwort von Jan:

Since the HV 30 sold well last time, it was assumed that a new model follows.
With Sony's HC 9, I am not so sure, perhaps, the HC 9 Lineup in 2009.
Antwort von hannibalekta:

A pity that there is no manual control options were packed inside. For the NTSC Friends least there's real 24p ... (which we do not need)
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:

Is the Hv40 in 1920 x 1080?
If at least on the Page,
or I am mistaken.
A single button as a novelty?
Antwort von Axel:
Peaking @ alexanderdergroße: If the HV30 has been synonymous, it would be very good for you (adapter).
Is the Hv40 in 1920 x 1080?
If at least on the Page,
or I am mistaken. No,
they have then accidentally written purely ;-)))
The AVCHD models, the full "resolution" * if you think is sooo important. But Lt.. Comparison Slashcam camcorder-no peaking.
(* The figures do not mean much)
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:

Yes, Axel, I am just a pixel counter. A pity, that at least manual settings are not implemented, or will be, but you will see it is a firmware or if synonymous. My direction is ex1 or 2nd Mark
Antwort von Realsound:

What the problem with the post-dubbing on the PC are offering the possibility of the material directly to the recording on a laptop or PC to play. The tape is running, if at all, only as a backup with. Is halt spot something costly but saves time belonging.
Antwort von beiti:

A pity that Canon is not least an alternative to the SDHC card storage permits (or a dock recorder with compact dimensions bat - allegedly because the HDV specification is a direct saving on map prohibits). If something would be supplied as standard, the extra cost should not exceed 100 euros. And the thing would sell like hot Breze.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
A pity that Canon is not least an alternative to the storage SDHC card allows ... What advantage do you hope so?
Antwort von beiti:
What advantage do you hope so? The Usual halt: No dropouts, no drive noise, no time needed for capturing, yet fair standard HDV format. The one thing with AVCHD maybe in two years, running smoothly, would with HDV on the map is already working.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... what with AVCHD maybe in two years, running smoothly, would with HDV on the map now work ... Sony Makes the cards with his recorder (even with CF instead of SD cards) so before. Since he basically s.allen Firewire cameras works, it should be synonymous s.der HV20/30/40 work. However, it is almost as much as the camera cost.
Antwort von beiti:
However, it is almost as much as the camera cost. That is precisely the problem - and it certainly would be different if the card option would be standard. I see no technical reason why HDV on map should be more expensive than AVCHD on map.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Of the HDV cameras will stop selling less ... and yes Semiprifis save synonymous to tape without moaning ...
Weird that mostly holiday film because of one video a year on the tape are complaining ...
- Drop me after 2 1 / 2 years HDV Filmerei ... never caught, but clear, but it can be different tomorrow ...
- The time advantage of not capturing erf. (copy must be synonymous yes) does not bother me, have enough time ...
- A huge advantage I have with the band finished cut archiving of HD video, so I can tolerate and even over there of the camera from either SDTV or s.HDTV play. Since I am now two HDV cameras, is archiving on my years secured and is extremely inexpensive.
Antwort von beiti:
- Drop me after 2 1 / 2 years HDV Filmerei ... never caught, but clear, but it can be different tomorrow ... It may be that the drives and / or cassettes are now better. I want synonymous hope that professional equipment show less tolerance.
HDV I never had, but several of DV camcorders Canon (MV200, XM1, MVX3i). Dropouts were not unusual (with the aging of the tape and the drive more and more, as with my MV200 on average every 15 minutes). Most errors occurred nichtreproduzierbar, ie when the tape is loaded and has a fierce Droput noticed, it was possible the new restore point again, and with some luck, the error s.der body then away. Sometimes synonymous helped playing with another camcorder, so that concerned agencies as a single "patch" was. Moreover, insider tips, what with the band places camcorders accounted for fewer problems. All this could very degenerate in handicraft work, which often caused me a blind eye and the error (the me except in the family no one could find) it easy to leave. Just yesterday I took a vacation movie from the 2001 views, where a few Droputs there were ugly.
Sure, as a holiday film, one need not be so fussy. And after your claim has Canon so the drives now apparently well under control. Nevertheless, you'll understand that I feel it as a step forward, the tape to leave behind me. And if there are many questions here in the forum seems, is not just me so.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

There is a way synonymous for you, the FOCUS FireStore FS-4 HD ...
Antwort von beiti:
There is a way synonymous for you, the FOCUS FireStore FS-4 HD ... For the price of an entire camcorder? Only to the band recording the one and the AVCHD format to the other way? No thanks.
I have after careful consideration of a HV30 and HF100 for a decision. Even though I am now even with limited editing features live (which is only with a new PC will change - maybe next year), I enjoy the benefits of recording cards already.
The HV40 comes to me, however, completely superfluous before. If neither s.Recording medium s.wesentlichen features what has been changed, would just as well next Canon HV30 or the HV20 can build.
Antwort von domain:

It may be that they are completely superfluous, but it's like the cars. Some small changes in the new model and you have somehow come of age before and want the latest model.
That is marketing and sales can be quite a boost.
Antwort von recas:

Not understand something.
Why is the Canon HV30 cheaper as the HV20?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
... I enjoy the benefits of recording cards already. And I enjoy the benefits of the super lightweight HDV editing and archiving resolved ideal for cut videos and light mobile demonstration with the HDV camera with joy, no preference which now have television.
Antwort von Jitter:

On the topic of dropouts, I have other experiences with the same band locations (Panasonic AY-DVM60FE) made. Two to three outs per tape. In DV mode, on the other hand, my HV 20 dropouts never produced. Also because of the disturbing noise would drive me a supplementary card recording, which unfortunately never give in HDV is optimal.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... a supplementary record cards, which is unfortunately in HDV never will ... The supplementary note cards are so long (see above post): as standard in the hybrid Sony Z7 and S270 and with a separate CF card recorder for other HDV cameras.
Antwort von recas:

Why tear it all to your mouths. "I can do everything better," "I is the best".
The fact is one and this is a band records are always straightforward and it has always been synonymous bleiben.Wer filmed on tape and it still does now synonymous to synonymous, this can confirm.
Antwort von naich:

Question about the band's problem: when I read that the creator of the Page on the Panasonic AY-DVM63AMQ tapes swears and since had no problems Mahr. Ich hab mich jetzt mal made smart, "normal" tapes to get really cheap hinterhergeworfen. These cost about 7-8 euros, but the piece! Worth it? What other bands are still recommended?
At 7, - Euro per tape is the price advantage def. not!
Greetings ...
Antwort von Pillermännchen:

You get the tapes, which seems to really belong to the best of what you can buy on MiniDV, even for 5, - EUR / St. + VAT at several stores on the web.
I have just 20 units ordered in Hamburg.
In addition, I have not yet regretted the tips from Wolfgang on his Page to follow.
That was me as late a great help.
Antwort von naich:

Thank you!
I've searched on ebay and gegoogelt ... Can you give me addresses of shops name?
Did you ever problems with HDV? Ever dropouts through the tapes?
Greetings ...
Antwort von Pillermännchen:

I've searched on ebay and gegoogelt ... Can you give me addresses of shops name?
Did you ever problems with HDV? Ever dropouts through the tapes?
Not yet. However, I am not the great filmmaker.
Possible that there is synonymous with other bands would have folded.
But I do technical documentation in a manufacturing company, since it is not repeated
It was safe to me more important than the record low savings.
Antwort von naich:

Hi ...
Thank you!
I would rather be spontaneous film, but since I can synonymous bad situations repeat. It is my security in the recording synonymous extremely important!
Greetings ...
Antwort von Pillermännchen:

That you must decide for yourself.
I think not, however, that the other tapes now are all scrap.
The company can not allow.
And as far as I know, there are no synonymous make that extreme outlier in this respect would be noticed.
Finally, using millions of amateur filmmakers yes synonymous without these complaints.
You should stop only when a band places to stay.
But you probably already know.
Antwort von beiti:
I think not, however, that the other tapes now are all scrap. [...] Finally, use the millions of amateur filmmakers yes synonymous without these complaints. I should perhaps add that I spend most dropouts with a specific camcorder model had, and where it was in spite of expensive repairs (replacement of any roles, etc.) never looked better. The other DV camcorder which I used, were less susceptible to dropouts. There seems to be more s.Laufwerk as s.tape lie, and there is the development since the introduction of the DV format does not stand still.
Whether the millions of amateur filmmakers to prove anything is another question ...
Antwort von naich:

Why do I need to tape legged places to stay? (ne, I do not know ...)
I would now expensive and a few more favorable fetched ...
Greetings ...
Antwort von Jan:

because it mixes different tape, which then can be mixed. It is because two different mixtures give Sonygehört on one Pana & Fuji zb to another page.
Here again, the Canon product card for the new HV 40 with changes and new accessories (arg remains within limits).
Antwort von naich:

Hey ..
Thank you! Good to know. On sowas respect I would never come!
But as I can but if I stick with Panasonic, the good and expensive for AMQ's "unique" and use the recordings in parallel, the significantly lower YE's or FM's (or PQ's and SQ's (for the sake of completeness ))?
Greetings ...
Antwort von Jan:

It is synonymous with a little theory.
One can but note that some defective models (pollution), the user often really places the band has changed, other users, who at 1-2 band places remained were later "sought".
tapes from the same manufacturer are often similar, except it looks at the amateur class with the Pro class. Cheap Sony premium will be produced in France, the good HDV tapes but in Japan.
It is more focused on the user, a weekly Sony, Fuji next week, next week, TDK, Panasonic to use next week ...
For you it is ok.
Antwort von Daigoro:

Juhu, comes in too late to do to generate buying interest, but still beautiful, it is still new consumer HDV cameras exist. :)
Dead, in fact, live longer. :)
Have yourself about 5 years with a MVX25 filmed (always Panasonic tapes, but for only 3 euros) and the Association, we had about 8-10 ne? MV100 years old, the desert with all possible multiple recorded Billigbaendern was fired until it verreckt - after 8-10 years,'s a not surprising - we have now with ne Xacti G65 cards as a substitute purchased - look how many times the durchhaelt.
Meanwhile ne HC5 - synonymous tape - Panasonic synonymous - and the only dropouts that I had to come from the old MV100 trains in the past ...