Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Tough times for Hollywood's VFX industry
Antwort von Axel:

Why should this industry be any different than anywhere else? There is a more or less hidden exploitation, in stages.
A newly-born Germans has in one fell swoop ¬ 22,000 debt s.Hals (number from the spring, probably more since then). To whom should the baby pay if it be requested? Answer: At banks, domestic, foreign, international and national (currency) credit. It must not be paid but visible, it is simply inserted into a class with 40 children, stupid and falls into the ranks of low wage earners. Anyone who considers this situation to slavery is hidden, remember that baby even exploits, not malicious, but still.
Money is not a 1:1 exchange. We believe it is only valuable when it is overfunded. The consideration for the bitter abgeknappsten ¬ 10 for Pampers, productivity, provide residents of poorer countries through their lack, in extreme cases of starvation.
Let's wait to see what Cameron to hold an indignant speech in favor of men is VXF. Whenever Dagobert Duck was generous, turned out later that had bewitched him Magica de Spell.
Antwort von rainermann:

maybe it has something good and synonymous s.end will be seen again: Not much money is a lot of film well, but good scripts and talent in people with and behind the camera. "Casablanca" is always a wonderful classic, an orgy of FX-like "Avatar" but no later than with the immediate technical achievement to be forgotten.