Frage von philss:
Has anyone ne idea how I can shoot a tracking shot through a football table?
To truly grateful!
Gruß Phil
Antwort von Stefan:

) With a finger camera (Lipstickkamera? Front mounted on a pole ... could go. If it is your own foosball table, maybe you can pierce the wall synonymous a head (leadership) for the camera pole or disassemble and zoom with a normal camera to do something ...
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von mdb:

When building models, we have already made with Endoskopvorsätzen. Furthermore, was there a Periskopvorsatz: the camera was hung with the Optics downward over the model simulates (studio tripod with Jib-arm), the intent, which consisted of a tube with deflecting mirrors and special optics, instead of the lens and then mounted the pedestrian perspective in the model could be (whether it really meant, which opposed the construction project, the city council, I do not know, but the suspect came up)
All the intentions were, incidentally, of Dedo Weigert.
Antwort von MiXMaster:

Schonmal thanks for the replies.
The latter variant sounds very nice but I think s.end proffesional is too expensive.
How is it with the Lipstickkamera. Are not the ultra wide angle? In addition to tracking shot ne ner rod is not a bit bumpy? it would take almost nen nen Minidolly well.
Antwort von mint400:

You could stare at it a mini camera on a mini remote control car. How would even a "non-linear" Camera movement possible.
Hope you will inform us how you realize the whole!
Antwort von K.-D. Schmidt:

How would it be if you film the field from an appropriate position and do the virtual camera movement through a program makes?
Antwort von mdb:
How would it be if you film the field from an appropriate position and do the virtual camera movement through a program makes? Or just completely virtual. As the characters all look the same and the field is rather simple, and could be made with reasonable effort, a 3D model and can be crossed because the (virtual) camera.
Antwort von friuli:

Or rather high-resolution Digtalfotos of the players do in Photoshop, crop and make a 3D photo animation in After Effects from the affair.
Fußallfeld Draw Illu perhaps synonymous, the players, because they are then zoom until you drop the camera with kann.Oder selbstauslöser into the goal.
As long as the player is not easy to rotate and the camera of a gate drive to the other, I imagine it to be still feasible.
With a large digital image from the Torperspektive can be simulated even in Premiere with scaling and positioning a little trip.
This is all quite static.
Cinematic Greetings
Antwort von MiXMaster:

I would be the camera, (eg Lipstickkamera) permanently fixing, of hanging up. some of the kicker (roll & tire larger, miss perfectly with luftschlau) and then slide the kicker. Of course this only works if not there should be played;)
thus you reach a completely steady shake-free image and direction as well as excerpts ....
überlegs you ^ ^
the problem actually is, as you have already said, the size of a digital camera. This lead to a perfect wobble I imagine difficult.