Frage von Bluetree:
Hi, has anyone perhaps a Instructions / tutorial, as I with After Effects can create a tracking shot through a normal logo? I do not get any clear synonymous the help function of the program I could not help.
Thank you, liebe Grüße, Katrin
Antwort von mdb:

What program you have tried that?
I would build the scene in POV-Ray (freeware raytracer) and leave them there then drive through the camera. But this is not trivial, and also needs fairly computer time.
Antwort von camworks:

BluffTitler is the real-time for 39 euro. url:
(It is on the Wall Street Journal forum, but a tip no harm nix)
Antwort von Jörg:

You will be sure no other software needed for this request, you've got after-effects ....
Only you should give some more infos on the project, ne simple drawing or description what exactly you're planning.
Lad projectfile high. That will be easy to implement.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Stefan:

Jo, if Bluetree nich will tell, I'm just me, what I imagine taking a flight through a typo ..
The music starts with the composition in Picture # 1 320x240 size and 250 frames long, so it does not take away so much space.
We see a foreground plane (1) with the lettering. I have made in a paint program and bluetree.bmp
called. White letters on a black background. The white will disappear (gekeyt) by Luminanzschablone is set as the mode.
And a background level (2), which is a still video image. The data displayed in the timeline are the values directly after the application of the composition.
# 1
zum Bild Our little flight will carry the cross of death. Uh nee by the small t of Bluetree. In Picture # 2 shows that the small t is in the center. This will be our reference point when zooming, which does not change.
The center will be moved by moving the anchor point (the cross with circle) in the small t. To do this, use the dropdown menu s.Fenster top right corner and then the mouse.
# 2
zum Bild Just as in Picture # 3 it looks good. In order to position more accurately, had the plane in the layer window (right) slightly zoomed.
You'll see in the Composition window, that the upper level is shifted, but the Ankerpunt of both levels is beautiful in the middle. In the timeline you can see the values, where is the anchor point exactly.
# 3
zum Bild Picture # 4 is now in the upper level with the Scriptures brought back s.The old position. This will either be moved with the mouse or the plane - I've done it - the values at positions set equal to the values from the anchor point.
# 4
zum Bild Now I can get started with the animation. So s.den go or where to start the beginning of the flight and click on small clock at the property scale. This sets the Anfangskeyframe as in Picture # 5
# 5
zum Bild Then, as in Picture # 6 s.das end of the timeline set for example to go with the time control and the Endkeyframe. The Endkeyframe is set if the property is changed. I used a scale of 7000%. Then you can see the front of anything anymore.
If you fold on the line with scale, we see a linear ramp, is changed as the property. It is worthwhile if you look at a preview now to see a "problem" that is equal to s.dem filing ...
# 6
zum Bild Towns ready? Yes Does not look that great from - s.Anfang is hopplahopp s.end And it accuses him. At 1 / 3 duration as in Picture # 7 of the flight is almost over ... And nochwas - that looks pretty rough. But more on that later ...
# 7
zum Bild One would have to place a linear ramp starting s.Schluss slower and faster. That is what is done in Picture # 8. The keyframes between the beginning and end have been with the keyframe assistant exponentially scaled. To mark the two keyframes, right click and click through to the setting. You can see how additional keyframes are inserted into the timeline.
# 8
zum Bild Now, it looks at 1 / 3 of the film, as in Picture # 9. That's better.
# 9
zum Bild Ok. that's it. Rendering view with the best quality, etc. And then a Stillimage # 10 of the finished video ...
# 10
zum Bild The rendering of the best quality has defused some of the giants of pixels Picture # 7 again. If you still want to do better, use it instead of the small image with the text or a graphic with vector font to use a very large one within the Grafk AE s.Anfang reduced commitment and then puffing up to normal size.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von ludl:

occur without the predecessor too close to the previous one but it seems to me a little complicated ....
I would make it so ....
1) put the text, it makes it into a 3d layer, simply cling checkbox
2) you create a camera, and animate it easy medium keys through the text (this you can view the camera still synonymous simplify View> NEW VIEW> and then eg.: TOP, then you see the top of the camera and can use the distance to evaluate text better)