Frage von simpsyco:
hab da mal eine frage ..
I have a pc with windows xp and a laptop with vista .. now I have my first minidv via firewire recordings played on the pc u want to get them on my notebook .. da firewire with vista not funktionniert at least not with me.
I then got the. avi files, all on a usb stick and gave it delivered to your notebook, but the image quality is significantly worse than before
anyone know how I hinbekomme?
I'd rejoice over a fast response
lg sim
Antwort von marwie:

That should be no loss of quality, with clean copy of the data, the information is indeed the same 1:1.
Ev. The picture looks worse, because the notebook has a worse screen, I'd connect the laptop s.PC screen.
You use the same software on the PC and on the laptop?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

MiniDV Avis should sift with VLC Player.
Antwort von simpsyco:
That should be no loss of quality, with clean copy of the data, the information is indeed the same 1:1.
Ev. The picture looks worse, because the notebook has a worse screen, I'd connect the laptop s.PC screen.
You use the same software on the PC and on the laptop? Thanks for the quick response!
So on the pc I have several programs where the qualitative is mediocre .. Then ichs've tried with Adobe Premiere 6, here the quality was very good
on the notebook, but I have the adobe premiere cs3!
I was to import the videos here synonymous in Adobe Premiere 6?
Antwort von Frank B.:

Hello simpsyco,
this sounds a bit like you would export the AVI after editing in Premiere, and want out then transferred to the laptop. If you have edited the videos, it could be that you have spent in the wrong codec, from which would explain a quality deterioration. But comparisons to the views of the respective properties files, whether they are still with the data rate of the raw material, before processing with Premiere are identical. If you gecaptureten the DV format files easily in side only on a disk, there may be, in fact, no quality deterioration.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Nen so silly!
The data are stored in binary and have no preference on whether Vista or XP or OSX always the same!
Premiere CS3 and scrap 6 is much more stable.
Once there, click Tools, Install VLC setting (to show all) - Video - Filters Deinterlaced - Method BOB select
Then it should be played on both devices, the video Identical.
B. DeKid
Antwort von simpsyco:

no, I'm the only film with adobe premiere 6 Date, because I have it on my laptop windows vista, and here the transfer with firewire not funktionniert unfortunately ... So loaded only on pc with windows xp, usb stick and then over onto notebook without first iwas dealt with!
on the pc is playing in only at a fairly good quality adobe premiere, eg the media player, it is only moderately well
Antwort von simpsyco:

lr it is really s.monitor, but then I wonder, why is the quality s.pc with vlc, media player, etc. just like the notebook, only with Premiere better?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

ok I'll explain it.
So there are interlaced and progressive - "i" and "p" - fields and frames.
A video camera records almost always in "i" on - a CRT TV unit can represent well the fields - a TFT monitor, however, may prefer to "p".
If you are with VLC to generate the fields full-screen images can then you have no education or edges Filmmern more.
Your PC and your lap are supposed to represent both equally well.
Of course, what can I do with the calibration of the monitors have - that your PC monitor uses a different color profile than your laptop - to put us under a lot of people far too little value - what is the reference to photos or color change, however, extremely important.
So purely the hardware of your device should show both the same picture. I would erstmal calibrate both monitors the same.
And furthermore, the making of me above setting in VLC.
That has to do with Premiere erstmal nix too!
Do it once and you should have no further Probs.
That, however, are synonymous s.der quality of the monitors can be - is quite possible - there are extreme differences on closer inspection.
But that's usually really only caused tragic.
Experiment, the time now and then reports.
B. DeKid
Antwort von simpsyco:

yes s.pc is the same as resolution s.laptop if you use the vlc player!
But with the Adobe Premiere on the pc the resolution is simply much better!
just why?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

If you think each of the same project to create and then pull into the AVI?
That could be fine-tuning in Premiere ... But here I just tip once more on the graphics card, the Ram, and the query system - on PC and Lap umbedingt is not the same.
At 6 or Premiere CS3, but in general it is not.
So I would install on your PC synonymous CS3 and is good.
If the VLC shows have now begun to clean Picture - I'd erstmal not so much give on the preview quality!
But maybe someone has to give you the pleasure HERE subtleties of the preferences in Premiere - as I'm only partly nen plan of.
Also my picture is only as good as I have cleaned my glasses s.dem day - if there ;-) I always trust others or SPYDERPro Kalebrierung
Say - halt dich s.sowas not too long on ;-)
B. DeKid