Frage von Nuddles:
I have not found on this topic, so now I just new this issue ...
I use Premiere Pro 2.0 on a Windows Calculator. I would now like to switch to Mac. I buy myself a Mac Pro and wanted to know if I get Premiere 2.0 for Mac install again, if I open my projects there can easily capture and edit next, or whether there will be problems. Because Windows and Mac ... synonymous when it's the same program, but it is different ...
(Sure, I will sooner or later with Final Cut continue, but I would just open my projects to make that ...)
I hope you can help me because ... would like to change my calculator, but did worry that my Project files that remain on the track ...
I am pleased with response, lieben gruß Sabrina
Antwort von WWJD:

Download trial version but ne of Premiere for Mac, then you can s.Besten a picture of it.
Greetings Jack
Antwort von Axel:
Download trial version but ne of Premiere for Mac, then you can s.Besten a picture of it. And if thou hast the trial, to see that you are in the 30 days (?) Finish your open projects. I know a switching to Mac, which has remained at Premiere. And one that is a Windows-cut perfectly square itself has configured with Premiere. With my limited experience with Premiere, I would say there is no difference.
Antwort von klaas:

uh, Premiere Pro 2.0 is available as a mac version? I thought this would only s.der latest cs3 rid ...
gruß, klaas.
ps: not to Holst you bootcamp NEN, NEN machst win xp on it, then your olles prem 2.0 and can aufm mac win synonymous with your projects ... if you quit then finished, you can finally Winbugs of goodbye and pleasurably on Final Cut Pro weiterschnibbeln ...
Antwort von WWJD:

I work on both cutting sites (Final Cut Pro and CS3 APP).
Today, I would rather Appro CS3 Final Cut Pro as a friend. It is, in my view, rather a big hype about Final Cut Pro made.
Greetings Jack