Frage von Skye:
Hi folks!
Since I could not search engine traffic, nor the Forum search s.Hand find a template for a transfer of rights between composer and film maker, I thought that here someone may be a template on disk. :)
Remains to note that it comes to royalty free music, which is directly written for the film. Schonmal Thanks!
Bye, Skye
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Only times for guidance:
If the composer did in the Gema or similar collecting societies are organized, then you get a chance to gemafrei, even if it is a commissioned work, and he cedes the right s.dich (which will probably not do anyway).
Antwort von Skye:

Thanks for the tip, it is not. :)
Antwort von Markus:

In this case, you can give the composer spatially and temporally limited or unlimited usage. Or is there still synonymous musicians who s.Urheberrecht a share, because they were the ones who played the music / recordings?
Antwort von prem:

Hi Mark,
exactly, he can.
On the copyright of the movie? I do not know, but doubt it. But that's what not. He is said to have rights to the audio material, which he created for the project to transfer. Stop only need a sample contract. If I can not find anything and no one has, I would put it more similar to the transfer of rights and Sound s.Picture for actors.
Bye, Skye
Antwort von Olli_S:

for me it is about the same. Synonymous so I would need a sample document that I sign and the musicians just so I can then submit the GEMA without the cross represent himself.
Is there no one?
Antwort von steveb:

GEMA happy to provide information on GEMArelevante topics. You will become a transfer of rights can expect no help.
You synonymous look again here:
Antwort von uncle-joe:

transfer of rights is quite simple. An example of the license terms for royalty free music can be found at this link:
Mastertracks LizenzbestimmungenDiese kann man als Vorlage für einen
Vertrag nehmen.
Wichtiger Hinweis: Gemafrei heißt auf keinen Fall Urheberrechtsfrei!!!
Urheberrechte sind nicht veräußerbar! Erwerben kann man nur die
Nutzungsrechte s.einem Musiktitel (bei gemafreien Komponisten in
der Regel frei verhandelbar). Das Urheberrecht bleibt immer
beim Urheber!
Beste Grüße, Jochen Blomberg