Frage von Smooky:
Hello boys and girls
I am looking for my JVC GY DV500 a tripod adapter / a tripod plate. The lower front part of the camera looks like this: 20jcv/web.jpg? ver = 12549944980001
Can someone help me there? I've already contacted JVC and eBay I've been gekuckt synonymous. JVC has not answered me in the bay and I could not help synonymous.
Antwort von TobiasD:

Meld dich mal me by mail, tobidiet <at> <point> gmx de. I have good contact with the German support and the JVC can order the E-parts department. I want reinschreiben the email address is now not just happen here, because this is not a general address, but directly of an employee. 've Often ordered parts for my 5001er. Which works really fast!