Frage von Riptide:
I have the following problem with Encore.
I have a project created with menus, music and all the bells and turn.
Now I wanted to burn it. The project I have also checked and no errors were displayed.
Now, following Problerm occurs. The burning process starts but after about 10 minutes throwing the disc from the burner and gives the following error message:
The semaphore timeout period has been reached (DVD Error 121)
In what could be the problem?
The video is to be burned. M2v format.
Encore shows s.das transcode I do not need this, so I leave the settings do not transcode to. Everything else (motion menus), I've already been transcoded.
If I do, however, the video transcoding settings set to auto, and the Project will burn, it burns the DVD finished, but then I'm s.der half of the movie only sound but no picture more.
I hope someone can help me.
Schonmal Thanks in advance.
Greeting Riptide.
Antwort von Riptide:

Hi again,
Now I also have a DVD folder on the hard drive trying to create - with the same result.
The program always hangs when 1.58 GB written.
The fault is thus created in my menu?
However, the review function indeed shows no errors, and in the preview everything works perfectly.
I've found that displays the time indicated on its menu for the Project Timeline, a duration of 53:00:09. The used video file and the two audio files are only for executing 52:59:19 long.
Could this be the problem? Or somewhere else?
Who can help me?
Greeting Riptide