Frage von HansMaulwurf:
Hello my dear Sten,
Who of you has 4x4 ND Filter s.der 5D MK2 in use and can you recommend something?
Had been on it just so screwed a ¬ 40-50 front part (0.9 - 3 stops) and has caused such an ugly red-orange tint that was not synonymous with excessive Weissabgleichgefummel mitigate critical.
Seems to be well-ne-camera processing history of its IR light.
Which filter that strength makes s.dieser Cam well?
Thank you!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

To screw or plug?
B & W then Hoya, the screw
Tiffen Cokin then, to put
B. DeKid
PS: You get the images synonymous but the man with NEM Welding protection glass brings back aligned ;-)
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

Wat? How? Welding protection glass? Although this has a serious background,'s probably not advisable to twenty glass instances to clap before the Lens.
Do you have the setup with Tiffen Cokin or so in use?
(Sure, the Connect 4x4)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Nee was not kidding with the welding glass to see this thread there is synonymous NEN in there some really good photos.
B. DeKid
Yes I use Cokin filters and 2-3 Tiffen Tiffen but only color filter DV / Filter.html
Since get Tiffen filters
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

Thank you!
So I conclude: brand product protects against color cast ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:
So I conclude: brand product protects against color cast ... ... and gray card facilitates the subsequent White balance -!)
********************** balance::: 57.html XTCsid = 1ce6c859718ee2b1095640b73698aa5f?
I perso. like color and gray scale and if none of these tools are then sufficient s.Start a packet of cigarettes, a piece of paper or a tempo.
All this can help the White s.Schluss balance to fixed.
B. DeKid
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

I have already, but thanks ;-)
But the colors of the filter has a total shifted so that it synonymous in the mail could not be addressed adequately.
But tell me, there's the Tiffen, Formatt, etc. Now not synonymous in 'real NEM shop (in Munich)? The real test is then I always prefer to run as an unhappy 10 times to the post and send items to the world history ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Antwort von HansMaulwurf:

And the Oscar goes to for helpful posts ... Nah, too much honey in the ass. Thank you! ;-)