Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Trusted Reviews tested the HDC-TM700 ...
Antwort von Jan:

I hope you test the Sonywirklich fair.
There are now more and more users, who contest the recent SonyCX & XR 550 tests crucial.
Why should the new Sonysynonymous produce significantly poorer recordings?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Meeting point in the video have been recorded with OIS Wobbling shown to be significantly worse than LoLi and its predecessors.
Antwort von DigiDau:

The HDC-TM700 of Panasonic seems to have no LANC jack. In the AV protocol here seems to be no support for a Hinterkamera LANC remote control to be available-as with the current models of Sony.
I'm curious here on the test of SonyHDR-CX550 on slashCAM. The hope dies last ...