Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Tutorial Video: Sound Recording with zoom for DSLRs Of rob - 5 Jun 2009 09:21:00 Zacuto USA has a new tutorial video (released; English), is discussed in the above audio recording in DSLR shoot. Demonstrates will include a zoom recorder, which is clipped to the hot shoe of the DSLR ...
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Antwort von thenino:

The video is already two weeks or so ago, Philip Bloom has written on the subject of a good blog entry, I s.dem especially the software Pluraleyes "Of singular find software worth highlighting - it synchronizes the car AUTOMATICALLY!
Antwort von vidoc:

Zacuto now wants to have (for the adapter to close the blitzschuh clipping 2oo ®; o. transit), someone knows something cheaper?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... adapters for the blitzschuh clipping ... someone knows something cheaper? ... If you can forego the quick-change, it's synonymous doing a much cheaper adapter as it exists, for example, of Hama. Links to were posted in the previous few days, among other things:
Antwort von curtis:

Where then is the point in a dazugebastelten Audio Tuning for a camera of good video recordings do?
Who comes up with the idea that Rb is wrong turn somewhere.
If one assumes that time with a Mark2 and co will be more scenic but can be rotated to record the same completely external. What else is next? Indicative micro s.The DSLR? Adapter to Obendraufschrauben simultaneously with 4 XLR inputs have to be?
Antwort von jazzy_d:

The zoom is indeed "external" and has indeed shown the 2 XLR :-)
Antwort von mleko:

where it is the difference from h4 to H4N?
Antwort von the_flasher:

Well the H4n looks better than the H4 ^ ^ At least for me it would be a reason to buy because the housing of H4 just looks cheap and unprofesionell.
Antwort von curtis:

@ jazzy:
I realize only a DSLR is simply not the case, not the form and not the pure weight dranzuschrauben addition to loud stuff. That is absolute nonsense.
Now if I turn off such a little tinker-zoom and an interview, then stand behind the "camera", right next to the sound man at the front left and still the focus a camera operator?
Antwort von the_flasher:

Why all this will not go?
The zoom H4N yes weighs synonymous not the world and the hot shoe of the camera can even be charged anything. Moreover, what do you want dranschrauben everything? Perhaps even a video light, but since you have to decide precisely.
What do you need so many people around the camera to operate, I do not understand synonymous. If one is a bit clever, you can safely operate synonymous everything yourself.
Antwort von handiro:

I do see the growth s.Geräten while I'm happy for almost 20 years with Soundman
Antwort von WideScreen:

Sure. There are of Hama as an accessory rail for the hot shoe, because you can then dranschrauben the spark gap, the head light Atmomikrofon the XLR adapter and the extra battery (like the flash, the photos that you still want to do so synonymous) and the beer can holder. Here I see some skeptics really not. Is it the perfect camera for EB. So true .... tztztztz
Antwort von
Zacuto now wants to have (for the adapter to close the blitzschuh clipping 2oo ®; o. transit), someone knows something cheaper? It'll get much more easier to see