Frage von Jamafo:
How do I embed a clip recorded in 16:9 format video into a normal video in 4:3 format. What settings do I have to make for Premiere 6.5 - even when capturing or rendering only when - if I have a s.den pages clipped, wants to get the 4:3 picture without filling eggheads or a Picture with the black borders above and below?
I would be grateful for help
Antwort von jens:

Hi Jamafo,
And again like to ask. The magic word is scale. You import your 16:9 - your video to 4:3-Project. And resize the 16:9 so that the whole 4:3-picture is filled in the preview monitor. (At least in Appro use the 16:9 picture displayed in the 4:3-Project without eggheads).
Here are a few past threads relating to:
16:9 convert to 4:3 Here usBruno refer to its website, where he shows how to make a 4:3-Picture a 16:9 image, so you need only turn another link Good luck,
Antwort von jasmin61:

Wanted a avi of 16:9 to 4:3 scale, but how do I know how much I have in my project to cut left and right "?
So I think that it looks good or is there another, more accurate way?
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Jasmine,
usually you can scale the video by eye or operate so that the aspect ratio is preserved when zooming.
Calculate This is complicated by the rectangular pixels, which are also synonymous differences remain rectangular. First, one must therefore take the pixel aspect ratios on a common denominator.
Conversion square -> square pixels:
720 · 1.07 = 768 -> 768 × 576 (4:3-format)
720 · 1.42 = 1024 -> 1024 × 576 (19:9-format)
Now it forms the difference between the two formats:
1024 - 768 = 256 square pixels
Then one calculates the pixel aspect ratio back to 1.42 again:
256 · 720: 1024 = 180 pixels
In theory you'd have a 16:9 picture scaled so that the left and right are cut off every 90 pixels to get a 4:3-to Picture.