Frage von Rico_79:
Hello Slashcam community
the following problem:
I have a play with 2 cameras.
Then I got into Premiere CS3 a source sequence is created, both audio - and video tracks synchronized and then the whole sequence has a Master Multi-Cam-compliant status.
How can I use both tracks simultaneously? I can only choose: CAM1 or CAM2, but not CAM1 + CAM2.
Thanks in advance for your answers!
MfG Rico_79
Thread of the mod in the section "Adobe Premiere Pro / Elements folder.
Antwort von Meggs:

I do it with Premiere 2.0 is as follows:
1. in the original sequence the sound of the cameras at the airport to mix and edit. Then the audio mix of export and import again.
2. In the Multicamsequenz I cut the picture and take care of myself first not the sound. Then I add the finished audio track from point 1 as the 2nd Audio track in the Multicamsequenz On - just put anything, has the same length. The audio track 1 is muted. Done.
Antwort von Rico_79:

@ Meggen:
Thank you for your answer!
So I will probably make in the future synonymous. So the sound edit and mix separately and then join an audio track.
MfG Rico_79