Frage von view7:
Hello together, I want a video to demonstrate what a leiwand after X minutes into the black switches. Now there is a lot of people has to say (I do not know how long it takes) and then the video will be run next - how can I solve something? In flash, it would have a simple button to run, but in the video? Hab da s.eine - Pause function on any button thought s.Interaktion using Quicktime or s.Ende but with Director? Important: it is nothing on the screen to see them, so no PauseIcon the top right or similar ... Thank you for your suggestions.
Antwort von basti76nie:

could work with a DVD. Video1 ends in a "menu" (black Still Image). If you press PLAY to start Video2.
Whether you like a brief play-arrow appears, depends of the used soft-or hardware.