Frage von joerg-emil:
Hi All,
I have a pretty good analog microphone-mixer and am looking for a USB audio interface. I would like a mixer used for audio recording with my netbook, if I shoot at with the audio inputs of my camera no longer get along. It is enough if the interface a stereo line signal processing.
Now there's a fairly big job. With simple 16-bit converters so you get a device already p.29 EUR. 24-bit converter then go off somewhere for $ 100.
My camera is working with 16 bit / 48 kHz, just like a standard video DVD.
Almost all of my films finally are available on DVD or the Internet.
Where a 24-bit interface for me at all make sense? Or is there some succinct reason why I ought to resort to a higher-quality converters?
Gruss Jörg-Emil
Antwort von shipoffools:
Where a 24-bit interface for me at all make sense? Or is there some succinct reason why I ought to resort to a higher-quality converters?
... In short, it not only makes sense, but it is always a better choice to work with 24 bit word length.
For one thing, the shöheren signal-noise ratio (A, S / N) or at 24-bit dynamic range, and partly to "rounding errors ("; rounding error, of course, only if one's converts to decimal numbers ...), in processing of digital signals .
In a 24-bit signal are these "rounding error" to make itself felt in increased noise, roughly as much next after the comma, as in 16 bit.
These errors occur when processing a signal, eg by equalizers, compressors or other effects processing or even synonymous with change in volume, in plain and simple, the digital signal is recalculated. So we work with 24-bit, the errors remain small deviations (; there, decimal expected, next after the decimal point) than 16-bit. So it makes sense to carry out the full audio processing with 24-bit word length, and only then converted to 16 bit, with which it indeed works in video.
The signal to noise ratio can be explained briefly as follows: Per-bit, which has been at its word length longer can the (; theoretical) distance between Noise and "full scale" (, 0 dBFS, the maximum value with a digital audio signal can be achieved.) increase by about 6 dB. With 16 bits there are therefore 96 dB S / N (, = 16 x 6). With 24 bits there are 8 bits correspondingly greater, representing an additional 48 dB S / N, ie, 144 dB S / N (, = 24 x 6).
More detailed explanations can be found usbei
movie college here. Greeting
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hi shipoffools,
wow, well thanx for this detailed and convincing answer. Also, the links are very interesting ... then I will have time to think about 24-bit ...
Ebay ... they just sell off the
Behringer BCA2000 Midi and audio interface
for incredible 49 EUR .... someone has experience with this device? The original price is still in some stores around 180 EUR. ... the Testbereicht here at Slashcam was synonymous as far ok ....
Antwort von shipoffools:
Ebay ... they just sell off the
Behringer BCA2000 Midi and audio interface
for incredible 49 EUR .... 've Been really good experience with Behringer (;... synonymous when Behringer products are often less represented than they are), but that one of the Behringer BCA2000 just for $ 49 "sells at a loss" is probably because there are None will ...
That part has been synonymous sells at a loss a year ago.
Does not seem to work the way it should. Simply googling times.
Antwort von joerg-emil:

... I have now decided for the following model:
Mackie Tapco Link Firewire
Type: 24 bit, 44.1/48/88.2/96 kHz sample rate
Dynamic Range:> 101.5 dB typical
THD + N: 0.004% typical, -1 dBFS, 1 kHz
... that seemed synonymous with the Behringer as funny and I do not need as many bells and whistles synonymous is also the thing quite large ...
The TABCO it now has no USB and Firewire, but my netbook has two entrances. For me, the most important thing, the thing has 2 balanced XLR microphone inputs with phantom power. It is small and the power is synonymous over the FireWire cable.
The NP for the device today is still around 180 EUR, I could bid for it on ebay for 75 EUR.
I'm curious about how funzt the thing ...