Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Ubuntu Studio is ready ... of rudi - 11 May 2007 13:23:00 Well yes it was quite fixed. From now on, the multimedia processing fixed special Linux distribution "Ubuntu Studio" to download. The package is based on Debian / Ubuntu 7.04 ( "Feisty Fawn") and brings software packages for graphics, video - and audio editing with. The audio sounds in the area and could s.verlockensten been synonymous for professional purposes suffice. Because here werkelt including the brand new Ardor Niedrigstlatenztreibern and 2 with a variety of useful plugins. The graphics for Linux is nothing new, however, with Gimp, Inkscape, Blender, Hugin and Scribus all powerful graphics packages united under a hood.
The video section is still somewhat underrepresented on the other hand: It seems that neither Cinelerra Jahshaka yet shipped, but only for the next version promised. Especially the former is difficult to install and could be achieved by Ditributionsintegration perhaps once more to get spread. There are many movies, Pitivi, CinePaint, Dvgrab and ffmepg. For Linux for multimedia production and wants to use, is now in any case a great distro with current packages. (Please note that Page is currently totally overloaded.)
This is an auto-generated entry
Antwort von Ralfo:

Finally! * * händereib pity that the Page is not accessible, but I've now synonymous as long enough as to make them two days the cabbage is no longer synonymous bold. Hoffe mal, then it will run.
Antwort von boessu:

Interesting that the Page is overloaded. This shows well that the demand for this Ubuntu variant but is higher than some think. Finally, yes, the "Media Linux Distro" nothing new.
Schade, however, I think really that there is not much good for video editing is.
Antwort von Nio:

I try since Friday evening at the home page to come. I guess times that over the weekend None could care center. What surprised me is that the event takes place on the homepage of Ubuntu is not linked.
As a torrent download can come off, I habs but not yet done because I do not have BitTorrent installed. I'll download it tomorrow.
I hope that this is under Ubuntu version is possible, the dual-viewing operation without tipperei set.
In SuSE, the problem, but for the Hertz number you tap, Ubuntu 6.x could be the Hertz number graphically change, but had to tap DualViewing.
Wait and see, then ...
Antwort von hupe extraordinary:

trying to find the torrent - has for me with 240kb down stream withdrawn
here (..." via Torrent)
Antwort von Pixopolis:
s.besten with uTorrent (the smallest coolest best bittorrent client where there)
Antwort von Linux rockt:

ubuntu is the only German or English and French?
Antwort von Nio:

So, in the normal Ubuntu version was / is it always so that the Explorer and the installation was in German, but the rest English.
I'll tell about it once
The server is actually online, and at the moment is the server of the Swiss fastest (240Kb / s) - if it is reach. At 83 MB, has confirmed to me the download is aborted. The French server comes to 35 kb / s and s.den Amiserver I can not get.
Apparently quite a big demand.
Antwort von Buk:

What hardware is Ubuntu?
Antwort von campkudd:

Loaded in an hour, installed in just under an hour, but still not quite convinced Language is half English half German, sort of funny, video editing programs can only work with DV, so Linux is not holding my case, but look nice tute, bissl flair on Vista Linux.
My question is how do I get out whether certain software is Linuxtauglisch?
Antwort von Nio:
My question is how do I get out whether certain software is Linuxtauglisch? Linuxtaugliche software? Either there is the program for Linux and it does not exist ...
Can. Rpm files in Windows to use? No, the radio only under Apple. Can. Exe files on Mac OS X?
Meite NEN emulator, such as VMware, you can use in Windows, but the program does not really leuft under Linux.
With WINE although you can. Exe files in Linux, the whole is not really crash safe - if you do run times have brought ...
Antwort von [..:: .a.r.r.u.n. ::..]:

if your in search nachn faster download portal since:
Had it with 1.7 MB / s runtergezogn ..
if you just like I been so impatient, then here too ^ ^
Antwort von darg:

There is in the distro so nothing HD capability? That would be the only thing I would like to keep Winbugs. If there is something like Vegas would give would be great for Linux. Are there any announcements?
Thank you
Axel, San Jose