Frage von Duswid:
because of several problems with the video editing
(see my thread synonymous "Ulead keeps crashing", "mpeg1 audio codec is missing,"
"Magic Deluxe separates Picture and Sound"), I have a lot yesterday
Codecs and unknown, or did not use the Programs of
Polished plate. Also Ulead Video and Magic, as well as the Windows
Media Encoder and Audio Codecs of PowerAmp ... all gone!
I've done through Control Panel ---> Software.
There appears to be me, but not all codecs installed?
So there was no uninstall routine as synonymous for
Guardian Knot Codec Pack "('ve got the folder then deleted).
Also, I'm pretty sure I'm that synonymous
K-Lite Codec Pack installed had ..... I can not find Nirg?
Similarly, I have security with the xVid codec on it! Also will
does not appear in software, still in the Programs folder.
(Removal of divX worked perfectly!)
So, how can I track all codecs and Programs,
something with the video - audio editing, and have to do this
clean uninstall?
Which codec pack would you recommend, so that the most important
Codecs running (divX, Xvid, mpeg 1-4, ...)?
[/ i]
Antwort von Stefan:

If you have so much trouble to uninstall codec packs that I do not understand why you now think again because install one ...
The smarter approach is:
First, working with board funds. When an exotic video arrives, check to see which codecs are needed. Then the net to make smart, so if there are problems. Cost / benefit balance. Backuppen or system image to draw. And then install the codec targeted. Into the computer diary adding ;-)
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Jörg:

Stefan has once again how right times.
It may be that the sniper can help you uninstall the.
Otherwise, I would put the new OS to take a (many) clean image, then the future is rosy. Codecs runterschmeißen is disgusting,
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

One can but with the different codec VCSwap synonymous fall off temporarily without panic!