Frage von terrorbruder:
I thought I come around a new theme to open, sorry ...
wants to make stop motion animation ...
have already
-stop motion pro v.4 and
stop-motion animator
the video capture program "DV Gate Pros" is already on my sony vaio installed, there are no problems, BUT
for the other two programs is garnix ... OR
there comes the error message "Error: Unable to connect to capture driver. Video capture will not be available for this session."
what should I do?
synonymous already have the problem loesungen other threads of this forum tried ...
have a sony DCR-HC 17E PAL
I need a driver for each program or special for the CAM?
Antwort von Markus:

My first guess: The camcorder is not connected with the notebook. Or you did not mention it because it would be too banal? - If it connected synonymous Have you made the right cable or maybe the wrong? ;-)
See synonymous:
FireWire FAQ">Camcorder / recorder s.PC connect, capture and edit images
Antwort von terrorbruder:

I would have hardly dared to start a auruf if I do not,
as a principal would have to exclude you can:)
Antwort von Markus:

Did you by the linked contribution nor any new evidence can win? Did you perhaps already the forward?
Antwort von terrorbruder:

so yes I have discovered something new and see because my firewire cable has a loose contact stinknormalen had
the remedied who brings me but only to the extent
that I have access to the capture options in stop motion animator and have the project can start but the screen stays black and grave picture is not really possible ... (lens cover is open ;-)
can you me some advise
Antwort von Markus:

Unfortunately not, because I do not know the software. But perhaps even more so to notify someone else about this?