Frage von HDVuser:
HDV Hi-ler
I have now I finally enschieden for HC3 and have a question.
When capturing, I use the HDV Split and it works out well synonymous. Here is something odd struck me.
The preview at the capturing provides a better quality synonymous (full resolution) in Comparison to play with VLC player.
If VLC will know smeared, even during quiet swing.
My laptop has a resolution of 1600x1200.
Is there a special VLC settings?
Thank you very much
Antwort von wolfgang:

Turn deinterlacing (Bob) - may help das
Antwort von HDVuser:

Thank you Wolfgang (synonymous) for the intensive testing of Hc3,
The tip has helped einbischen, ideally, it is not yet
With the HDVSplitpreview I have the feeling, I see a live image.
I will still try einbischen
Antwort von wolfgang:

Now you're confusing me - the HC3 has russel tested, not me. He runs one blog HC1, I run the video meeting. Thus, we have a gemeinsamenHDV focus. But the HC3, he has tested.
Antwort von hdvuser:

Oh right, I thought the Page and the testers are the same,
It is synonymous no preference, thank you both s.Euch
What Could that for a player to be used in HDV SPLIT?
bestimt it is not because the stream is directly of the HC3! The Cuptern but brings the entire data from the camcorder.
Let's see
Antwort von wowzik:

I'm not so sure if hdvsplit native captured.
You may have noticed the black edge down there? virgin capturing the bad can come then.
you shorten the time the camera exposure time?
Antwort von grovel:
What Could that for a player to be used in HDV SPLIT? HDVsplit use FFMPEG. (
As far as I know VLC uses the same code base, although the ffmpeg-Drivers probably always some versions is next. But it should make no difference. The GPL-licensed projects (vlc, bsplayer, mplayer, ffmpeg) take a great deal because IMHO.
SeeYa Groveler
Antwort von HDVuser:

Hello together,
Black border?
I just noticed that the m2t. Files have the right size 1440x1080, so VLC window fits exactly into the monitor (1600x1200)
In hdvspliter other hand, is overcrowded in full mode the whole screen.
Synonymous but if I'm doing on the VLC full mode, I play not attainable quality, as in the hdv on the split-Preview.
What is the exposure time to do it?
Thank you very much
Antwort von HDVuser:

Hello together,
Black border?
I just noticed that the m2t. Files have the right size 1440x1080, so VLC window fits exactly into the monitor (1600x1200)
In hdvspliter other hand, is overcrowded in full mode the whole screen.
Synonymous but if I'm doing on the VLC full mode, I play not attainable quality, as in the hdv on the split-Preview.
What is the exposure time to do it?
Thank you very much
Antwort von HDVuser:

Hello Again,
I think I know.
The preview (in full mode) of hdv-spliter has Resolutionvon HDTV 1920 x 1080, so it looks different.
Can I achieve this Resolutionaus the original 1440x1080 on VLC? I mean from HDV. m2t look at an HDTV.m2t.
cuptern or equal in HDTV?
Antwort von HDVuser:

It's me again,
I have read einbischen
HDV native cluster appears likely that one can not probably accommodate.
HDV is only one player (such as the HC3)?
or you can let the HDTV resolution via software show?
danke gruß
Antwort von grovel:

Um. May I kindly point out that the last four posts (including double posting) utter nonsense. Not to be insulting, but they show very clear on what experience level you stand. As with terminology is the same (wrong handled), but you give the impression that you'd know what to assume even greater Beginners leads one to your wisdom.
To clarify again all. Find HDVSplit (and not HDVSplitt or HDV splitter, etc.), to, captured under the original M2T streams on the hard drive. That is probably what you mean by "native".
But the preview uses the installed Windows MPEG2 Decoder - None is installed, as is often the case (even in Windows) does not present, he uses FFMPEG, which often is anyway installed the MPEG2 decoder. The preview is software-sided and not "native, and thus can hardly be captured" (or similar).
With HDVSplit (and AFAIK every other HDV capture tool) you have exactly on the hard drive, which is synonymous to the cassette. You find yourself these files with vlc, it's so you see exactly what you have, pretty sure runtergescalt, or at least 4:3, except your monitor has a huge resolution. Evt. reinschalten you need to deinterlace, but in principle it can not be better than the preview of HDVSplit.
SeeYa Groveler
Antwort von HDVuser:

erstmal thanks for the reply, synonymous if you connected with the criticism. I do not mind that. Because I know that I cuptere files my first Hdv.
Erstml the double posting, did it matter that I have pressed reload. I can delete anything. The other posting, zugegebeneweise were written very quickly, because I quickly had to go.
I have never claimed that the gecupterten data are better than the preview, but anderum, because the preview shows the HDTV Resolution1920x1080. This Resolutionmöchte I have on my laptop (1600x1200) show, and although with a player (VLC, or whatever synonymous always). Of course, a strip is missing, I would still like to achieve. I have read elsewhere that it is not, however, stood like!
You write "The preview is software-side"; If so, why can I see 1920x1080?
Thank you
Antwort von grovel:

The Picture of the HC3 has only one Resolutionvon 1440x1080i. The picture is, however, stretched to a size of 1920x1080i.
Since this information is not in the stream in it, vlc can not know that it must show the pixels not square. But you can vlc in the video settings to say which format (Video -> Aspect Ratio> 16:9). In addition, one should turn a decent DeInterlace, your PC is fast enough then take Bob (Video -> deinterlace> Bob).
Of course, in your case, the small picture appears that is 1600x900. You can force them vlc Although the full picture view, but then you go right and left of each lost 160 pixels in each line. Then I would have rather cease to regard the picture in 16:9 to use and just ne smaller extension at 1600x1080 (40:27). Then you have while still egg-shaped heads, but you can see the full image information.
SeeYa Groveler
Antwort von HDVuser:

Thank you for the explanation.
now have the attitude that I was looking for.
For me, the 16 / 9 shows the best picture. The calculator provides the loose already. 1.6 Pentium Centrino with 768 MB of RAM.
The processing of HDV data is probably more difficult. But anyway I have not been before.
best wishes
Antwort von sichter:

Hello Together,
I would be happy to oblige synonymous vlc full Resolutiondarzustellen (1920x1080). Could someone tell me how I hinbekomme?
that the image is cut, I am aware.
Screen Resolution1680x1050
many thanks
The classifier