Frage von Videohobby:
Who knows what to do, who can help? I would love to
VOB files with 16:9 aspect ratio without distortion (ie, synonymous with 16:9 aspect ratio) to convert AVI and MPEG files.. I have it with Canopus Procoder 2.0
in AVI and MPEG files to convert (really good video Kovertierungsprogramm), Ulead DVD MovieFactory 2 and InterVideo WinDVD Creator 2 tries. All these Programs provide the 16:9 distorted as 4:3 again. I have it synonymous with a number of smaller (less noble) programs, as WinAviVideoConverter, DVD Master Backup and AVS Video Coverter tried. The result is the same. All convert the VOB files distorted in 4:3 AVI and MPEG files.
Is there a bigger (more noble) conversion program, the VOB files unbiased synonymous with 16:9 aspect ratio converted to AVI and MPEG files? Can we bring perhaps somehow synonymous Canopus Procoder 2.0 to do this? Schonmal thank you for your answers and effort!
Antwort von Stefan:

Yes it will work.
In the VOB files and video images are also stored on 720x576 bruised. The only effect of a flag within the file that the player equalizes the video images.
If you want to have a corrected AVI and the conversion program, the 16:9 flag is not respected, then you have to Equalization "making of hand". So they get a resize filter (plugin / effect) to apply. The target size is 1024x576.
If you want to have a corrected MPEG, is basically the same. But the question is, why do you want to have a corrected MPEG ... for further processing as a DVD is the "suboptimal".
And I can not imagine that's just the Procoder no adjustment, as to what aspect ratio and pixel aspect ratio has the source material.
The flag is set when encoding, and the authors of a DVD. Both the encoder and authoring program must be proficient 16:9.
If more and come out only 4:3 DVD, I would first check my authoring program (possibly with the known 16:9 VOB) files.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Markus:

do not panic, the images synonymous You can get back into the 16:9 format. As it has with the distortion up, you will know in the linked articles below:
Pixel Aspect Ratio vs. video. Computer "
Antwort von Markus:

If I had seen that the question was already answered, I could have saved myself the trouble! Good that I recently synonymous may share identical responses to a thread. : - /