Frage von danisahne99:![](
Hello Beloved,
I hope one of you Schlaubi Smurfs can help me! I have a long time a short film rotated. Unfortunately, in the meantime, the computer times abgeraucht and of course I had no backup. The original Mini-DV tapes are synonymous only sketchy place. In any case, there is one! burned DVD with the film. I would like the film about working in mov. and then convert the Internet. Now I have the VOB files with my Quick Time Pro (+ mpeg extension) and packed in the film is None! Only the title and the DVD menu. There are a large VOB file with 701 MB but when I open then just the title and nothing else ... I wonder where the movie on the DVD is? If I do with my DVD player it look so drauf.
I find this funny ...
Hope someone can help me!
Thank you in advance ...
Antwort von tommyb:
Organize your time please GordianKnot:
Please install and then go into the directory. They ask the program "vStrip GUI" Start (vStrip_gui.exe).
Then do the following:
1. Input Please click here to drag & drop the VOB file (s) for throwing, eg
In no case "VTS_01_0.VOB" (NULL !)!!!
2. IFO Here is the IFO file by drag & drop inside them (VTS_01_0.IFO). There should be several clips are listed. One of them is your film (compare the length). Make right-click this entry and select "Set Start & End LBA.
3. Output Give the folder in which the new file will be saved and press RUN.
Thus, you can separate the wheat from the chaff, no less than under Windows.
Antwort von Pianist:
I hope one of you Schlaubi Smurfs can help me! Now I finally know what ethnic group I belong may feel ... :-)
Antwort von danisahne99:
Hi Tommy,
habs just tried but unfortunately this is a Windows program and I've NEN Mac ;-(.... gibts synonymous for the Mac? possessions actually thought that with the Quick Time Pro and mpeg extension work should be easy ... I've synonymous times where in a forum read, but apparently not ...
Viele Grüsse
Antwort von TiMovie:
Here is a schlumpf!
try MPEG streamclip for MAC
Antwort von danisahne99:
Hi ;-) TiMovie Schlumpf,
super vielen lieben Dank! That is really a great program and has saved my film. When I imported the VOB file that has the program with time code problem or something I said and whether it should be remedied. I have no first elected and since then no gings and when I made it again and have chose Yes, the film was at once because I could and it mov. convert and import into Final Cut.
Cooooool, thanks ...
Many greetings
Antwort von danisahne99:
Hi ;-) TiMovie Schlumpf,
super vielen lieben Dank! That is really a great program and has saved my film. When I imported the VOB file that has the program with time code problem or something I said and whether it should be remedied. I have no first elected and since then no gings and when I made it again and have chose Yes, the film was at once because I could and it mov. convert and import into Final Cut.
Cooooool, thanks ...
Many greetings
Antwort von KSProduction:
1. Input Please click here to drag & drop the VOB file (s) for throwing, eg
In no case "VTS_01_0.VOB" (NULL !)!!!
hello tommy what it has with
VTS_01_1.VOB for all about? I get this error message exactly synonymous before burning the video deluxe 15!!
exact wording is:
"the existing file for the movie'....' used?
antwort as you can encode or use click-click
Antwort von tommyb:
The _1 _2 _3 etc. usually include. the video material (ie the movie or the clips), while _0 is responsible for meals.
If you like the program offers the option to keep files as they are, I would make it synonymous.