Frage von YourMajesty:
I use my VX2100E purely private recordings (especially family / holidays) to make, am very satisfied with ansich the camera, just the low light qualities I appreciate very much.
Nevertheless, I have played with the idea that good part to something "more modern" to exchange. Especially in times of 16:9 HDV and one wonders yet to s.and whether one should perhaps not synonymous to jump on this train. Videos with the VX2100E look great, but on the 16:9 42 "plasma TV to see only 4:3 images - is probably not quite up to date.
As one might guess maybe I have a lack of experience is not really bad idea what it is HDV stuff with the Supervisory Office, and for that I should look out for more detail. Before VX2100E I had an XM-2, I have the benefit of the low-light properties of the sold VX-2100.
I am unfortunately not at all sure what I wanted ;-) - in fact I would like to 16:9, I have this absolutely NEN HDV camcorders have, if not, it makes sense now to create an SD 16:9 device?
In the HDV devices probably the Canon XH-A1 is very fine, but is definitely above my budget. Since I was with Sony Very satisfied, would come here probably s.ehesten FX-1 is possible, although the minimum intensity is increased to 3 lux. In addition, the DV mode is not really your strength. The full HD resolution, you should not bring synonymous ....
As you see I'm still somewhat at a loss ...
What I want / I Will not / what I have:
Not a step backwards in terms of image quality VX2100E
16:9 to finally fill the frame can watch videos s.TV
Issue on predominantly DVD, Blue-ray later lr (Brenner does not exist, Playstation 3 player available)
As a video editing equipment can I buy a Quad Core Q6600, 4gig Ram, including offers Magix Video Deluxe 16th
What I do not want is to have to somehow convert for hours in 5 different formats until I finally have a playable DVD in your hands. Similar to the DV workflow, it would be my very right: "import" source material via Magix, cut, burn. More I do not usually.
What would make your s.meiner place?
Thank you for your help!
lG Thomas
Antwort von peha:
It makes sense now to create an SD 16:9 device? Has not your super-device to so-called 'wide-screen' mode for 16:9?
My two SD Oldies SonyTRV have 20 and the TRV 900, anyway.
So you could then fill your TV format - although the picture quality remains, of course, behind HD.
Antwort von YourMajesty:

yes, yes, but (here copied from the Forum):
Back to the VX2100.
Although the format of a 16:9 aspect ratio will you put described anamorphic, but the chips of the camera does not support this format and therefore, many image details are lost.
While a true 16:9 chip, the extra width, which arises by native 16:9 makes available to zoom the VX21000 more or less approach to the chip. The native 4:3 edition of the VX2100 chipset despite anamorphic format makes the images look like a zoomed letterbox video image, as the 4:3 chips do not spend more detail than a letterbox format.
Sounds not the best, because just not true 16:9, but again a DIY solution ...
Antwort von Replay:

I would in your case, Sony simply stay, but with a current model. Why? Because Sony's next HD synonymous in perfect order and very good SD can record, of course 16:9. Those things get out of SD all out what's inside. Amazing how much shrink the distance to HD.
On top of that you have an HD camera. Simply switch, then you've got a FullHD device in his hand.
Those things are there s.350 ¬ (CX115) to about 1000 ¬ (CX550) and in between is the CX305 (600 ¬).
Antwort von tommyb:

The 16:9 the VX2100 / PD170 is really not the best. The pictures look pretty muddy out in 16:9 (Declaration on 4:3 sensor, I can confirm full). 4:3, however, is really ne s.der Camera force.
With the camcorder you today is low light capabilities prinzipell forgotten. Since the VX2100 / PD170 the last of its kind is the pick out because so much can.
Recommended (if you want to stay with tape) is therefore really a FX1 (especially as it was to be getting quite cheap - but look for head terms) - an alternative synonymous FX1000.
The difference with the VX 2100 will be extreme - in HD view anyway, in SD (scaled down) as well.
Antwort von Videobodo:

So synonymous I used the VX 2100 yet. Of course there is a distance to HD, would be synonymous bad if the were not so.
The 16:9 problem at the moment I solve this:
When recording, I make sure to do as little as possible and pans Übersichtsauffnahmen, much work with WW, close to the object and make large-and detail shots. As I watch my films so usually s.heimischen Television, wide open spaces are not always as effective.
The whole material is then placed in a 4:3 Edius Project and will be 16:9 Lyouter, appropriately, made. After that comes on DVD. I watched the final on various flat and men can live so that the next time .. Of course, misses the long run, no way s.HD, but there's little water flowing down the Rhine ...
Antwort von YourMajesty:

Thank you in advance for your contributions!
I did this ne question:
"The difference is the VX 2100 will be extreme - in HD view anyway, in SD (scaled down) as well."
I take the positive direction? ;-) Capita terms - which is ok?
Furthermore, I would be interested synonymous:
"Those things are there s.350 ¬ (CX115) to about 1000 ¬ (CX550) and azwischen is the CX305 (600 ¬)."
These cams are better than the VX2100E in terms of picture quality?
Antwort von Replay:

Furthermore, I would be interested synonymous:
"Those things are there s.350 ¬ (CX115) to about 1000 ¬ (CX550) and azwischen is the CX305 (600 ¬)."
These cams are better than the VX2100E in terms of picture quality?
Tom I made my CX115 with a try in SD. A black picture with 1024 x 576 pixels (SD 16:9) created purely set is three individual pixels in red, green and blue randomly taken and printed full frame. The colored pixels has actually seen the thing and recorded. I was quite amazed and everything's not really. Also, the contrast is very good.
It is synonymous to SonySX73. This is a CX115, which has simply taken the HD feature and therefore a pure SD-Camera offers (but it costs 330 ¬ with almost as much as a CX115).
Antwort von YourMajesty:

Hm, somehow it resists something inside of me when we consider that a compact CX115 brings Änliche results as an FX-1? 1 sensor in Comparison to 3 negligible?
As I only have experience with MiniDV tapes, which would change the overall workflow, if I record on memory card? Basically, I import it directly of the memory card into my editing program - correct? Ie I would not have to wait for the 1:1 time of transferring and would save me almost the tapes.
Hm, honestly have no idea whether I will prefer tapes or memory cards. There used to be but somehow the recommendation, if you want to cut or do much, it is advisable to select tapes, if not, any more hard drive or memory card ....
Everything is not so easy when you do not fully professional and is constantly busy with the matter.
lG and thank you for your patience!
Antwort von tommyb:

@ Replay
Well ... for the assessment of a field called Siemens star is very much better. Single, printed score takes synonymous to a bad camera, only then is the point not just bright red but just a little darker (and still visible).
Is not the case that if the system limit is reached, the point disappears at once ...
Antwort von Videobodo:

You just stop with a cheap SD camcorder an MPEG 2 file on the memory card-not an AVI with access to each frame.
Antwort von Replay:
Hm, somehow it resists something inside of me when we consider that a compact CX115 brings Änliche results as an FX-1? 1 sensor in Comparison to 3 negligible? As for sharpness, small consumer devices are no longer or barely behind professional equipment. Their qualities are somewhere else (Lowligkt, 4:2:2, Connections, etc.) to search, because it just has different requirements. The sharpness alone does not a professional unit, but if it goes in after the focus, it does a CX115 or CX305 synonymous.
When the CX115 at SD sees the three-color pixel and synonymous clean (!) Record, is on SD containing reached the end. At least the VX2000 uses not one of the nearly edge steepening, so sharpen internal artificially. The SX73/CX115 achieve the same sharpness without such tricks. What is a major advantage for the SX / CX course. However, low light is so 'ne thing. While the VX provides a clean picture, we think the CX that the lens cap is too ;-)
Whether one or three sensors, at least, today I consider not as important. More than three sensors brings a 4:2:2 color sampling.
Otherwise, I would do to me with the fact the tape is no longer today, times have changed.
Antwort von YourMajesty:

No, it's not just about the focus, in the early days I have with experimenting a sensorcam then started with nerve less than 250 ¬ Sony, then some of Panasonic - first with the 3CCD and the other league was synonymous, the color display realistic, not longer as weak, but alive. My concern is the whole package of image sharpness, color reproduction, low-light capabilities - the example CX lens cap is too daunting for me and not so portable. Furthermore, would a clean working very fine image stabilization - with the VX'm very satisfied. Size is for me a subordinate role, as I hang up the cam very often, can do not need ultra-portable.
Whether or not cassette I think I rather no preference, I think more needs to find the right camera for me, model, and then see what records it.
What is the workflow for non-tape devices? What I get here at the HD models? The source material can then "read" any suitable HD editing software? I realize that Magix Video Deluxe is ridiculed profile may already be good, that Premiere is much better, but I'm not a professional wants * synonymous None * be g - I am with VdL made friends and have been working for years. Here there would be a good HD version - that would then fit together so synonymous?
AVCHD would be the digital HD formats, HDV tape would be?
Antwort von Replay:

Means AVCHD tapeless recording (AVCHD is MPEG4, 1920 x 1080 pixels), with HDV tape (MPEG2, 1440 x 1080 pixels). Both are digital. For AVCHD but a proper hardware performance is required (Quad Core).
Tapeless handle is easy. Record, memory card out of the camcorder plugged into the card reader and copy files to your PC, ready. As with digital photos. Each scene is a separate file, the scene detection is therefore synonymous away.
If you want more, you've got your budget but plan accordingly. That would be such things as the
Antwort von YourMajesty:

Hm, I see .... thanks for the comments!
What is not clear to me - what about if I want to AVCHD or HDV output to DVD?
I cut the source material as previously synonymous, then the encoding is on DVD. After this process, both the AVCHD to HDV footage as synonymous, because the "standard DVD" taken of any DVD player to play. I have here by the HD technology any advantage over my current VX? The video is then scaled down to DVD standard 720 × 576, as with the VX is not it?
Ie I can use the HD technology only when I burn really BlueRay?
Thanks again,
lG, Thomas
Antwort von Rolf Hankel:

Ie I can use the HD technology only when I burn really BlueRay?
Thomas since there is such great multi-media player (WD-player, etc.) and you belly a Blu-Ray burner.
Make the switch to HDV, AVCHD or even better, you will not regret it
Regards Rolf ...
Antwort von tommyb:
I have here by the HD technology any advantage over my current VX? The video is then scaled down to DVD standard 720 × 576, as with the VX is not it? Yes. It looks noticeably sharper than native recorded in SD.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Basically, I'd like 16:9, I have this absolutely NEN HDV camcorders have, if not, it makes sense now to create an SD 16:9 device? ... 16:9 you get of course synonymous with no HD and the logical successor to the VX2200 VX2100 yours is, but still: If today a new acquisition of this size is in the air, I would not buy a pure SD camcorder more.
... What would make your s.meiner place? ... First you should define what you want to spend for entry into the world of HD. Would you be as willing to invest 2000 euros, then you need to you not to worry about low-cost consumer models such as the CX115, although having more pixels than a VX2100, but overall for anyone who has any Henkel camera is used to already a wicked step backwards in terms of handling, low light show and so on.
Antwort von YourMajesty:

Now it is so that I actually considered max. ¬ 1,700 limit set was, like synonymous less.
Henkelcam would be fine - I'm just like you've spelled correctly used and I find synonymous wonderful, especially for recordings from the frog perspective or just for recording on "child height".
Quick question for the FX1 - has this counter for drum run, etc? What is ok?
Antwort von Jitter:

For 1700 ¬ there is unfortunately no Henkelmann. If you want to stay with the tape and HDV editing prefer to have a simpler, there is practically only for Canon HV 40 of about 800 ¬. A beautiful part which has especially a lot of manual features. Probably synonymous, the DV-mode peak. In my HV 20 is at least. So if you initially 16:9 - DV produce like, this is the recommendation.
Even though it appears to move away from tape. My experience: In DV mode produces the HV 20 virtually no dropouts in HDV mode it looks different. The Sony HDV camcorders is said as less susceptibility dropout. I have my doubts there.
From your VX 2100 You're used to being able to control everything synonymous manual. Whether you there with the current small consumer devices will be of Sony Happy?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Max. ¬ 1,700 limit would be fine ... ... Henkelcam Perhaps the new SonyNEX-VG10 would be the right thing? At the divorce, although the spirits and priced it oscillates at the time synonymous something above your limits, but it would certainly be worth a look. I myself, however, had no hand in, so do not look as the recommendation, but only as an indication of a possible alternative.
Antwort von YourMajesty:

Well, ne used FX1 has been around on this course ....
Does this counter for drum run, etc? What is ok?
Antwort von tommyb:

The FX1 seems to have no (I've just watched a PDF). The Z1 has a counter.
In principle, it can s.800 hours already become critical - but I had already generated a synonymous Z1 in hand, despite 1500 hours (first head) was still running fine. The drive was over, but at some point, so synonymous to the head had to be replaced.