Frage von lofi:
Sony Vegas Pro sets in some camcorders. There is that this version for 299 sell separately? Are these versions somehow restricted? Are upgradeable?
Antwort von Marco:

These are OEM versions, which are otherwise to the software package, part of DVD authoring software
DVD Architect "is missing.
DVD Architect can not be purchased separately. An upgrade to the license so synonymous of DVD Architect to buy is possible, but only by the upgrade license of Vegas Vegas Pro 8 is purchased. Cost: 215,00 Euro. Info ->
Antwort von deti:

If, however, the Platinum package for 67.77 ¬ in the download version directly from the Sony website CreateObject ordered, you get even more the "DVD Architect Studio" and the "Cinescore Studio plug-in" to do so. In this way, one has then for about ¬ 370, - all together.
Strange pricing.
Edit: I meant of course, ¬ 270, --
Antwort von Marco:

DVD Architect Studio is but a different product than the version to be part of Vegas Pro DVD Architect. DVD Architect Studio can be synonymous, for example, for 32.00 Euro individually purchased.
Antwort von deti:

Ahso. The pricing is still funny, if for less than 300 ¬ all possible versions of Vegas and at the same time, can buy the Pro version just a lot more expensive ... - This can not really work, right?
Edit: Hab grad mal read. This would place the upgrade of Vegas Movie Studio Vegas Pro need:
It costs ¬ 357, - plus a movie studio license ¬ 32.07, the then ¬ 389, - (incl. VAT) for a full version without any compromises.
I think I must quite strongly in our company include Rumer.
Antwort von Marco:
"if one of less than 300 ¬ all possible versions of Vegas Buy This is so for every program to another, namely the entry-level version. The Pro versions of all these programs is a different league, functional and competitively priced.
Movie Studio Platinum (synonymous per pack), DVD Architect and the Cinescore Studio plug-in for the studio versions are not to be equated with those same products in the (Vegas) Pro-Series.
"The price is ¬ 357, - plus
a movie studio license ¬ 32.07, the then ¬ 389, - (incl. VAT) for a full version without compromise." Full versions of Konsumerserie, not the Pro-Series. That makes the difference.
Antwort von deti:
Full versions of Konsumerserie, not the Pro-Series. That makes the difference. Nee is the Vegas Pro 8 full version and no consumer version - check it out, what it stands
Antwort von Marco:

Oops, you right. I had your addendum, or rather the link is not correctly perceived.
Then So better buy Movie Studio and Vegas Pro to upgrade than an OEM version for 300 euros to buy and upgrade to DVD Architect to erhlaten.
Antwort von lofi:

I'm with my DVDLab Pro really satisfied.
Is not the OEM version for me sufficient, or otherwise missing Nochwas?
Antwort von Marco:

Then, just missing the AC3 encoder. Otherwise, it is a full, unrestricted version of Vegas Pro 8th