Frage von FilmerMike:
Hello together,
one of my friend and I are now in a fairly large discussion.
And it is about Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere / After Effects.
He says:
"Premiere or Vegas is not as much difference. Vegas is all that can Premiere or After Effects
I say:
"Premiere / After Effects I personally rebuilt much clearer, more precise and logical. While it is used to it, with what one einarbeitet itself. But in the end, Premiere or After Effects is the better choice. The accuracy of Adobe surpasses Vegas not. You just to create many more opportunities the clip. "
What do you say?
Friend of me wants to know what Adobe may, what Vegas can not?
Happy about your answers!
Antwort von Marco:

Vegas Pro with After Effects to want to compare, would be an "apples-with-pear Comparison".
"Premiere / After Effects, personally I think clearer, more logical and structured much." This is a subjective impression. Absolutely fine, only - everyone feels that way. Depending on with which other programs you have some experience (or not synonymous), you can also come to the opposite conclusion.
The only way to find your friend, "his" truth to this is to install the demo versions of the Programs and experimenting with it. Then he will soon find out what program it is rather synonymous when it usually takes longer to find out which program is the "better" scope of services, offers, or which can be used effectively.
"The accuracy of Adobe surpasses Vegas not." If this statement is to premiere (instead of general "Adobe" delimited) and thus computational accuracies are meant, then it may.
Antwort von FilmerMike:

Thanks for the quick reply!
He is synonymous After Effects.
He has just used s.Vegas. But I am about to show him that Adobe simply has more options and features for Choice. If not, please name me times things that Vegas can not Adobe! If it were even times curious!
With Adobe Premiere and was synonymous After Effects meant, although I really wanted to put After Effects to the background. Because yes (as you say already) is to be compared not with Vegas.
Thank you
Antwort von Marco:
"But I am about to prove to him that Adobe more options & functions for Choice has it." If you are with Adobe Premiere really think this is rather the reverse.
I can give you many features that you would be in Vegas Pro, but not found in Premiere. This spear can be synonymous but easily turn around. It depends on where you see the focus of his work.
Automation via scripting, bus routing, including FX inserts, FX Toggling, 4K video with linear gamma in 32-bit floating-point mode, Parent-Child compositing, project adjustments at any pixel - and FPS format ( to 4096x4096 and 100 fps), external, automated audio mixing MIDI controller - all for example, are typical features of Vegas Pro - and this is just a small sample.
Antwort von FilmerMike:

Ah, thank you ... But the biggest part you've called is still synonymous in Premiere or am I wrong here?
I mean ... I've even Vegas ... But the biggest part that I always do in Premiere, you can either not in Vegas or just totally awkward.
Has both a synonymous here in the forum?
Antwort von Marco:

What, for example?
Antwort von FilmerMike:
(Though I can not of course know what you do in Premiere). What, for example? It's hard to say because I do everything. From the skate video, and documentary film ... Have a lot to do with color correction, or with Clipüberlagerungen (Filmburn, 8mm Effects) or simply synonymous Title Animations / Effects (And then I create the same in After Effects).
Such things I can, although synonymous with Vegas. But at first in only half the time.
I think it is as I have suspected all a matter of habit. Premire just has many features that are not Vegas and vice versa. But still I find Premiere "better", especially as regards the logic of the whole work. Since I could yet persuade None. :-)
Antwort von soahC:
"But I am about to prove to him that Adobe more options & functions for Choice has it."
If you are with Adobe Premiere really think this is rather the reverse.
I can give you many features that you would be in Vegas Pro, but not found in Premiere. This spear can be synonymous but easily turn around. It depends on where you see the focus of his work.
Automation via scripting, bus routing, including FX inserts, FX Toggling, 4K video with linear gamma in 32-bit floating-point mode, Parent-Child compositing, project adjustments at any pixel - and FPS format ( to 4096x4096 and 100 fps), external, automated audio mixing MIDI controller - all for example, are typical features of Vegas Pro - and this is just a small sample.
Antwort von Marco:
"I think it is as I've suspected all a matter of habit."
This is it with security. Among other things, the opinions of different people on the same system are often so far apart. The product services have adapted over time more and more.
Antwort von tommyb:
Leg times but please s.and Project in 1080i25 work a little with it. If you zufälligweise then find out that your stuff really only 720p as Resolutionhat, then start changing the project properties.
In Vegas, with three clicks is enough.
Or you have an upright video? Or a video that has to run with 75.56 frames with 24 bit 5.1 sound?
The biggest advantage of Premiere is the implementation of various more or less prof. Plugins with which you can do great things (perhaps even running on the GPU). Also NLE editing cards are supported without any problems to adapt, because the Manufacturer s.Premiere their cards and not vice versa.
In Vegas is the implementation of NLE editing cards no longer so easily (personal experience with Black Magic Studio II), although the card is then available to be pre-coded, but when playing off the tape must be complete, because only by Vegas "Insert" plays out. But I use one personally assembling a project faster than other people the first night, because in Vegas with a few hot keys and a precise, fast mouse works very well.
So what? Which is better: BMW 5 Series or Mercedes E-Class?
pennant Listen to your friend irgedwas with champagne methods - he should find out their workflow and not of themselves be influenced anyone who thinks that there apparently is something better. Finally forced to be on Fruitarianism DIR None, because this can be quite funny ....
Antwort von soahC:
Ah yes, I'm myself. " Do you know with Premiere obviously not a piece, or you'd know you can regardless of the Porjektsettings create new sequences in all possible formats. And of course you can create edge synonymous own settings for eg videos.
Antwort von fly-italo:
So what? Which is better: BMW 5 Series or Mercedes E-Class?
The 5 Series:)
Antwort von Marco:
"Regardless of which one new sequences in all possible formats can create the Porjektsettings."
Does "all possible formats," that it can be defined within certain limits, a totally free format, or that there is a great choice?
Can this example, a project or sequence format as 4096x8 with 98.23 fps and create a pixel aspect of 0.888?
And how exactly does this do? Change the way the preview?
It can change the track hierarchy in Parent-Child-Relation? Video-FX-Toggling (Effects on clip, event, track, project-based switching with the FX signal flow within a Parent-Child-compositing) is now possible?
Takes work with (several clips in one timeline-event)?
A 32-bit Floating-Point Project makes the choice between video-Gamma-Gamma and Linear?
Antwort von soahC:
The Resolutionlässt to choose completely free and you can adjust up to 60 FPS. I must admit that I have no idea why just 60 final.
You can choose between 8 Aspect Ratios, and now Seriously, why the hell should we still need one? Who barbeitet bitteschön Videos with a Pixelseitverhältnis of 0.888? Is there any device that records in the world in such a pixel aspect ratio?
32bit is supported. Follows already from the possibility to import directly from After Effects compositions.
No matter what project you have created, you can create new sequences in any format. For example, we created a HD in an SD sequence Project cuts, there the pure HD sequence and immediately a downscale to Pal.
Do you mean with parent-child something like Precomposing in AE? So I cut a bit in the sequence "A" and then insert sequence "A" in sequence "B" one? Then, whatever I change in "A" of course, synonymous to "B", as amended.
What VideoFX-Toggling or a timeline event I know is, unfortunately, but I hope you'll explain it to me immediately:)
Antwort von wolfgang:
These comparisons are of little help next - we have often led and never convince everyone can. What for me was always a relevant point, that was the treatment of super white in the video - where Premiere has taken this long to implement synonymous when encoding at last. What bothers me even more is that with certain codecs to color distortion occurs - sometimes encode a Canopus HQ file in this file with a high proportion of red out of the internal mpeg2 encoder of CS3 and compare the colors ....
should I fundamentally believe that you can set as many things manual. The most recent example, where Vegas shows there is a certain advantage, the encoding of 50p in 1080, which is based both in the local Vegas SonyAVC Encoder (with, unfortunately, rather limited data rates), or synonymous with the Mainconcept AVC encoder integrated there. The fact is, even relatively freely selectable. But is synonymous not always the case, the mpeg2 encoder in Vegas, unfortunately, not possible, the output to 1080 50p.
Nevertheless, these comparisons do little next. It all must own to figure out which product is better for him and use what he wants. And that is and remains a highly subjective decision-making process of technical facts and data is at best partially superimposed. We should therefore try not to convince other users of a product that they just simply do not want not in both directions -. It does nothing.
Antwort von tommyb:
@ SoahC
No, I have in fact not very much about it because I've done only once the demo of CS4. But what I appreciated in Vegas the first time, I have not been found at the first blow in Premiere - so wandered back into the program directly synonymous Nirvana.
Also I have heard of have been synonymous for many people that the predefined presets in their cases, not just served - for example those which would create a super-wide Project for 3 FullHD monitors. This is still in Vegas with three clicks.
Oh yes:
Multithreading (in terms of utilization of the available CPU power) was synonymous never the true strength of the program.
Antwort von Marco:
The question at the project properties, however, is not only what is adjustable, but synonymous, how it impacts. Also completely atypical values are then justified, even if - for whatever reason always synonymous - there is just such material and the native (visible) would be examined. In practice, such cases arise when foreign material is rendered simply wrong. Come out and again before.
If, therefore, not be possible.
"32bit is supported."
Yes, I know. But the choice between the video - and linear gamma it is possible?
"Do you mean with parent-child something like Precomposing in AE?"
I do not think that would be more nesting. There are indeed synonymous in Vegas an equivalent, but what is meant by this, is to change the track hierarchy.
I can, for example, traces C, D, E to make the Child Track B, which in turn is made the label of the track A. This will trace A to the master track and trace B to trace the footsteps Parent C and E. About this construct can then pass on track properties, such as positioning and animation in 3D space, but synonymous filter properties, rotating cube build, etc.
This happens regardless of the nesting (the nest), but can be combined with it.
A "timeline-event" means the wildcard in the timeline. He can usually only with both a video - Grafik/Stillimage-, text or audio clip to be filled.
In Vegas, however, this same placeholder with more such elements will be filled (just not the same picture and sound). By pressing a button you can, for example switch the various video clips which are all located in the same placeholder.
FX-Toggling means the signal flow of a video filter. The signal can be influenced so that either one or a compositing compositing through the filter.
Can the audio tracks via MIDI device (like a Mackie Control Unit) including external automation will gepegelt! So that's that motorized faders are fully used (the software that is synonymous the fader controls the external device)? The audio filter from the external device can be controlled?
Antwort von Marco:
"Friend of me wants to know what Adobe may, what Vegas can not?"
To this question I wanted to roll up so the first of her other Page, pick up again (though I "Adobe" by "Premiere" replace):
Premiere interact almost perfectly with many other Adobe products. Concrete example, the import of PSD graphics with the option to take the PSD layers.
PSD Import into Vegas is possible, but the layers are fused together always.
Similar interactions are indeed at the output of various products such as SCS Vegas, Acid and Sound Forge. There, the inevitable happens on the audio-based. At least, in DVD Architect (the authoring program, which is one of Vegas Pro) PSD files including layer to use as Menuvorlagen.
Also own Premiere: The search for key words in dialogues of audio files.
What I envy the Premiere User: The SWF output.
P2 imports in Vegas only via plugin.
Antwort von soahC:
So: first in front, here I try to convince anyone of Premiere. What I would like synonymous? I just can not understand when people here who report negative things about programs with which they are uncomfortable at all. What do you gain?
@ TommyB: If you say that you do not already have much idea why you write stuff like that at all then? And synonymous to you again to your superb ride 3 Monitor Project: The Resolutionist in Premiere completely free choice!
@ Marco: I try to answer what I know times in succession:
- Linear Gamma-Gamma and video tells me nothing. Please explain what that is. Thank you
- Parent-Child: I can not comment, but I think that things could not have a function. That Gibts yes AE:)
- Time-Event: This could be solved on the Multicam feature. Power, but in my opinion, only makes sense if synchronized real material from different cameras. Since then, of course, can be switched by pressing a button synonymous Picture + Sound. For pure "placeholder" it is probably much too complicated.
FX-Toggling have: I unfortunately still not fully understand what is meant. Maybe I'm really just on the tube?
- Audio can be with an external mixer "live pressure levels" (Also during playback). Unfortunately, I can not say unfortunately.
Antwort von wolfgang:
I just can not understand when people here who report negative things about programs with which they are uncomfortable at all. What do you gain?
Who does that?
Antwort von Marco:
"Linear-Gamma-Gamma and video tells me nothing."
Video-gamma is the typical contrast curve for adaptation s.TV devices. Linear Gamma is a movie-typical contrast curve, as it is synonymous of video cameras used for digital cinema production.
"This could be solved on the Multicam feature."
Theoretically perhaps, but not practical. The effect is similar, but functionally, the very distinguished. The multi-cam's function is synonymous in Vegas.
Takes the other hand, are used, for example, a simple way to work with proxies to test several variations of a setting to different audio filtering while the ready.
The FX-Toggling can be explained properly only through a parent-child hierarchy. But there are just not in Premiere of my knowledge.
When I built my example on the parent-child functionality and the 3D animation mode a cube have and I now as a filter or fix a light reflex, then I can select from the FX-Toggling to quickly and easily if the light reflex only should contribute to a Page of the cube or the whole cube - or by further modification of the signal flow to the whole picture. Especially in the application of blur there through the FX-Toggling very precise differentiation.
Can create with Premiere Animatable Beziermasken?
Can I simulate using animated noise texture mapping and Height flowing liquids?
Antwort von Axel:
Parenting is as much white even I, who neither Vegas uses more Premiere, an After Effects feature, and it is used in exactly the same of Marco sense outlined in order of composition planes (or elements therein) hierarchically relate to specific rules on each other (machine model animated figure mannequin with joint anchor points, etc.).
The Successive-refer, of course synonymous for Animatable Bezier Path (masks for everything) and-.
Very practical expression in the AAE, a collection of organic-looking movements, the existing linear animation and, of course, applicable and adaptable are combined. Vegas offers little in the way?
Premiere itself is not much more than the "Editor", but more it claims not to be synonymous.
Antwort von FilmerMike:
So Premiere + After Effects is probably the best choice?
Or then Vegas + After Effects synonymous right?
Btw. such 3D stuff and so useless stuff, you need not be considered normal HobbyEditer you can leave for our decision. This I still have Cinema 4d ...
Antwort von Bespi:
So Premiere + After Effects is probably the best choice?
Or then Vegas + After Effects synonymous right?
After Effects is a powerful compositing and Anmiationsprogramm, Premiere and Vegas editing software, explains simply. After Effects + Premiere s.Besten fit together, as a result of the same Manufacturer and simple exchange. (Projects can be imported directly each other, but it is even possible to live auszutauchen files between the two programs.) Premiere is based in Bedeinekonzept synonymous rather s.den competitors, Vegas is a very individual way.
But if you as Hobbyedtior "in general such a powerful compositing program need for you to decide for yourself!
EDIT. Apparently you work anyways even with Premiere and After Effects. Have just read through the answers and it looked more like a buying question. - So what do you want to know, of us all?
Antwort von Axel:
There are ~ 15 000 threads relating to Premiere, but only slightly in 2800 relating to Vegas. The premiere is so well distributed next.
What I would do s.deiner point: I was reading times in the titles of threads. Some things in life are difficult to understand that one a dull reflection says s.meisten yet. Now, I will suggest no interpretation. I have for all who find this shocking proposal, an explanation of the Premiere users are simply too clumsy to about 30% for this program.
Antwort von FilmerMike:
The Premiere users are simply awkward to about 30% for this program.
That means they have it, although half or not at all need umgehn failed to adjust to? Right du hast ja Bin not synonymous to the inexperienced. Buddy of mine ... the rich will probably Vegas. enough for animation matters when he has After Effects. All he need not so.
But if you as Hobbyedtior "in general such a powerful compositing program need for you to decide for yourself!
Problem is, many beginners Programs, such as Magix does not meet our demands. Therefore, it makes sense for us to use these advanced Programs.
For me, all questions are so over!
Giant s.Alle Thanks again!
Antwort von Marco:
"Buddy of mine ... the rich will probably Vegas."
The question is synonymous if he s.Möglichkeiten the more that he could be offered by After Effects still does. If not, he will know if possible to simply appreciate the enormous effectiveness of Vegas Pro. More than Vegas and then offers him, he will have little, if he does not have additional software in use.
"Very practical nature are the expression in AAE, a collection of apparently organic movements, at present, linear animation and, of course, applicable and adaptable to be combined. Does something in Vegas?"
I hardly think so. But that's why we have to compare synonymous at the beginning of the thread the "apple and pear character" when trying to Vegas Pro and AU, and out of Dortan limited the discussion to the differences between Premiere Pro and Vegas.
You can think of Vegas Pro for audio editing and video editing software with advanced compositing capabilities, but impossible as a full compositing software in the nature of AE.
"Btw this 3D stuff. And so useless stuff, what one does not need HobbyEditer normal than you can in our decision to leave. This I still have Cinema 4d ..."
Then AE is even less likely to be necessary and the question, "Or is it synonymous Vegas + After Effects good?" would be possible with the reply "Then he drives probably ideal with Vegas Pro and Cinema 4D" optimally served.
What exactly you want to use their AE?
Antwort von soahC:
@ Marco: Yes, in Premiere, you can create all the effects as Bezier keyframes.
For FX Toggling I would say that this function fails because of lack of parent-child function of the start.
And now quite honest: Who uses such functions bitteschön? Those who build cubes (cubes, the example just calls out that was an Amateur s.Werk) or more complex animations programmed in an editing?
Please understand not wrong, of course it is great that there are these functions. But once you are working professional wants something or needs is mien think Premiere + After Effects (or equal to the Production Suite) the better choice.
Behaves just as with the selectable aspect ratios. Could you tell me when and what time you need an Aspect Ratio of 0.888 ever? And above all, why should we export it synonymous so? For an import of all kinds of crooked aspect ratios is possible, of course, it must be precisely correct.
The following advantages of Premiere, I would point out times:
- Export of ready-cut sequences by an external program = you can continue to export during the
- Very many of format are processed Premiere
- AAF (= possible complete sequences with cuts and effects) Import and Export of Avid and Final Cut
- Adobe Dynamic Link: After Effects compositions can be imported into Premiere without rendering them before. If one then in the AE Comp something changes, it is assumed auto of Premiere. Just ready to Premiere sequences s.Encore be sent directly to them to burn to DVD. This is still an import DVD menu from Photoshop and fertg is a full DVD with menu, movies and animations, without having synonymous herausgerendert only one file!
- Native Red Support
- Support of Sapphire, Trapcode ... Plugins
- Media Brwoser: A single window for import of all known formats such as XDCam or P2
Yes, that would be so a few things I s.Premiere appreciate! Of the standard functions we need not speak, speaking all the editing programs, from Movie Maker to Avid Media Composer alike.
Antwort von Marco:
"In the premiere, you can create a bezier keyframes for all effects."
But this was not the question, but whether one Bezier masks - and the synonymous - can create animated.
"Those who use such functions bitteschön Who builds cube (cube, the example just calls out that was an Amateur s.Werk) or more complex animations in an editing program?"
He who has the opportunity to do with the editing and the program may realize even faster and easier than if he can help with a second program would have to use other operating philosophy.
In addition, it was just an example to describe the FX-toggling.
Of course it makes sense s.einer certain complexity and s.einem certain quality standard, to use a different, specialized tool. Just as useful in similar cases is to leave such tasks of other things to take care of specialized personnel.
Remove only so much we have of the actual question of this discussion. And so does seen pretty much every available today editing system that is more than 50 euros will cost much more than for the actual cutting work needed and perhaps would be good synonymous.
But the fact is synonymous to all such systems, Vegas and Premiere synonymous - perhaps despite, or perhaps synonymous have found precisely because of such functions - their target audiences and fans. I know in any case a whole lot of people who do because of the effectiveness of such compositing with all the facets available there cook in Vegas. It is important only to recognize the limits and the corresponding implementation.
The question of who may use such functions, is therefore futile.
"Could you please tell me when and what time we Aspect Ratio of 0.888 ever need one?"
One example I mentioned above it will, and synonymous here was referred to the value of a fanciful, but quite good example:
This involves vsum the best possible control of foreign material that could happen in the manufacture of photographic material error. It is not a value of a pixel aspect ratio of 0.888, but a truly free adaptation of the values of a project and so the preview. Only then synonymous, the precise control of sharpness, geometry and motion are produced.
- Export of ready-cut sequences by an external program = you can continue to export the while "
Yes, I think of Adobe implemented well. In Vegas on a second project feasible distance, but should also ensure there will be low priority manual process, to prevent the rendering process of slow the other work too much. Or you have to rely on the network rendering. So although synonymous feasible, but not so elegant and simple.
"- Extremely many format are processed premiere of"
"- AAF (= complete sequences with cuts and effects) Import and Export of Avid and Final Cut possible"
This is valid for synonymous Vegas. Where you (regardless of the software) must be very careful when it comes to exchange via AAF more than relatively simple editing projects between different systems.
"- Native Red Support"
Yep, synonymous in Vegas, including the assumption of the matrix of the R3D-Decode-properties and the possibility of manipulation.
"- Brwoser Media: A single window for import of all known formats such as XDCam or P2"
Yep, synonymous in Vegas (which is a plugin for P2) are required. The user has the choice here: a window for everything in the shape of a typical Windows Explorer or the Media Manager (depending on the project). Or special browser for specific purposes.
- Support of Sapphire, Trapcode Plugins ... "
Antwort von MK:
Oh yes:
Multithreading (in terms of utilization of the available CPU power) was synonymous never the true strength of the program.
In Vegas for some things, unfortunately, not synonymous ... pure straight cut (hard cuts) and rendering of uncompressed in a lossless codec (eg Lagarith) or synonymous render in the same codec as the source is only with very low CPU utilization of equip and lasts longer than necessary.
For Comparison: hard cuts in Virtualdub and convert to eg Lagarith: 120 frames per second, in Vegas with me only about 1.5 - 2x faster than real time (So that's 30 - 50 frames per second) and this measly 5 - 7% utilization on the available cores.
Does someone perhaps a tip on how to speed this up? Project, Clip-and render settings are consistent course 1:1.
Antwort von Marco:
Have you rendering from VD and Vegas each used the same path? Especially when rendering in compressed format, often as low write speed of the memory partition is crucial.
Effects have you even used any. Was scaled rendering? If not, I find nothing else to render an acceleration.
Antwort von MK:
Have you rendering from VD and Vegas each used the same path? Especially when rendering in compressed format, often as low write speed of the memory partition is crucial.
Effects have you even used any. Was scaled rendering? If not, I find nothing else to render an acceleration.
Everything checked out ... the plates are synonymous all the same performance (identical models and nothing else on it) and even on the RAID-0 with about 200 megabytes per second throughput does nothing in terms of speed.
I can try more than once held Best to try one of the other options for the render quality ... and I am of the opinion that the hard to clean cuts really should have no effect.
Source format of the Sony YUV, preferred target format or Lagarith Huffyuv (the latter shows a slightly better performance than the Lagarith, but not earth-shattering was synonymous).
Antwort von FilmerMike:
The question is synonymous if he s.Möglichkeiten the more that he could be offered by After Effects still does.
Yes, he needs! After Effects is a must for both of us.
3D stuff he does not really at all. And if it does occur so he has me. Then I do it fast.
He has now installed Premiere and stop times is testing around a bit, especially in conjunction with After Effects. He finds the Dynamics Link function very well. Saves him a lot of time down the ever-render and her.
What exactly you want to use AE?
As I said, it's always different. According as what we are creating for movies. The most important will be the slow motion for us. AE has for me to make the best opportunities this slow motion. Especially the ramps to synonymous Slowmotion "is" very important to us. Good title animations, accurately tracking various glow effects etc. are synonymous important to us. Even if the go with Vegas, it should be with AE much easier, as it is genuine just thought synonymous for such things.
To respond to times Aspect Ratio. No normal Edite / has created footage with 0.888. So that is no reason for him to stay on Vegas.
Wiegesagt, he works a bit now with Premiere, at all times to compare. Important to him is just the collaboration with After Effects. Dynamics link is there at least one big advantage!
- Mike
Antwort von der_demonstrant:
poke my time here in the discussion one .........
So, I work since years with vegas 1.5 pro and have now decided to compare me (to be able to) a bit in s.einzuarbeiten (test version), but unfortunately I must say vegas is to understand and easier for me based on logical ago is (can it be synonymous but I still half a year with s.einarbeitungszeit needed).
thing that struck me when s.besonders:
- Is the color correction gives better results in ae, if I increase the contrast in vegas the footage in the entire image at once dark,
when it s.gibt this function "maintain luminance" increases contrast and have a better visual impression of the color balance function allows synonymous her.die more leeway in ae.
synonymous, it looks as if the picture is making s.einen much sharper overall impression than with raw vegas synonymous, what may be the same ... dv codec is still in vegas and s.der?
I really prefer to cut vegas .... only the color of simply much better in my eyes, I can of course be synonymous with vegas and do I still have deficits in the project settings an error.
overall I think I Eventuel synonymous with the magic bullet vegas plugin looks to buy as ........... s.einfach is very expensive in comparison and I except most do not need color correction.
animationan for me are rather unimportant.
Antwort von tommyb:
Everything checked out ... the plates are synonymous all the same performance (identical models and nothing else on it) and even on the RAID-0 with about 200 megabytes per second throughput does nothing in terms of speed.
I can try more than once held Best to try one of the other options for the render quality ... and I am of the opinion that the hard to clean cuts really should have no effect.
Source format of the Sony YUV, preferred target format or Lagarith Huffyuv (the latter shows a slightly better performance than the Lagarith, but not earth-shattering was synonymous).
If the files have no effects, then the threads are not so burdened synonymous. I have here synonymous in the Sony YUV 10 bit codec frame rates between 60 and 100 when simple Rausrendern of such files. However, as synonymous worked on a RAID0 with 4 disks and it runs pretty fine.
Antwort von MK:
I have here synonymous in the Sony YUV 10 bit codec frame rates between 60 and 100 when simple Rausrendern of such files.
Which version of Vegas and how to convert looked at in other codecs (eg uncompressed RGB without alpha)?
Antwort von FilmerMike:
animationan for me are rather unimportant.
If you want to create title animations are then not important for you ...
Regardless, I am certainly curious, what do you say when you have worked you!
Antwort von der_demonstrant:
animationan for me are rather unimportant.
If you want to create title animations are then not important for you ...
Regardless, I am certainly curious, what do you say when you have worked you!
there are indeed other possibilities gotteidank the "intro" design such as animation (the appearance anyway only good if one does take work)
one can make an example intro movies synonymous Risch
an example: eg stop motion or something else ..... in the creative direction
But one thing I can tell you already book now, vegas is for me easier to use than ae ..... with s.einen clip to cut is just too cumbersome, if only because of the timeline ( just not cutting program and premiere extra to buy when almost no difference makes vegas would be nonsensical)
Antwort von Marco:
MK: "I can try more than once instead of the other best options for the render quality to try one of the ... and I am of the opinion that the pure hard for cuts should have no impact really."
Since you're correct. The difference between the "optimal" and "Good" is only the scaling algorithm. If there is no change in the Resolutionstatt can take as nothing - not qualitatively not synonymous and in time.
If set to "preview" in addition, the half-image-processing and disabled when set to "draft" is also again used an easier scaling algorithm (as when "Good"). Through the disabled Halbbildprozessing modes "Preview" and "draft" is to get anyway just for the test render advisable.
Protestor: "if I in vegas increases the contrast of the footage is now dark in the whole picture"
What filter did you use for that? You in Vegas at least four different filter to change the contrast. It is recommended for a first step, almost always with the filter "Levels" at first to correct the black level, then the white level, then possibly the Gamma. Then usually no further contrast correction is necessary.
If it does, can the contrast curve, for example, the filter with "Color Curves" regulate separately, individually and synonymous for each color channel.
MB Looks is a great tool for Vegas. The filter series "Video Essentials" of NewBlueFX offers some good and also easy to use color correction filters. Nevertheless, I think the Vegas internal range of about 10 filters for color correction quite lush and versatile.
Antwort von der_demonstrant:
@ Marco
the filter "Brightner and contrast had" used ,......... thanks for your tip.
2 more questions to vegas 8pro:
1st why there is color correction and secondary color correction in vegas?
where is the difference
2nd in after effects, there is the function "maintain luminance"
can the function "retained brightness" in vegas cc secondary
Watch as the same effect?
do you have left to tell the good toturial vegas pro color correction understandable, since I do not here next forum will zuspamen with my beginner questions:).
Antwort von Marco:
You can filter the "Brightness and Contrast" yes synonymous move the contrast center. This can be usein way for counter subjectively perceived change in brightness. But is rarely the best remedy.
"Color Correction" color corrected in three different brightness ranges: dark image portions (shadow), medium intensity image sections, bright image components (lights).
"Secondary Color Correction" corrected color values of a well-defined color areas. So you could, for example, specifically the blue of the sky; or synonymous produce the effect that, except no red color longer appears in the Picture.
"After effects are there in the function" maintain luminance "
can the function "retained brightness" in vegas cc secondary
same effect as a watch? "
The filter "Color Corrector Secondary" there is no such option. But in the filter "Color Balance". There, he probably does the same thing, namely, that the average brightness of the image does not change.
You can find us at Vegas Video.deVegas Forum Vegas
Antwort von tommyb:
Which version of Vegas and how to convert looked at in other codecs (eg uncompressed RGB without alpha)?
It's Vegas 9 (not Movie Studio!).
RGB is uncompressed so s.sich not a codec, the data is only stored uncompressed and just because the speed may drop when the plates come with it afterwards.
I had exported a long time ago a project with chroma keying, I have edited the recordings and with alpha-channel as Uncompressed RGB AVI - to a USB hard drive. With a throughput of 15 MB for the system to be rotated thumbs, because the data were not fast enough afterwards. That is why I always recommend at least every one RAID zuzulegen 10 if they with multiple sources simultaneously, or want to work with huge files.
By the way: If I make an export to AVC, then go up the score.
Antwort von wolfgang:
"After effects are there in the function" maintain luminance "
can the function "retained brightness" in vegas cc secondary
same effect as a watch? "
The filter "Color Corrector Secondary" there is no such option. But in the filter "Color Balance". There, he probably does the same thing, namely, that the average brightness of the image does not change.
It really makes no sense to the average brightness of the picture maintained want to - if you want to share with color corrector seconday individual colors selectively against others. Example - I trade only in the Picture a dark water against a decidedly bright. Then, the average brightness of the picture should change, otherwise this would have meant that I, other parts of the image darker just because I nachcoloriere the water that should remain unaltered, but in reality.
In a holistic Color correction, which affect all color channels, that's different. Even if the color corrector in Vegas working on the brightness just separated areas.
As I wrote the tutorial for the Secondary Color Correcot in Vegas, which was at least one valuable properties of this highly interesting filter. The home of this tutorial is now the way here in the video meeting place , where we synonymous a very lively area of Vegas and the DVDA
Antwort von MK:
On the plates are things will not, RAID 0 with two disks is available and even a single one is already so fast that a 3x uncompressed SD electricity could be stored in real time. As I said the same task in Virtualdub works with many real-time. And yes again Sony YUV has less data rate than uncompressed RGB, of
However, I still have version 7 and 8 of Vegas Pro (7 Upgrade as the basis for the 8-). Maybe I should try out the 9th
Antwort von domain:
You can filter the "Brightness and Contrast" yes synonymous move the contrast center. This can be usein way for counter subjectively perceived change in brightness. But is rarely the best remedy.
"Color Correction" color corrected in three different brightness ranges: dark image portions (shadow), medium intensity image sections, bright image components (lights).
That is my opinion really the most classic and General Instrument sufficient for all color and contrast corrections, if you know what you want.
In all the discussions was, what NLE for the better, I think that the complete mastery of a few primary, but powerful tools is far more important than knowing all the possible ways and tools in the NLE, which may possibly lead to the same result.
That drew my known professional photographers from the same: he made a trial print from the negative analyze it briefly, then turned s.einigen wheel, zBsden filter settings for multi-degree-SW-contrast change paper or just for color prints, corrected or the shutter speed or aperture and finished was almost perfect second deduction. Over the years, and with its own laboratory, I brought it synonymous to this skill.
But it is similar to today synonymous with the much more possibilities of digital image editing. You just need to know exactly what you want, then it goes very quickly when the tools accurately known.
The set of tools (Fx) is not necessarily a criterion of today's overloaded NL-editors, but rather the quality of the tools and the precisely targeted and efficient use with some of them.
A problem, however it is still with me, namely the incredible adaptability of the human eye. So I think to check the absolute black-and white values for the waveform monitoring, etc. already important, as an incorruptible DB-display at the sound.