Frage von xAndreas84x:
Hello, I have an Intel quad-core 6600 and the Adobe Video Production Studio risen, and am with the
Performance of Premiere Pro 2.0 total dissatisfied. Previously, I had an Intel core duo 2 (synonymous to 6600) and there were even times of the rendering by about 10 percent faster despite same core clock rate. Adobe said it would support s.den video codec used is (in my case DeckLink Motion Jpg DeckLink Extreme plus hardware) and has nothing to do with the program s.sich to do. Strangely, it is absolutely no preference for what a project I currently work with and what kind of codec I work, always the same result: Maximum load: ca 30-35% I've synonymous with premiere generated in color, and with the adobe media encoder experimented
(Supposedly yes the main concept-mpg-2 codec multiproz really suitable to be), but nothing to make. Overall utilization of the cores at around 30 - 35%. Who is interested: After Effects 7:01 behaves similarly bad. In addition, some third-party plugs (in my case Trapode) ensure that the After Effects render and preview only on one CPU rumwerkelt.
But fortunately there are of the firm and a favorable Gridiron geniales Plugin: Nucleo (for about $ 150) CPU utilization) with this plugin: 100%, constantly! . Example: rendering time of a project with the Trapcode Plugins "Shine" and "Particular": without Nucleo: 23:05 minutes
with Nucleo: 5:07
In so far it has for me but worth it.
Completely underground: Encore DVD 2.0! The with multiprocessor support has nothing to do!
To encode the Mgp2 format, I must now, unfortunately, always the detour via Procoder 2.0 make. (On the queue manager function can be reached synonymous with the encoder program nearly 100% utilization). The performance of Encore, however, is a complete joke!
As far as relating to real "multi purpose" of Adobe products ......
Antwort von mets:

which I can only agree! adobe should finally sit down and s.der performance, instead of all the pupslang acrobat updaters.
this comes as yet that the tools do not run on 64bit OS. Fool While running, you can work synonymous - but it uses only 4gb ram synonymous, although there are 8gb. s.afx is as synonymous to support me informed.
motion of apple on the other hand, the time limit there is something in it ...
I hope Adobe finally gets into the next version out, if not I will have to change motion & co ....
grüße, mets
Antwort von schnuffelkalli:

I wanted a quad core synonymous growth .... 6600
I work synonymous with Adobe production studio. Does this mean that nothing brings the quad? Intel confirmed but that premiere pro and quad after rfefects support ... man man man ..
And when I look at this software because hole for 150 euros. Does this mean then that all four cores in all tasks at u. Fool premiere claimed (synonymous realtime)? Or just the Trapcode plugins (when rendering) ...
Antwort von usul:

Maybe you should just a wait Premiere Pro 3.0, which will soon be published. Indeed, on the release date of Premiere Pro 2.0, there was practically on the Windows workstation area practically only 2-CPU systems.
Whether PPro is 3 better? We will see ...