Frage von embee15:
as I said ... my desire is actually quite simple.
I am looking for a cutting software <$ 100, which simply just works.
Have tried a lot so far
- Pinnacle Studio: smears often from
- Ulead MediaStuudioPro: s.einem given moment is simply synonymous always abgeschmiert
- Adobe Premiere Elements: has super work, since a few days it may simply fail to start
In all three programs, I have the problem that time and again without any error message exit. In various forums I've always found users who have the same problem. But there is no solution, neither in the forums of the manufacturers.
Before anyone says now, clearly that must s.Deinem Calculator lie: I do this on 2 different computers, one of which is a very current Dell notebook. Also not contaminated with thousands of small programs, etc.
Reinstallation after careful cleaning registry has nothing synonymous respectively.
Of Ulead Video Studio, I have already synonymous homonymous Einräge found.
Well ... what there is, and especially what it is very stable or
at least has this reputation? Canopus Let's Edit?
Sony Vegas?
Thank you for your instructions!
Antwort von manni:

I can tell you recommend AVID LIQUID 7.2. This program requires a training period, such as Premiere.
And if it really crashes, it does not matter, because the
current project is stored permanently. It always takes on the latest state of the project back.
Please test, but is somewhat more expensive.
Regards, Manni
Antwort von Marco:
Vegas Movie Studio
Antwort von Mempulse:

Saves Premiere Pro synonymous car from?
Antwort von Fridu:
Saves Premiere Pro synonymous car from? yes you can use options to adjust how often synonymous ...
Antwort von Wiro:

@ Embee15
Let times:
You try a piece of software after the other from s.zwei computers simultaneously, and each time you have the same result.
If you ever have the idea that it s.Deinen project settings, or your source material type s.der is how you edit?
Hundreds of thousands do not have the problem - so you have something wrong.
And if a software is so far gone and suddenly can no longer start - could it be that the trial period has expired?
What kind of material you edit it? Where does it come from? Is it standard? What project settings do you use?
Do you use any "weird" audio - or video codecs?
All this must be kept in mind before you have a program and another one ausprobierst unsuccessful.
Perhaps yes, you have a friend or buddy, who you know and the over the shoulder can?
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von PowerMac:

Na klar. If problems occur with it, the program obviously bad. Finally, millions of these problems synonymous.
Antwort von Otto 2050:

Hello Powermac, but finally stop your big door. This is about PC Programs, of which you have no idea. But you work with MAC, right?
Na klar. If problems occur with it, the program obviously bad. Finally, millions of these problems synonymous.
Antwort von embee15:

Hello 2,
First, please slow down ...
First, I will tomorrow times with the Adobe hotline calls. Let's see how to behave there.
If the synonymous times blindly say that I hold out my calculator must re-install, then can I give my money back.
The note with the expired trial period was, of course, worth its weight in gold, thank you ... ;-( No, I know what I have with the calculator as tu, no fear.
If I do some complicated things, would I understand it yes. But I have a Sony camera stinknormale, ordinary DV-AVI files, and trying only to cut a row and a transition between them to make.
They certainly times files with a total of 120 GB out (many hundreds of files ...), but if a program is abschmiert then there should be less then again with a new file to start them. If not more.
That is now in Ulead Media Studio Pro and Premiere Elements occurred both on the run anymore, or only a few seconds. Pinnacle Studio has never been stable ...
But now again to Marco's tip: If Vegas Movie Studio stable after your experience?
According to the entries in various forums are Pinnacle Studio, Ulead and Premiere Elements stuff just NOT.
Antwort von Marco:
"Is Vegas Movie Studio stable after your experience?" There may be more isolated, system-dependent exceptions, but in my experience: Yes, absolutely stable.
Antwort von Jörg:

The contribution begins with the right to comment:
Actually quite simple .... it would be to consider whether you really should edit projects which 120 G material include.
The then still with programs that actually does not apply as the most stable.
Cut into sections, or what to buy right.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Fridu:
120 G ... which includes material.
I would be glad my projects would be smaller. 120-150GB is the lowest limit!
Antwort von Jörg:

forcing someone you everything in a project to edit?
Antwort von Wiro:

Material under 8 hours you should not start.
Ben Hur was ultimately synonymous over 4 hours long.
To me, the way such as:
"I want to make moving house - it is a 5-room apartment.
If I were all at once in my Opel combo pack, cracks me every thing together. Opel Even when my friend is it so "
Since there are really only one answer: You have to drive several times.
Little consideration s.Rande Sunday
by Wiro
Antwort von embee15:

So honestly, I expect of a program, which is loosely synonymous costs EUR 80 times that it is either stable or does say "Warning, this file is too big, now part time Your Project".
The difference may lie in functions, but not in the stability!
Your claim is fairly low s.eine functioning software. With Word synonymous but are you still up to 10 pages and then write a new document to start.
But no preference, my problem with Ulead Media Studio Pro and Adobe Premiere Elements is: It does not work more, not synonymous with brand new projects with a mini-movie.
Therefore, first of thanks for the tip with Sony Vegas, have someone with experience Canopus Let's Edit?
Antwort von Chezus:

I'll give da Wiro quite. If you say: an editing software which costs 80 euros in advance ...
Is just the same if you say, the car, what ever good and it cost like 300 euros ....
Software is expensive, and the better the software, the more stable it will be synonymous running (if I go every time assumed)
Adobe products do not cost so much for nothing. And 80 euros for a software is NOTHING. Until a few years ago have still 1500 euro Solutions 15000 Euro tasted (just an example)
Antwort von embee15:

OK, that is now in a policy discussion.
But just because software halt so far in the film was expensive, but can be of a EUR 80 software expect that it works?
I expect a synonymous of Dacia Logan that he had every morning anspringt. If he is less heat, less an airbag or whatever. But I would like to drive a car but that can.
This software-car comparisons are always fun ...
Antwort von PowerMac:
Hello Powermac, but finally stop your big door. This is about PC Programs, of which you have no idea. But you work with MAC, right?
Na klar. If problems occur with it, the program obviously bad. Finally, millions of these problems synonymous. Du nix clever, huh?
Antwort von Chezus:

... Because the comparisons frequently fit.
On a Volvo or Audi, I can leave more than synonymous at a Logan.
The editing programs running for 80 euro naturally synonymous, but they are with certain sequences may be overwhelmed.
I got my Final Cut synonymous arg times overwhelmed that I did have to restart. Überleg times what editing program so everything must. The system requirements for DV editing are very high. The editing program must manage the data of so therefore it just before it crashes.
The program depends garnicht works together with many factors.
Premiere as I am constantly crashed because I was not the correct audio drivers installed hab. Not only is the program crashes, no, the whole computer.
BSOD tells you what?
I have the time very often seen
Antwort von Fridu:

Du nix clever, huh? Really important is only whether you yourself are smart enough and I think that you have no problems.
Oddly, however, that your cunning apparently not translated into concrete projects and work to implement it, otherwise you would have is no time to log in as Süchtler reside here for hours
Antwort von Chezus:

Much that someone writes in a forum does not mean that he is long in the forum. It says only that he had probably often sits in front of the computer. And as you sit Cutter nunmal long and often in front of computer. When I render what, I often go to the Internet because not much else I can do except wait until the film is finished
Antwort von Fridu:

It is surely not a cutter hopefully be?
This is done for us girls with 1500 .- btto
Antwort von embee15:

But this here:
"The editing program must manage the data of so therefore it just before it crashes."
setting but can not be?
And if I have a program for 5 buy, do not crash, otherwise it is flawed.
Audio Drivers synonymous, I suspected, let's see what tomorrow Adobe Hotline says. Sign me then ;-)
Antwort von Fridu:

Report s.embee15s What I noticed is that two Softwares, MSP and Premiere, refuse the service. Could a codec or driver conflict.
I think it is synonymous surprising that he 180 GB projects could handle. When I break both premiere as synonymous MSP sometimes at 5 or 10 GB from. Not for nothing have both Ulead Adobe as synonymous in recent years, the 10-minute car-storage project was introduced.
Antwort von Fridu:

At times I MSP problems with the Lame MP3 codec had. After removal of the Lame ran it again. Know from other forums synonymous Lame cases.
Antwort von embee15:

Hmmm ... I have a few days ago Audiograbber used, and the lame.exe in the Audiograbber directory copied.
I have now because weggelöscht, but no change.
Where can I use the Lame codec remove? Under Control Panel / Audio etc. / audio codecs, it is not listed.
Antwort von Fridu:
When I break both premiere as synonymous MSP sometimes at 5 or 10 GB from. Not for nothing have both Ulead Adobe as synonymous in recent years, the 10-minute car-storage project was introduced. What results, at least, which is now guaranteed MSP crashes, namely then when a Wiederagbe the preview with the auto storage intervals.
Furthermore, 10 GB Peanuts for MSP. Only if you a preview rendering for output to tape to get a problem, since MSP sx rendered preview files that no longer can create. The number of clips istz vary depending on the version. In MSP6.5 there were about 38 minutes. This does not change the fact that the TL 2 and more hours can be long. The only thing that lasts longer, is the project start, because tens of hundreds of files takes a little time. If the car hit store>>>> Peng!
Antwort von Deisler:

NERO is not synonymous with a video editing program?
Antwort von Eva Maier:

@ embee15
If you look at your own posts times carefully, you with the functioning of programs, something familiar, but your problem can be only one conclusion.
/ E
Antwort von Fridu:

Remove Codec:
My Windows is neither German nor English, here is the free translation: Control Panel, then the speaker icon, then the hardware card, then click Audio Codecs and choose Properties. Since then all the audio codecs listed are synonymous and erasable.
Antwort von embee15:

Hi Eva,
"If you look at your own posts times carefully, you with the functioning of programs, something familiar, but your problem can be only one conclusion."
And you betray me synonymous?
Antwort von Pixopolis:
@ embee15
If you look at your own posts times carefully, you with the functioning of programs, something familiar, but your problem can be only one conclusion.
/ E Eva will tell us after carefully secure their own posts soon about her only educate conclusions. Or not.
Antwort von embee15:

Did it then do not do more ...
Just wanted to give a short notice that my problem with the help of Adobe hotline has solved.
A rather random tip showed that under a different user is still functioning.
So all the Adobe files under c :/.... own files / adobe, etc. cleared => everything works again and again, I'm the happiest man on earth.
And can with my 80 EUR software still happy ;-)
Thank you anyway for your tips!
Antwort von Eva Maier:

The settings to delete would have been with too radical, I would have in the network is not recommended.
But "the last setting invite" I would have switched off, bez. the Project files I had deleted.
/ E