Newsmeldung von slashCAM:This is news to report with pictures and link to the pages slashCAM Magazine
Antwort von canovision:

yes, the headline talent is priceless, adding there is nothing!
One's wealth, better inability to settle the borders, not the equipment.
Antwort von Axel:

The knowledge is fundamental. Most still believe that it is not yet sufficient to produce its "cinematic" (Un-word in popular movies, magazines) equipment, which prevents them until further notice, a masterpiece after another.
Everything good is exclusive. All Exclusive opens itself to the general public does not. It does not recognize a good thing when it is pushed out with the nose. "E = MC ²" - synonymous ten meters high marks not help. With just one taste of the masses VDSLRs be adapted, copied smart movie looks. A deeper meaning is not behind it.
Antwort von Zizi:
Wired raises in this article Usein old question in terms of cheaper werdendes production equipment: Why are with the vgls. cheap video DSLRs not worth seeing indie productions produced? Part of the answer may lie in the title: video DSLRs are cheap - talent, however priceless. It may still come into play here a couple more factors with, but the statement is not wrong with security ... A Camera / talent still does not have a good long movie!
The only things that are associated with talent in my opinion are
script and implementation and for the 2nd one needs as much coal as they always synonymous when the camera is given.
One need only consider something so light, sound, filter, Steadys, cranes, etc., etc., for an organizational effort and money requires .. There is a 5D like a sandwich ..
that it is not synonymous to show too many wannabe Youtube "movies" or very few good movies through their special idea or
specific way to triumph -> (Blair Witch, etc.)
I only say Crank2, Jimmy and Judy, etc. with the HDV / DV have been rotated but still have cost millions!
Whether a movie is good or bad is decided by the viewers.
See Transformers 2 standing in my eyes for "cheap" Militärprogaganda (ala durchalteparole for the Middle East) and still enough to like people!
Antwort von MarcBallhaus:

I think the article utterly pointless and absurd. What a surprise ... huch.
It's so logical that it has to do a with the other anything. Someone who can not cook, it can be in a high-tech kitchen with gas stove as well as in a shabby little kitchen with 2 electric rings. On the other hand, tastes like gourmet chef anywhere better. Simply saublöd. The best example has yet delivered Laforet with Reverie: Send Camera, shit film. I am with the phone better than the guy with Red ner
Antwort von Zizi:
The best example has yet delivered Laforet with Reverie: Send Camera, shit film. I am with the phone better than the guy with Red ner
Yes? What exactly do you have to have done something is much better?
The Laforet no idea of filmmaking has given me is already clear
but instead of photocompose and composition .. exactly what was the meaning and purpose of his short ones on duty, and hardly content of advertising films!
Antwort von hannibalekta:

"I am with the phone better than the guy with Red ner"
The phrase 'I have a cream to me. But you're right. The video is just completely stupid, because it is not meaningful, because it can still look as passable.
Antwort von joe11:

"Why ... with the vgls. Cheap video DSLRs are no longer worth seeing indie-produced productions ?..."
This view is premature. The number of filmmakers who have mastered the craft and that demonstrate synonymous noteworthy of output can not increase significantly today to tomorrow. Moreover, just need indie filmmakers for an adult movie for some time, since they are mostly part-time working on it. With a whole team working Hobbyfilmern of the matter is considered more in length. script, casting, can swivel and Post - for total beginners in the film industry to be the number of years.
Apart from that: The V-DSLRs were rather surprising to the market. Anyone who has bought recently had a camcorder, the erstmal be cautious.
In three to five years we'll learn some great projects that have been made with the 5D, 7d & Co.. Surely a box-office blockbuster is synonymous here.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

There is synonymous Leuts giving on its VariCam shoot movies and was awarded as yet no place available - so WGAF ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von PowerMac:

Yes, that there is. The cameraman was accepted to study. I do not as a director. But that has personal reasons.
Antwort von Chezus:

And again Laforet has been criticized for his Reverie movies ...
Have you actually read through the story once how he came? He is reingeschlittert simply because he was the right time s.richtigen place!
Since envy synonymous probably plays a major role, as he scored with his much-discussed video at a time where other jobs to lick my fingers.
And have done this without a lot of big for them.
He was lucky, no more! what is the cam was revolutionary, not the video ansich.
What would he have to do otherwise? Why is a concept and storyboard fat on legs (ask for what eh was no time) when it comes to show what the camera can? It still interested in the video not only what is the point it had (or has). Only and only that it was rotated with a DSLR was of interest!
In hindsight, one can always say: "So I would," "he had merely" blablabla ... If I had, if I, if I could ...
The guy is a photographer and has a better video delivered as 90% of the ambitious filmmakers here
When we went Nocturne ultimately synonymous only to the skills of 1Dmk4, not more. And as synonymous Stu Maschwitz has participated ... very much better is it not therefore synonymous
Antwort von Valentino:

The article can be synonymous only agree.
Sun sees it for example when a director tries to be a mediocre TV movie ala "Sin City" and making "Death Proof" to:
Antwort von virusmedia:

@ Chezus
You take my words out of his mouth! Thank you for this fine contribution. Moreover, I think the discussion about the importance of the DSLR market for the Independent also for überfrüht. I do not think that it will take three years, but I reckon the latest in spring 2011 with a blockbuster. That speaks a lot:
Until now they had to face as an indie, the question of which production is not necessarily to publishers and film-like quality with a limited budget have to realize. The result is productions like "The Blair Witch Project" or "Paranormal activity.
This means that 99% of all scenarios had been simply difficult, or not even realize. Today, this has not been completely transformed, and a large proportion of these stories is not only possible but probably synonymous. The current barriers are expensive effects and good actors that are also affordable. There are numerous examples of good films that have gotten along without major effects (Das Leben der Anderen, Good Will Hunting, etc.).
That of today, the feeling for a good book and has also summon the patience to choose carefully with amateur actors, will be able to do things that were unthinkable a few years ago.