Frage von big-daddy5:
hello friends,
I'm currently s.studieren and now wanted to start slowly shut my own. I've heard in my environment that we as a cameraman at events such as birthday parties, weddings or other events but it can make good money coal. I have already put little money to page me to buy in one or two camera.
I decided to purchase a canon xl1, since it is synonymous Inexpensive.
Unfortunately, I do not even know how to begin.
Now if I had the camera erstmal I must see to it that I can put the pictures onto pc and edit. I was told that I feel I need a Matroxschnittkarte. ??!!!???§§??? P. 1000 that cost ¬ :-( so you really need an expensive capture card or something else there as an alternative, what you can recommend for me. My goal is simply to admit the customer a good quality on the hand, so I freeze it and are. ahh ne yet another thing occurs to me straight. geil would if I could work simultaneously with 2 cameras. eg if one is dancing in the wedding hall and I can hold 2 of the lation to various positions. The cameras would know then I think connected s.PC be so that I can control the mixer with the cameras or ???$%&??? ß §§!!!????
So I want to get out s.liebsten so cheep from history. 2 Canon xl1 camera but I can afford so ne capture card is synonymous sau expensive :-( someone has tips on how I can now proceed and what equipment I need, with any editing program should I work and And. ..?
Antwort von Markus73:

Hmm ... Aaaalso, I hope quite firmly in the interest of your future potential customers that you learn, and ONLY THEN you own doing. Your posting is full of absolute beginners, and it matters not nearly enough to have two great cameras to make synonymous great videos.
Have you ever been edited footage? Sounds to me not more so.
Antwort von big-daddy5:

you take me, yes indeed, the whole motivation away :-( I've already edited videos. videocopilot the site has brought me much next, have worked for many effects at home. The video templates can download it, plus I did not use any camera.
So as difficult but it can not be synonymous zubearbeiten turn off a video and. Is indeed not the world
Antwort von Markus73:

Well, times do, you will be surprised :-) Other people learn and study for many years.
And no, you do not need a video card. A digital interface (firewire) last.
Antwort von Pianist:
I've heard in my environment that we as a cameraman at events such as birthday parties, weddings or other events but it can make good money coal. You have a strange environment.
Antwort von Pianist:
So as difficult but it can not be synonymous zubearbeiten turn off a video and. Is indeed not the world If your movies look like your posts here, then nothing will happen.
Antwort von big-daddy5:

I assumed that I was here and could help vllt runterziehen not a next. I wanted just got some tips, and no answer how. Your environment is so funny!! If you are not willing to have someone zuhelfen, but let it simple. net do you want me to say that one must spend years studying to make a video on a PC and can work on it then??
Erstmal Thanks for the tip with firewire. very nice.
Antwort von Markus73:
net do you want me to say that one must spend years studying to make a video on a PC and can work on it then?? No, that can already s.ersten day. Only then will have None.
There really is a world of difference between people who move up buttons, and even those who can really. And at an amateur level you can earn any money. If that were so easy, it would make a lot of people.
Good advice, I mean really serious: goodbye you very quickly of your plans! If you really interested in the topic of video and you want to abuse it, not only for quick money, then buy yourself a serviceable camera and an interface software and practice, practice, practice, practice. That is your full time to go west, if you do it well. And if you are two years later, still struggling, then you must you worry about how to earn money. And not before.
Antwort von Immedia:

The XL1S is a brilliant camera, but I think you will unravel the "DU" no decent pictures. The automatic function is "shitty" and without any experience will be difficult. And synonymous think s.das all accessories you need for the cam, überschteigt fast times the Anschafungskosten the action!
Antwort von Charlinsky:
The XL1S is a brilliant camera, but I think you will unravel the "DU" no decent pictures. The automatic function is "shitty" and without any experience will be difficult. And synonymous think s.das all accessories you need for the cam, überschteigt fast times the Anschafungskosten the action! I have 2 years with the XL 1s rotated and you can only confirm that the XL 1s ne delivers very good quality - but forget the XL 1 - and the auto sector is synonymous to the autofocus quite okay, just pretty pumped vigorously, so better with a manual focus rotate. Otherwise, however, as Einstiegscam ne very good choice.
Antwort von big-daddy5:

dear Mark,
I do not know what you do for a living and what you earn through your messages but I gather that you are not Capable, so it is synonymous better if you do not write any more news. if you think that I'm only an amateur, then you were mistaken. I have been with a friend already Profissionell music clips. here look at themselves
it is not just a video probe 3. I made this with a friend at the time. who has a hd had been, unfortunately, he is augereist after usa. He has always pushed me, the finished film on the hand, and I have made with after effects programs. Like the videos he has brought to the hdd with firewire or other krams that I have not asked him. I've only made the effects and home sections. so much to do so. For that I need to study any long years. lol. But for day and night with sony vegas adobe after effects "and" worked. Now I wanted to shoot events and weddings. wanted to buy the cameras for myself and do my own thing and so I signed up here and wanted me to give some tips. I am a hypnotist, nlp trainer, martial artist, musician, Kung Fu masters and masters, and as WT And. ..
If you're dealing with things such as Kundalini and the 3 eye, then you have understood the meaning of life. Only humans can understand spiritual sowas but I do not believe you. I am 23 years old and am proud that I have brought it so far.
I think I've made here in this little stupid forum. I just wanted to know what equipment I need for my Project.
I want to get anybody on the people or arrange aggressivität. The young just want to make fast money on art. No, not so.
Who can give me tips that should be mustard here, but please desist, that would be awfully sweet.
Antwort von big-daddy5:

it would be one okay??
Antwort von big-daddy5:

Thank Charlinsky :-)
Antwort von big-daddy5:

I do not now know what the difference is between the Canon XL-1 and XL-1s. I wanted to get a canon xl-1, then I have the sache behind me :-)
Antwort von Immedia:
I do not now know what the difference is between the Canon XL-1 and XL-1s. I wanted to get a canon xl-1, then I have the sache behind me :-) Buy a XL1S and XL1 does not take account of at least one sache ..
Antwort von big-daddy5:
I do not now know what the difference is between the Canon XL-1 and XL-1s. I wanted to get a canon xl-1, then I have the sache behind me :-)
Buy a XL1S and XL1 does not take account of at least one sache .. you've got one or zuverkaufen? On herdamit :-) :-)
Antwort von Immedia:

Is that the reason that the Canon), XL1 (S at the moment is so popular? # 402,299
Antwort von nicecam:

[quote = "big-daddy5 "][... on herdamit :-)[/ quote]
I advise you
strongly against it!
With this statement, I have nothing to gain and nothing to lose.
I register the same again in more detail.
Do erstmal me with a strong coffee strengthen ;-)
Bumms - because it's happened again -
Immedia was again faster. But just wanted to suspicion, I will go into more synonymous.
Antwort von Immedia:

Do take this CAM can even HD and is better than my "OLD" XL1s 201 / 3 "% 20CMOS% 20HDV Fals you win the lottery nim jar file, but this ;-)
Antwort von big-daddy5:
Do take this CAM can even HD and is better than my "OLD" XL1s 201 / 3 "% 20CMOS% 20HDV
Fals you win the lottery nim jar file, but this ;-) hahah if I did win the lotto, then I'll get it but in the high-ranking GOLD
Antwort von big-daddy5:

Sometimes dreams can come true :-) go
Antwort von big-daddy5:

The SonyHVR-HD1000 is so bad and not at the right price synonymous .. hmmmm but vllt instead of buying the canon xl1 the SonyHVR-HD1000.
Antwort von Manuell:

you here, you should not fixate so much on a particular camera, especially not by design, but do you think about the equipment.
What would be useful for you? Recorded on tape? On SD card, etc.
You can even browse the forum times, there's a lot to read relating to film weddings.
In addition, you should think s.zusätzliches equipment, tripods, microphones, etc. because you can draufrechnen the price of the camera almost again.
Antwort von nicecam:

IIIII innnnn !!!!! Nor HVR-HD1000 buy.
IMMEDIA can not have seriously meant. What have you just done
IMMEDIA. @ Big-daddy5: This Camera is a
blender! I'll send erstmal from now until then someone is faster and then I will detail. May take a little longer, and when I login again, some of my thoughts may have no meaning.
Antwort von nicecam:

On the first time Rapid
my contribution there. Synonymous because someone wants a camera for not much money. Which is synonymous, but rather the appearance of no preference. Some of my answers there, you could,
big-daddy5, synonymous of interest.
Antwort von Immedia:

ouuu the with the HVR-HD1000 was just ironic ;-) Sry meant they did not buy .....
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... ever heard in my environment that we as a cameraman at events such as birthday parties, wedding, or other events can make good money but coal ... Depends what you mean by: There are certainly producers to make something full time and not s.Hungertuch gnaw. They have years of experience and a piece of equipment to the value of a good car (you do not really think that it is done with one or two cameras, right?). And yet they often struggle with unrealistic expectations of the customers that will last a 500-euro video already overpaid. If you invest stamina, are willing to devote time and money and rely on you to feel, then you might as event videographers may have success. But if you really intend mainly because you have told a unsuspecting man, that it would be the quick road to riches, then let it better.
... have decided to purchase a canon xl1, since it is synonymous Bargain ... I can only agree with what others have already written: Look, at least according to the successor XL1s, in spite of almost identical appearance of a fairly completely different / better camera - for professional applications, I would consider a XL1 long ceased to be considered.
And one more thing you should consider: What I noticed is just at weddings the HD format in high demand, synonymous when most couples do not have any way to play it. If you now re-enter into the industry and only supplies SD can, you limit your potential customer base of the start. Above all, you close the gap with s.ehesten from those who would be willing to spend more money for their video.
erstmal ... I must see to it that I can put the pictures onto pc and edit. I was told that I feel I need a Matroxschnittkarte ... What you need to, is - depending on the camera or recording system - a FireWire or USB cable for a few dollars, but certainly not a capture card.
... geil would be if I could work simultaneously with 2 cameras ... the cameras would know I believe to be connected s.PC so that I can control the mixer with the camera ... As bad as it is not, because you will not even go live with production mixers. What you need, two cameras and two camera men as far as possible, that's all. Should be cut after s.Calculator.
... someone has tips ... what equipment I need ... Since there are individual differences, but as an indication of times a few keywords to get started:
Camera with XLR connectors (for good sound) plus reserve Camera
Or wide-angle converter
Batteries with Charger
Tripod (s) with a good fluid head
Directional microphone
Clip with spark gap
Head lights including power supply
Possibly. Floating stand
Antwort von big-daddy5:

naja on money, I must look synonymous. I need 3 of them. but your tips are very helpful. which argues against a HVR-HD. HD is HD halt :-) whether large or small camera with a digital camera.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... which argues against a HVR-HD ... Against the HVR of Sonyspricht Always start times nothing: HVR-Z7 HVR-Z5 and were even good enough for your purpose very well. But I suppose you feel's more like the HVR-HD1000, and this is a simple consumer camcorder with all class-related limitations, only stuck in a bloated body. This camera more than she pretends to be, synonymous, and if some are satisfied, I would not take them into the closer choice: the latest in poorer light and many of the underrated sound unit s.seine camcorder that pushes boundaries.
... HD is HD halt :-) whether large or small camera with a digital camera ... On paper, perhaps not in practice.
Antwort von Maze:
naja on money, I must look synonymous. I need 3 of them. but your tips are very helpful. which argues against a HVR-HD. HD is HD halt :-) whether large or small camera with a digital camera. This is probably one of the biggest misconception that I could ever read in this forum ...
Antwort von Johannes:
I assumed that I was here and could help vllt runterziehen not a next. I wanted just got some tips, and no answer how. Your environment is so funny!! If you are not willing to have someone zuhelfen, but let it simple. Insight is the first step to improvement or to solve a problem and tries to beat you here just "too" but you were you so against it. So it seems to me.
I myself have made a lot of internships in which I, thanks to professional "colleagues" have learned a lot about the topic video. And such an internship, I would put you very s.Herz. But ask once at a wedding videographers if you can make a 14 times acting internship with him, will not say definitely no.
The first thing you will really draw from it the knowledge of whether the shooting is right for you. Second, you have the possibility to familiarize yourself with the technology, especially the semi and professional synonymous and therefore can learn a lot about what we all need and use. Also there you can make a lot of contacts to you later when you are halfway in it, as in the themes, and will help very much.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Yes, I can only hope that the Marc ballroom music video of the great 5 provides big daddy!
Your buddy is now where, in the U.S. - as indeed Sleeper ?!:-)
And what are you - with 23 - and since you have now with what is now occupied by the guru to be - I think you, the "seeing eye" and the teachings of Kernspecht and Co. have no bearing of altitude!
.................................................. ....
Well no preference you want even record videos, because I once press nen eye.
Filming weddings and events is nen huge difference to a scenic video ala music video.
Since there are usually no second chance.
HD (V) is announced, so you look for a good HD (V) for example, Canon XH Class or Class Z Sony.
to different mics and sonsteges Equitment.
And please, please - if you are a professional in the AE and Vegas - then spare us yet with such issues as cutting of Matrox card and NSTC vs. PAL - usually but not someone really takes you seriously!
B. DeKid
Hopefully your teacher reads DOJO not your comments,-P
The fact was full of unnecessary and excessive - that you hopefully know itself synonymous
Antwort von nicecam:

Okay, great detail, I do not have to be more, thanks to
Bernd E.. Look,
big-daddy5 ( "Look" may sound officious, but is not mean any harm) in
this But synonymous asked me while reading your posts high input something the neck hairs.
Here Markus73 terms. For, who had said at the time quite a number of sensible things that I can agree with everyone.
Next I had here
Well, I will not talk with you, of course, the other user is still probably fairly young, you grow up, however.
There is still so real (Island)-use fields for the XL1 (s).
This example DeKid (one of the XL1 (s) still using, but work around synonymous to know - you seem synonymous Immedia):
[list] When is the XL1 (s) can still use: # 403,197 When to use the XL1 s not () should: # 403,501 [/ list: u: e0a4c212d3] For the SonyHVR-HD1000 however, there is no need. Someone who apparently contented with this camera here in spirit once wrote: 'One should not belittle the camera yet so that would not be decent' or something. The Camera (dead part) 's does not hurt if they runtermacht. The Manufacturer Sony (the otherwise excellent cameras produced) is not synonymous> conglomerate. But what the customer is fooled.
Everything else about this have said Bernd E.
When I said that you had shown understanding in the meantime, it was later in the thread was not necessarily because of the sudden you namely XL1 s (drained) and you then pounced on the SonyHVR-HD1000 have.
And then your post here:
HD is HD halt :-) whether large or small camera with a digital camera. Nobody wants to take you here the motivation, you just pull down on the floor of the facts.
Moreover, I have looked at the film on Youtube part. Is very beautiful. From section what you seem to understand. When purchasing equipment and camera work and dealing with potential customers so you need the other hand, still plenty of tutoring.
[list] Question s.The great round: How does it run with the professionals on television? Are there loud Fachidioten s.Werk? Our association's work was synonymous times a team of the WDR filmed. The naturally occur always at least as a trio. Reporter had no idea of the technique was correct mutually synonymous to what extent the camera person and sound engineer to sound to camera, I do not know. And then I'm a part of the synonymous of our hand-made material made available to the transmitter, and the cutters can capture. Since I had synonymous interested in whether the synonymous knew well in turn deal with professional cameras? [/ List: u: e0a4c212d3] But, again relating to back:
I've only been a wedding filmed. Not commercial, but for friends of friends. This rotation took place in some still with a sub-optimal equipment, you can not break all at once over his knee. And so I would probably want to look at me my film on a tube TV, but most unwillingly on a giant flat-screen television because of the technical quality.
From the other hand, seems to me to cut her, the film succeeded very partially, which was confirmed to me synonymous.
But the post had it synonymous
Antwort von Markus73:
dear Mark,
I do not know what you do for a living and what you earn through your messages, but I gather that you are not Capable I have been working about 10 years in various training and promotional projects with, there usEDV-and video courses. Patience and willingness to help are always available, I have not heard any complaints, quite the opposite :-)
If you are NOT an amateur, then you had the means to say. The questions that you have made are an absolute beginner. May well be that we've misjudged you. But once you have betrayed little about yourself, had no choice next, as you assess your postings to be clairvoyant, we can not unfortunately.
Unlike you I am not incidentally, became abusive and insulting, but am of the opinion that some honest and useful tips to have given (just measured s.dem what we knew of you, see above).
Only humans can understand spiritual sowas but I do not believe you. Write me in private if required, please be happy, I'll tell you more about my career and my priorities, I am much more "intellectual" than you probably think.
Good luck!
Antwort von Pianist:
Question s.The great round: How does it run with the professionals on television? Are there loud Fachidioten s.Werk? Yes. Unfortunately.
Precisely for this reason, I got quickly approved of the idea of being within an entity what to do. It is ruled by a strict division of tasks and all attempts will be blocked immediately, if people think to look out a little about their own backyard and. In the private networks that may be a little different, and in free stalls production, it is significantly different. Since only the result counts, and the road is completely no preference.
Of course it's synonymous a performance to guide and coordinate the individual players so that in the end what comes of it Optimal, but my chosen path is much less stressful, I have no one to guide and coordinate ... :-)
Antwort von nicecam:

Oops, where does this come so suddenly,
as usual, pretty B. DeKid ago? I had totally overlooked.
Since I probably just need to write my long contribution this thread open twice, but have updated only once, because when I despatched, I saw only the contribution of John the 1557sten ;-)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Macht ja nix, you've got a lot more trouble than I geegeben with my posting - so what are you doing in general lately - this is only next so ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von nicecam:

I will now
NEVER be able to obtain. Among the "Top Ten" you're s.vierter place, but entered last. You can do loose
PowerMac, which is indeed usually takes shorter. And
Mark - well, indeed occurs at the moment on the spot ;-)
Your Posts testimony of great knowledge, are focus mostly heart-warming and so many disgruntled and stuck thread again back in orderly channels.
In addition, I read here about once a great compliment you. I know my cue, but I do not find the article. I say all this without einschleimen me to want.
And what you're interested in everything? Mr. Spock would say: FASCINATING!
Namely've googled a little bit and think your full name to know. But do not worry, I may be silent as the grave ;-)
Nice evening!