Frage von popaj:
In short, I wanted my freshly turned short edit. As I did with the software yet have hardly set apart, I wanted to know what kind of program you can recommend me?
There should be no super hammer profit program, but not synonymous
necessarily the cheapest.
On quality, I have much value, since the finished films will be offered for sale!
Can you learn as well or badly?
Thank you very much.
Antwort von mhuber:

For Beginners and Semis I recommend Magix Video Deluxe.
Antwort von popaj:

Thank you, this is all or is there still some?
Antwort von mhuber:

Maybe you give us some guidance on the format that you want to edit - VHS, Hi 8, DV, HDV, AVCHD ...
Helpful would be synonymous of "state" of your average computer.
Antwort von Nacho:

Premiere Elements 4 can now as a trial version of Adobe. Makes a good impression.
Antwort von popaj:

I MiniDV and a normal calculator with 1GB of RAM
250GB hard drive + External 500GB.
Antwort von mhuber:

Processor plays a role synonymous.
Antwort von mhuber:
Processor plays a role synonymous. Yes! Is there a! ;)
Antwort von PowerMac:

You know thee not, but want to sell movies?
Antwort von popaj:

Antwort von pizpat:

For MiniDV you can (almost) everything nehemen - some offer free demos - download and try.
Try it in the widely s.weitesten Companies: Adobe (eg Premiere), Ulead (eg video studio or Media Studio) and Magix (eg video de Luxe).
Should suffice for your claim and are all very good for beginners.
Antwort von popaj:

Can you calm synonymous older versions of it, or should it be the latest?
What suck because XPMovie Maker, Motion DV (attached at Panasonic), etc.?
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
my freshly twisted short edit. What did you think with the material made since the end of June? Only in the Camera beguckt? ;-)
Windows Movie Maker you can ... hm ... forget. Among the most useful programs are trial versions, which usually run 30 days.
Older versions are worth buying if you are looking for professional and what a few hundred can save.
The Consumer Programs to 150 ¬, I would always buy new. Maybe you do get an older version for very little money and can then update cheap?
Antwort von popaj:

Hi, thank you.
In an online auction house, will `s even some s.1, - ¬ offered
and there are enough of them. Is it because up or is there a hook?
Partially Full synonymous!
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Pinnacle Studio you get in the 9s already s.einem Euro version, right. There are of course synonymous a lot of other programs start with this commandment. Look, where they usually end auctions, then you have a fair price average.
Pitfall: it is possibly an update, and if you do not the previous version (in my example 8), you're angeschmiert.
I would - now is just the right time - you prefer to what the current rates. Pinnacle, I have just thrown calculator from joyfully, others are quite enthusiastic.
Under (I think I recall), there is a "list", which tells you what it's in the price class.
I would you like from my own experience Sony Vegas Movie Studio 8 Platinum recommend is significantly faster and more stable than Pinnacle. New at 90 euros.
BG Andreas
Antwort von camworks:

magix video deluxe 2006/2007 comes in a special edition
for free at the moment, and while here:
Antwort von jansi:

Have just a little older "video practice nachgeguckt, Video Deluxe (Magix) was the winner, just ahead of 11 pros and Pinnacle CyberLink Power Director.
Then there's video of Ulead Studio 11 and Premiere Elements 3rd
Premiere was a "just" satisfactory, but everyone can decide for themselves which program is a more like it.
Antwort von popaj:

Thank you, what I would be without you!
Antwort von popaj:

Sorry again,
because I need to have any video codecs or something in the direction. If so where do I get to her?
Thank you
Antwort von camworks:

how about when you first try, if it already works so synonymous?
I think in video de luxe is everything what you need.
Antwort von popaj:

yes thank you, works very well everything. When I finished with the cutting bin, how can I get a menu for the DVD?
I do burn with Nero then right?
Antwort von camworks:

sagmal, did you actually look at the instructions of the program read? these are all questions that are answered there. we are here no hotline! We gladly answer questions that are not answered through manuals or if real problems arise. but if someone is too lazy to read, then I do not see why I should support yet. the others coming here to see the user similar to those discussions that there is permanent, because beginners think they fly the fried pigeon in the mouth. but what I have to reg. I can already be glad that you did not ask how to and ausatmet.
Antwort von popaj:

alles klar! Thanks for the effort. Sorry that you've upset, at this time did you have a tip I can give.
Yes, unfortunately I have little time to worry about me because I'm a lot, but is ok!
I will no longer annoy you.
Antwort von camworks:

in the time where you've asked this question, did you synonymous read the manual (which is mostly as a pdf file installed). yes you have not even read everything at once, but only the part of the question, which we have.
but some people never learn ...