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After transferring of videos (Camera SonyDCR-DVD92E) of the original sound with each clip is no longer available, even when playing in home cinema.
What can the reason be, or how can I change this?
Antwort von Stefan:

You can influence the transmission of the camera to the PC as the sound is embedded in the created file.
You have to understand that there are two flavors of AVI files: AVI DV Type-1 and DV AVI Type-2.
A program that is designed for type-2, can get out of a Type-1 File no sound, because these extra soundtrack is not stored in it.
Now, to influence ...
Depending on the transfer program to transfer them only type-1 (Windows Movie Maker), or only type-2 (premiere?) Or you can set it (WinDV, ScenalyzerLive, DVIO, Captureflux).
Good luck
The fat Stefan