Frage von tj:
We are currently s.Anfang the realization of the production of regional news video for online publishing of our portal and attract employees currently free, some complete amateur with no equipment, partly semi-professional filmmakers are with own equipment.
We have two questions. How are they paid? Is there in this area standards for fees in this area? We talk to some of the delivery of high-quality raw materials used in the editorial postproduziert will be with us.
Another question: Which system is s.sinnvollsten how free employees their material via broadband s.die editorial deliver, as compressed files do not contain time code or the raw DV Origianl probably too large amounts of data gives?
Thanks in advance for your help,
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... we are currently acquiring freelance staff In which region is looking for her because cameramen?
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von JMitch:

It revolves around Baden-Württemberg. Can you help me with my questions to help you?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Can you help me with my questions to help you? Unfortunately no, but I would just point me s.eurer with the publishers in touch, which already offer video-news.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von wolfgang:

The delivery of raw materials via broadband, you can probably forget that you want the material still can be easily cut. But it probably should at least be DV or HDV.
At the market, I can not say - it's like anywhere in the content business: the need to be ausverhandeln, if employees are free.
And one more thing: remember times more "complete amateur," if you want some high quality material. Sowas does not of itself, and Uncle Max from the neighborhood should probably rarely deliver satisfaction. And people have experienced synonymous its price, but that it should probably need.
Just my five cents.
Antwort von JMitch:
complete amateur with no equipment and
reasonably high-quality raw materials closes about as strong as mutually exclusive with a truck in a parking garage to drive ...
Whatever system is s.sinnvollsten how free employees their material via broadband s.die editorial deliver, as compressed files do not contain time code or the raw DV Origianl probably too large amounts of data gives? DV - data are for a fairly normal post, unfortunately the absolute minimum. Alternatively you can place the tape on the EMS - the service of mail, should be up to 12am the next day always with you. Since then of course the question of how your current content to be ...
Schöne Grüße,
Antwort von JMitch:

Thank you very much!
The problems that you ansprecht, we see exactly synonymous. However, the available staff with proper equipment and trained several times. The Post Production opponent would be included in the editorial department centrally instead.
So says her synonymous, it is important to the DV material for the cut to use. The material should be part of a few hours later, in his editorial. If possible, with time code list.
How many MB are so 5 minutes Visuals in DV quality about?
The EMS service, I look like me at times.
Thanks and greetings
Antwort von JMitch:

1 hour of uncompressed DV Avi approximately 13 GB ... ;-)
Antwort von JMitch:

So one minutes DV comes to around 200 MB ... of course that is impossible via FTP / email, etc. to send in Mohren minutes. Thanks, that helps me ever next.
Another solution is needed.