Frage von Pascal90:
Hello I have a video scene which is about 30sec long and I was always of one point to another point of the film I would go and always in time of where I was one point to another point and go faster dan where I arrived back lansamer bz stopped
because one can think vllt help?
Antwort von fenom:

I think you mean Ramped Slomotion:
Guckst here.
Antwort von Pascal9999:

Yes thank you this is what I will still have to practice hard and that seems to be really grateful Fenomen
Antwort von Sony Vegas:

Can this be synonymous with Sony Vegas to make?
Antwort von Marco:

Yes, by right clicking with the Velocity envelope.
Antwort von Pascal9999:

OK Thanks, I experiment time
Antwort von ICQ:

Can you brief me ICQ Add Marco?
ICQ :260-805-738
Antwort von Marco:

No ICQ on my PC ...
Antwort von Pascal9999:

Antwort von Markus:
Mache es einfach, dir zu antworten_________________
Herzliche Grüße
vom Moderator
Antwort von 00guesswho00:
Yes, by right clicking with the Velocity envelope.
Marco how does that mean in German, I have the German version: P