Frage von prem:
I try very VHS Composite connector on the analog to capture.
The Video Studio 8 is in the preview of synonymous VHS movie, but I once the button "Start Capture" button, the preview screen is black and the error message comes in a box "No initialization. Can not capture."
What can I do?
Hab synonymous already tried Windows Movie Maker, but the crashes he imm immediately after I capture the source of "Pinnacle PCTV 300i analog" select.
In Virtual Dub is unfortunately only a "krisselbild" is displayed, not the film is the film I had on VHS.
it is up to the "Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win 32)?
Am very grateful for help!
Antwort von DonWoschto:

Know the problem is not with me wuirde but synonymous already ncith the sound, although I have heard him s.PC.
Look, whether under Options -> Video and Audio Capture Property Settings ricvhtuig recording channel is set.