Frage von Video-Redner:
I have a video tutorial included, in which I describe how as a speaker or a speaker can take a video:
I would be interested to know what you think?
Antwort von dennzus:

Find ich ne cool for people who still have no idea how they can make something. Beautifully explained.
But the background music reminds s.Verkaufs but too much TV;)
Antwort von Prinzregent:

The music is driving me insane but otherwise very nice
Antwort von heffermann0:

Finde ich gut
Antwort von shodushitanaka:

Clasp me.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

I hear no music. Have you created the video again without music, on the basis of the suggestions above?
[edit] Oh, there IS music! Will probably tomatoes earlier in the ears have had that I had überhört. Or then I was the neat appearance of the speaker so completely fascinated that I was temporarily deaf. - Nee, tomatoes warens, have just a few kernels from the ear shaking! ;-)[/ edit]
Otherwise: Nicely done!
BlueScreen and then on a blue background to speak graciously, of course, since it itself, DV-conditioned, not too perfect Key still very respectable results!
What is not so very professionally came across were the various Verhaspler. That must be corrected! Especially if you are in a controlled environment and still with Tele Prompter work.
The picture with the lighting arrangement should have been said to fit as you speak of three lights in the graph but only the two front are to be seen!
And the recording of light on the Tablärchen with the Leuchfölichen but very effective homemade baked and otherwise does not match the demands of the professional production! - But somehow cute! ;-)
One thing you have to remember when video productions: The overall impression of the spectator, the lasting impression, the impression that what is being communicated to a third party, formed from the worst part of the shown! A video will be overall better than when it is consistently mediocre, as if it ober geile has moments in it, and standing beside synonymous krass waste end!
Actually, this applies even as the general wisdom in areas where you will be judged by others! - Ommmm ...
Antwort von KrischanDO:

a pity that when you Kadrierung about as much space you have left your hands and that only exceptionally be seen. The light I find improvable - so completely shadow-free structure and need not be. With a white shirt you see is not synonymous edges of light, because everything is already white.
Otherwise: Good structured - and the homemade teleprompter finde ich klasse!
Antwort von Jogi:

The idea is good. Certainly for many beginners a couple of good tips. Small mistakes are not into it, have been already mentioned above but are verzeibar because the tutorial is free and the professional is not entitled to the fore. The music I would generally waived!
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Hey Kai, I have times yet ne question to your other video on your website, on a self Teleprompters:
Why because when you run the script shown in the Tele Prompter s.TC 2:20 of the top down, rather than how it should be, of the bottom up? Do you have the recording of close to far away and then zoomed the video Create noticed that you have the recording of television after close and you need the clip that is inserted into the video backward? - But, but, rather Speakers Video ... ;-)
Antwort von Video-Redner:

@ Dennzus, Prince Regent, heffermann0, shodushitanaka, KrischanDO, Jogi:
Thank you for your comments and suggestions! That with the Music, I can well understand - synonymous and the other will I take to heart!
@ Debonnaire: Du bist der Hammer! Thanks for the detailed answer.
I give you score in all right - and when I had read a lot of smiling, so what you've found everything. Incidentally, I had the video with no "professional benefit". Otherwise I would not be synonymous to "OBI-Baustrahler shown - and not synonymous with the halogen of the diffuser film front (incidentally noted on a shelf is mounted ;-)) - and my Pansonic not synonymous." Rather, I wanted to show that something synonymous with "simple" to work - without being in a studio to run. And as I offer everything free, I have only one synonymous morning - and takeaway for all gifts.
Wg. the Tele Prompter: Wow - how closely you look. I think you belong to the 1% of people who noticed something ;-) Do you work, perhaps in the quality * grins *. And why did you still synonymous equal discovered! But I can live with something - the way, synonymous with the Verhasplern. In real life happens to me so synonymous times :-)
Antwort von Debonnaire:

* smile * @ Video Speakers
I'm not just in quality, but probably a incorrigible perfectionist! And of my people ask me the same claim s.die quality of their work. Well ...
And since I myself synonymous trained actor and presenter bin, reminds me of upsidedown-Distanzvorsager already on course.
Incidentally, thanks for the compliments! That pleased a naturally synonymous!
And, do not understand me wrong, I think your good and generous production that you know your next free give. That is the quality always more than just "good"! Weiter so! :-)