Frage von wolfgang53:
I stand just before the purchase of the Canon HG the 20th, as this recording is in HD, is my question:
What are the ready-cut movies stored?
At the recommendation of a friend I have the editing software "Magix Video Deluxe 15 Premium" gekauft.Kann you to edit videos well and without any losses on a medium jungle?
Burn the finished video, perhaps on a Blue-ray disc, or how your archived your videos?
Thank you very much!
Antwort von jazzy_d:

I only archive the original tape (and other source data) and the Project file from Schnittproggi. Since the HG20 is no tape has is the purchase of a NAS with RAID perhaps useful. Everything else is depending on the requirements are not permanent or safe enough. To play it may be a AVCHD DVD, Blu-ray or a media box like WD-TV or its Popcornhour.
Antwort von tommyb:

For very important matters, I turn the material into a RAR archive (without compression without Solid Compression), create also a recovery record (RAR function => +10% size) and it is at least two blank DVDs ( Verbatim) burnt at 4x speed.
Antwort von Clemensch:

Video files plus Project plus dealt video file to external Raidplatte. Record label and the safe! :-) CD's I would be too uncertain to scratch so easily and so.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

How cool is synonymous are MINI DV tapes - provide cheap money for a capacity of about 13GB
If kept in the safe hold forever.
B. DeKid
PS: Of course in order to avoid any kind of data to store, not just video ;-)
Antwort von wolfgang53:

Thank you for your opinions and suggestions!
Sorry but I must confess that I am not much of the vertanden have and therefore must ask again, I'm just yet to start and ask for leniency.
So what is "NAS with RAID?
If I use the video on an external hard drive would, how can I then watch the videos about a TV with HDMI watch?
And important:
You would not your videos to a Blue-ray disc burn?
Please tell me a little more precise with what I really need.
Do I need this here synonymous? USB -2-0-OTG-Bridge/dp/B000KBB7LA
Thank you very much!
Antwort von KrischanDO:

So what is "NAS with RAID?
Network Attached Storage with Redundant Array of Inexpensive (or Independent synonymous) discs.
So a box with a network connection and a little bit operating system, in which multiple hard disks running on the data in different ways ( "RADI-Level") repeatedly saved.
If any of the disks fails, the data obtained, one can record the running to replace (in theory).
For the long term preservation of data, RAID overestimated. If the RAID is stolen, burnt or absäuft, the data are gone.
If you accidently hit the delete RAID data, they are synonymous (more or less) away.
RAID helps to ensure the "Down Time" to get to zero, because in the event of a disk crash has not stopped working to recover the system.
For long-term archiving are better several external hard disks, on one round s.verschiedenen places and secures store.
Antwort von wolfgang53:

Hello Christian,
Thanks for the clarification!
Good, then we would have had now the question of archiving and clarified so I decide to external hard disks.
Wie gehts then next, I concur with my Canon HG 20 on USB s.meinen computer games s.and on the first video footage on this, cut it there and then I play the finished cut material on an external hard drive, right?
But how can I now the finished film on the television view, the film, I must not burn any medium, for example, Blue-ray, because of the quality or do I have there a mistake?
Antwort von KrischanDO:
Hello Christian,
Thanks for the clarification!
Good, then we would have had now the question of archiving and clarified so I decide to external hard disks.
Wie gehts then next, I concur with my Canon HG 20 on USB s.meinen computer games s.and on the first video footage on this, cut it there and then I play the finished cut material on an external hard drive, right?
Yes, correct. That's right: on the internal hard drive of the cutting machine and on two external disks, of which you have in another building lagerst.
But how can I now the finished film on the television view, the film, I must not burn any medium, for example, Blue-ray, because of the quality or do I have there a mistake?
Wolfgang No, no mistake. If you've rotated in HD and in HD look like, there must be a BlueRayDisk when SD was rotated on a DVD.
Thus I fight but even still. Because I always just for tinker's Web.
Antwort von jazzy_d:

Or one makes a AVCHD DVD (approx 20mins FullHD with 15-17 Mbit / s) or take a media-box, such as WD-TV or Popcornhour (ZyXEL is now synonymous something new).
But it was so synonymous to the Archive.
Wikipedia or google you should already know yet synonymous and can be operated.
Antwort von wolfgang53:

Oh good Christian, you are helping me a lot!
Perhaps I may still be some question Append.
1. Will my Canon HG 20 on USB of my computer (Vista x64) immediately recognized or do I need additional hardware or need any settings, see active or PC?
2. Do I have quality losses during cutting and subsequent burning to Blue-ray? Editing program is Magix Video Deluxe 15 Premium.
3. What Müter name of the Blue-ray disc have and how much video fits on a disc?
Antwort von kalle70:
How cool is synonymous are MINI DV tapes - provide cheap money for a capacity of about 13GB
If kept in the safe hold forever.
B. DeKid
PS: Of course in order to avoid any kind of data to store, not just video ;-) ? As you write data to a MiniDV tape?
Antwort von wolfgang53:

Hello jazzy_d,
thank you for your help!
But, I know Wikipedia and Google synonymous.
But what is wrong in engaging in a questions and answers provided account and forum for expert help to ask? A forum Is not there?
Especially for beginners, it is important to specific questions synonymous concrete Answers relating to get, I think, at least.
If my questions annoy you should, because they perhaps amateurish and too easy for you, please excuse me very much!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

? As you write data to a MiniDV tape? You must use a backup Softwear
Google came to Fire Streamer or mini DV Backup
If there are several PROGIS which can
Is basically like with (Data) DAT tapes (eg, streamers of HP)
Because DAT streamer but expensive in the acquisition are synonymous, and DAT tapes cost a lot, gabs halt several years ago as a Firewire standard has been people who came up with the idea of mini DV as a backup medium to use.
So I've DAT cassettes here 8 years ago described the work perfectly still, which I can of many CDs or DVDx not say, oh and I think of hard garnicht - ** things seem to go every now and somehow broke ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von jazzy_d:

Even more to the questions:
1. Should. Just connect and watch what happens.
2. Come on out to the workflow. If 7 times out and her and is converted to the final export things are done wrong, there is loss of quality.
3. There are 25GB and 50GB (dual layer) Blu-ray all the hot blank BD-R. Then there are the hot rewritable BD-RE.