Frage von Videofactory:
I have a SR 12 and wants to cut back on the video camera store, so I can show zBseinem Television.
Have there been some synonymous tested:
I have the finished video with the same settings rendered, as the camera records. If I have the video in the correct folder, the file name and adjust at the Camera Image choose repair, although it shows, that there is a difference between the videos and the database and this seemingly korigiert, but I can not then the video see.
Even if the video I just the name of an already existing files there, it does not work, because the cam then claimed that the file would no longer exist.
Someone knows how I should proceed?
Gruß, Alex.
Antwort von RickyMartini:

There is no way IMO, a Sonywith video feed!
At the SR12, I have even been several unsuccessful attempts. With the HF100, it only partially works.
WD TV and you do so that the clip again.