Frage von Flirt-Video-Filmer:
www.flirtoscar.deDer Hauptpreis ist ein Macbook Pro.
Gesucht wird ein Video relating to Verlieben, Flirten oder OnlineDating.
Einsendeschluß ist der 19. November 2007.
Die besten Videos werden of einer Jury vorausgewählt, die Gewinner dann per Online-Voting bestimmt.
Antwort von voxey:

"The video is participating outside of the flirtation Oscar-video competition on publicly accessible MyVideo not stored or exhibited. By participating you agree that the exclusive right FriendScout24 for the submission of video material."
Does that eingreichte the film "belongs" to me no more, or may no longer be another film festival?
Antwort von Flirt-Video-Filmer:

Are you doing the movie of course, remain. The copyrights are held by Dir
However, the film you can not simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere.
If your film is selected for the voting and the competition is finished you could submit it possibly elsewhere. That is now not so implicit in it, I think, however, that nothing precludes. I will still check this and post the answer here.
Antwort von voxey:

thanks for the reply!
I have exactly namely a film on the subject, but I have to run some film festivals and have even synonymous next year einreicehn wishes!