Frage von Steffi80:
I have with video deluxe 2005/2006 creates an mpg file and have subsequently cut off the end. How do I save the file from so that the change directly in the. Mpg file is saved? If I save it is always stored and processed in the collection. Mpg file is changed anything. Please help me next!
Greetings, Steffi
Antwort von vespie:

Attempt to export it over time "instead of" save ".
Then you have mpg on the hard drive a new (reduced)-film.
(Have the Magix program is not here, so I can give no better description of the export function).
Antwort von A380:

Hello from Bremen,
..... basic s.VDL:
It DOES NOT change the source material! In the MVD File and actions are governed only pointers that indicate what was done with the source material. Have you cut something so versehendlich and then deleted the part that you can use it simply by pulling the marker restored.
Your source material is not changed! You need to export the area also.
mfg A380