Frage von gunman:
Can someone please tell me what is an e-version of Video Deluxe?
Is this a downloaded version of the network or what.
I have video deluxe 15 premium purchased at Amazon. I find nowhere if the version is an e ... info do I need to download the latest patches.
Thanks for an answer.
Antwort von gunman:

I'm a little disappointed by the Forum. Had hoped for but this simple question to get an answer ...
Nevertheless, I will continue here.
Antwort von Webspider:

Na, na,
An e-version Magix is a downloadable version.
I hope that your question is answered thus.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... I'm a little disappointed by the Forum. Had hoped for but this simple question to get an answer ... Probably the question was just too simple ;-) Many people will probably wonder why he should give an answer when they but the questioner actually quite easy and fast themselves to the homepage of the manufacturer could be beaten? But that's drum, here you will find the official info on e-version ":
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von gunman:
... I'm a little disappointed by the Forum. Had hoped for but this simple question to get an answer ...
Probably the question was just too simple ;-) Many people will probably wonder why he should give an answer when they but the questioner actually quite easy and fast themselves to the homepage of the manufacturer could be beaten? But that's drum, here you will find the official info on e-version ":
Gruß Bernd E. Hello,
First of all thank you for the answers. Maybe I have bad angelgt, but I have it on its home page is not found, otherwise I would not have asked in the forum.
Well, End gut, alles gut.